变成狼人的条件:被野狼咬(不要分开念!)或在夜晚被其他狼人袭击感染. 感染的玩家每个夜晚都会变成狼人 , 在露天空旷的地方被感染的玩家会变成狼人. 如果玩家不在野外(室内或地下矿坑)则不会变身. (PS:默认只有满月时变身)
- 变成狼人时,玩家皮肤会变成狼人 (仅对其他玩家可见)
- 变成狼人时, 玩家在玩家列表和聊天框里只显示为 "Werewolf" (增加神秘色彩)(←神秘个鬼啊!)
- 变成狼人时, 狼人所说的话对其他普通玩家来说只是一些看不懂的东西
- 在空旷的野外,满月时分自动变成狼人
- 在凌晨时分自动变回人类.
- 狼人只吃肉!
- 狼人通过杀怪获得生命值(Hunting)
- 狼人有空手高伤害
- 移动更快
- 跳得更高
- 夜视效果更好
- 狼人不能穿戴护甲装备, 但是有很高的自然防御!
- 狼人能嚎叫通过指令 /growl
- 狼人能嚎叫通过指令 /howl
- 吸血鬼 不能被狼人感染 (←还有联动插件??)
- 当狼人被干掉,会以普通玩家的形式重生.
- “银制” (MC里是金质) 武器会对狼人造成很大的伤害
- 可以操控野生狼!
治愈感染狼人的办法: A Dead Bush.(枯木 物品ID:32)最新版是通过使用特定的药水来治愈
刚才大概看了下吸血鬼插件,跟这插件配合使用似乎确实有不错的效果。有兴趣的可以戳这里 了解一下(E文慎入)
联盟名称 | 外观 | 技能 |
The Silvermanes | 灰狼 | 速度 2, 伤害 3 |
The Bloodmoons | 黑狼 | 速度 2, 恢复 3 |
The Witherfangs | Comic Wolf | 速度 4, 跳跃 4 |
The three werewolf clans get points for hunting other creatures while in Werewolf form.
Slaying werewolves from another clan and especially the another clan's alpha earns bonus points for the clan.
Periodically, the total score of each clan is calculated and the leading clan is announced.
Clan Alpha
The Clan alpha is the natural leader of the clan.
The Clan alpha is selected as the most "senior" of the werewolves in the clan, when the clan has lost its old Alpha.
Ways of losing the alpha are:
- The alpha werewolf was slain by another clan member
- The alpha werewolf has not transformed for some days and is therefore auto-cured (See the auto-cure setting)
- The alpha werewolf has cured himself by drinking the cure potion
- /howl ability has a stunning effect on all living creatures nearby
- Double amount of damage
- Half the amound of damage taken
Werewolf Maturity
As a werewolf, you gradually matures and gains more control over your condition depending on how many full moon transformations you have experienced:
Number of tranformations | Maturity |
3 | You no longer drop clothes and items when transforming |
5 | You can now transform at will with the /werewolf transform command |
10 | Gold items no longer causes extra damage on you |
玩家通过 /werewolf bounty 查看当前猎杀奖金。通过 /werewolf addbounty <数量> 增加赏金。玩家可使用 /werewolf hunt.进入“狼人猎杀模式”。这可以通过指南针更容易发现附近的狼人.玩家可在输入一遍 /werewolf hunt 关闭该模式.狼人猎杀奖励会赏给第一个杀掉狼人的玩家。 玩家可输入 /werewolf top 查看 top 10 狼人猎人
注意: 这需要安装 Vault .
默认治愈物品 DEAD_BUSH (ID 32) 可以通过更改配置文件改变治愈物品.
A Werewolf player can drink the Werewolf cure potion to cure himself from being a Werewolf.Note that the player can only drink the cure while in HUMAN form. (Werewolves paws do not play well with bottles).
Selling potions using signs
Admins or players with the correct permission nodes can place signs for selling Werewolf infection potions and Werewolf cure potions.
Players can use these signs by simply click the sign to get a potion.
把 Werewolf.jar 丢入 /plugins 下,然后准备玩吧!
- 自然途径: 晚上被狼咬有几率被感染
- 人为途径: 使用 /werewolfinfect <玩家> 来指定被感染玩家
指令 | 描述 |
werewolf | 查看基本信息 |
werewolf check <playername> | 检查该玩家是否狼人 |
werewolf bounty | 查看当前赏金 |
werewolf addbounty <amount> | 增加赏金 |
werewolf hunt | 切换狼人猎杀模式 |
werewolf top | 查看top 10猎人 |
werewolf infect | 感染你自己 |
werewolf infect <playername> | 感染其他人 |
werewolf toggle | 切换自己的狼人状态 |
werewolf toggle <playername> | 切换别人的狼人状态 |
werewolf reload | 重载配置 |
werewolf transform | Transforms instantly into werewolf form |
werewolf untransform | Transforms back into human form |
werewolf clan | View the clan status |
werewolf potion | Spawns 1 Werewolf infection potion |
- werewolf.* - 所有该插件的权限
- werewolf.growl - 玩家在狼人状态下可嚎叫
- werewolf.howl - 玩家在狼人状态下可嚎叫
- werewolf.infect - 感染其他玩家(见以上指令)
- werewolf.infectself - 感染你自己(见以上指令)
- werewolf.togglewerewolf - 切换别人的狼人状态(见以上指令)
- werewolf.togglewerewolfself - 切换自己的狼人状态(见以上指令)
- werewolf.infectother - 玩家能通过攻击感染其他玩家
- werewolf.becomeinfected - 玩家能被感染
- werewolf.bounty - 玩家可见当前赏金
- werewolf.addbounty - 玩家可增加当前赏金
- werewolf.top - 玩家可查看top 10
- werewolf.hunt - 玩家可自行切换猎杀模式(见以上指令)
- werewolf.cure - 玩家能通过制定物品治愈自己
- werewolf.listener - 玩家能看懂狼人语言(...
- werewolf.seer - 玩家能看到狼人玩家的原始皮肤
- werewolf.check - 可检查玩家是否被感染(见以上指令)
- werewolf.potion.infection.create - Player can create a Werewolf infection potion
- werewolf.potion.infection.drink - Player can drink a Werewolf infection potion
- werewolf.potion.cure.create - Player can create a Werewolf cure potion
- werewolf.potion.cure.drink - Player can drink a Werewolf cure potion
- werewolf.sign.infection.place - Player can place a sign selling infection potions
- werewolf.sign.cure.place - Player can place a sign selling cure potions
- werewolf.sign.infection.use - Player can use a sign selling infection potions
- werewolf.sign.cure.use - Player can use a sig selling cure potions
描述 | 默认值 | |
Modifiers.Wolf.HandDamage | 狼人空手伤害值 | 8 |
Modifiers.Wolf.ItemDamage | 手拿物品时的伤害值 | 3 |
Infection.Risk | 被其他狼人感染几率 | 0.75 |
Infection.CureChance | 被治愈的几率 | 0.50 |
Infection.CureItem | 治愈物品 | DEAD_BUSH |
Modifiers.ArmorMultiplier | The amount of damage that a Werewolf takes compared to a normal player | 0.8 |
Night.Start | 开始变身的时候 | 13000 |
Night.End | 变回人类的时刻 | 23000 |
WerewolfGroup.Enable | 当玩家变成狼人时, 将玩家置于一个权限组 | false |
WerewolfGroup.Name | 当玩家变成狼人时. 玩家会被置于该权限组内,变回人类后再变回原来的权限组 | "Werewolf" |
AllowedWorlds | 允许存在狼人的世界 | <Name of the servers main world> |
Settings.AutoBounty | 服务器自动增加奖励额度 | true |
Settings.ServerName | 服务器名 | Your Server |
Settings.DropArmorOnTransform | 变身时自动将装备扔到地上 | true |
Settings.OnlyTransformDuringFullMoon | 如果设置为 false, 玩家每个夜晚都会变身,不仅仅是满月 | true |
Settings.WolfChat | 狼人聊天时用自己的Werewolf 语言 | true |
Settings.CureWerewolfWhenSlain | Werewolves are cured when slain | false |
Trophies.Enabled | Slaying a werewolf with a sword will drop the head of the werewolf | true |
Pounce.Enabled | Whether a werewolf will pounce instead of normal jumping | false |
Pounce.PlaneSpeed | The horisontal speed of a werewolf pounce | 2.25 |
Pounce.HeightSpeed | The vertical speed of a werewolf pounce | 1.10 |
Maturity.NoDropItems | Number of transforms for not dropping clothes on transform | 4 |
Maturity.FullMoonImmunity | Number of transforms for immunity to full moons | 6 |
Maturity.ControlledTransformation | Number of transforms for controlled transformation | 8 |
Maturity.GoldImmunity | Number of transforms for gold immunity | 10 |
Clans.Enabled | Whether werewolf clans are enabled | true |
Signs.Enabled | Whether werwolf potion signs are enabled | false |
Signs.InfectionPrice | The price for buying a infection potion use a sign (when Vault is installed) | 1000 |
Signs.CurePrice | The price for buying a cure potion use a sign (when Vault is installed) | 500 |
- Config setting for rewarding items as bounty instead of money
- Config setting for bounty payouts
- Chat formatting in config
- Crafting recipe for silver swords
- Crafting recipe for werewolf infection potion
- Crafting recipe for werewolf cure potion
- Werewolf generations (Alpha, Beta)
- Werewolf names
0.6.2 for 164
0.6.1 for 162