1. 参赛的机器翻译共同对一篇博文进行翻译。
2. 我们(指卡狗一个人)从这些翻译里面挑出最好的一个结果,作为译文。
3. 不可避免,有一些语句会有翻译结果相同的现象。此时我们就选取这个句子前后文的最佳翻译者。
4. 不可避免,有一些语句会有翻译结果全都拉胯的现象。此时我们选取观感最佳的一个。
deepl.com Deepl
translate.google.cn 谷歌翻译
fanyi.youdao.com 有道翻译
fanyi.baidu.com 百度翻译
bing.com/Translator 必应翻译
DEEP DIVESAround the Block: Swamp
Witch biome is this?
Ahhh the swamp. The murky, misty, fetid, sodden, swamp. One of my favourite biomes, honestly – it’s relatively safe, full of useful resources, and really quite beautiful when it comes down to it. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
(点评:Deepl 在排比词汇的统一性上效果不错,百度在 when it comes down to it 这里处理得暂且比较合适,所有参赛选手在 get ahead of ourselves 这个词组上都没有处理得很好。)
Swamps were added to Minecraft in the Halloween Update in October 2010, which added a new terrain generator that included biomes for the first time. The original lineup of biomes included rainforest, seasonal forest, forest, shrubland, taiga, tundra, savanna, plains, desert, frozen desert, and – our biome of the week – the swamp.
(点评:不少参赛选手把【lineup - 阵容】翻译了出来,但是这里扔掉这个词个人认为更通顺些。还有不少选手按字面写法,将 taiga 翻译为了泰加,而泰加是针叶林的一种。我们这里就以目前游戏通用的翻译作为最佳结果好了。)
They were revamped again in the Adventure Update, which added fancy oak trees covered in vines, then they got lily pads, then swamp huts, then slimes, then dead bushes, then fossils, then Drowned. Today they’re packed with goodies to find and collect!
(点评:游戏的专有名词 slime 和 Drowned 没有翻译出来,不怪各位参赛选手。百度把"枯死"的意象表达了出来,这是不错的。)
You’ll know a swamp when you see one. They’re pretty flat – with green-grey lakes covering much of the area, and clay covering their bottoms. Oak trees dot the landscape, there are mushrooms to gather, and in Bedrock Edition you might even see the occasional huge mushroom.
(点评:第一句 deepl 吊打其它各路选手,Oak trees dot the landscape 不少选手翻译成"橡树点缀着风景",虽然译出了 landscape,但是显然不如"点缀其间"来得自然。奇怪的是很多选手没有把 occasional 的语序处理正确。)
Survival in a swamp is actually pretty straightforward. First, you’ll want to establish a small area of clear, flat ground, and build a house (or consider making one on stilts). The marshy ground makes approaching mobs travel a lot slower than they otherwise might, giving you a lot of time to pepper them with arrows.
在沼泽地生存其实是很简单的。首先,你要建立一小块空旷的平地,并盖一栋房屋(或考虑在高跷上建造房屋)。沼泽的地面使得接近的生物比其他情况下移动得慢很多,使你有很多时间用箭来攻击他们。(点评:只有 deepl 正确地把 clear 处理成空旷,而不是干净。没有一个选手正确地将 stilts 翻为(水上住宅的)桩柱。很多选手踩到了暴徒坑。)
Once you’re established, you’ll find plenty of usual and unusual plants to harvest in the swamp. Vines are everywhere, there’s plentiful wood and water, blue orchids grow in the grass, and seagrass grows on the bottom of the lakes while lily pads grow on the surface and sugarcane grows on the shore.
Herds of sheep, pigs, chickens, and cows are easy to find, wandering between the trees and water. At night, you’ll find the usual range of spiders, zombies, skeletons, creepers, and endermen. But depending on the Moon phase you’ll also find slimes – swamps are the only place in the game where they can be reliably found. So that’s pretty special.
很容易找到成群的绵羊、猪、鸡和牛,它们在树木和水之间徘徊。晚上,你会发现常见的蜘蛛、僵尸、骷髅、爬行者和末影人。但是根据月相的不同,您还会发现史莱姆--沼泽是游戏中唯一可以可靠地找到它们的地方。所以这是很特别的。(点评:第一句的"很容易找到"有两个放置的位置,在动物前省掉了主语,在动物后面又缺被动,机翻没能灵活地进行补足,我们这里就采用了 deepl 的处理方式。在游戏生造词上,deepl 翻译出了爬行者,而有道成功地翻译出了末影人。这一次 deepl 和谷歌竟然都翻译出了史莱姆。)
That’s not all that’s special about swamps. As you roam through them, you might come across a swamp hut – where a witch lives with her cat. Other witches will occasionally show up around these structures too – so if you’re looking to farm their drops, they’re a good place to hang out. Also, while digging underground, you might find a fossil of a huge, ancient beast. Who knows when these titans roamed the surface?
(点评:本段前面部分有道远超其它选手。而 farm 这个游戏术语难倒不少选手。有两位选手把 drop 处理成了药水,可谓歪打正着:drop 可以指眼药水之类的药水,并不是他们看出来女巫会掉落 potion 并直接翻译出来。)
In the real world, swamps are a type of wetland – and wetlands are one of the most important and biologically diverse of all ecosystems on Earth. They occur naturally on every continent except Antarctica, and do a huge number of useful things.
(点评: one of the most important and biologically diverse of all ecosystems 这个句子很长,只有百度翻译得对且效果最好。)
Ever wondered what the difference is between a swamp and a marsh? Me too! So I looked it up, and it turns out that it’s all about the plants – marshes consist mostly of semi-submerged soft-stem vegetation, while swamps consist of woody shrubs, bushes, and trees.
(点评:邓肯哥把句首的 Have you ever... 省掉了 have you,导致所有选手都没有使用"你是否曾"这个翻译方式。而中文里不常做出swamp和marsh这样的区分,所以大家都一致地把两个词都翻译为了沼泽。这也是没有办法呢……)
Historically, humans have considered swamps to be rather undesirable. Partly because you can’t grow very much food in them, and partly because of diseases that are spread by insects living in them. As a result, vast areas of wetland around the world have been drained of their water, filled in, and turned into fields and real estate. Europe has probably lost about half of its original wetland in this way. New Zealand has lost 90%.
(点评:第一句选手们都翻得略为生硬,只能靠这样缝合取一个比较好的结果。in this way 很多选手采用的翻译是【通过这种方式】,并夹在长句中。个人更看好百度的这种处理方式。)
We now know, unfortunately, that draining these wetlands was a really terrible idea. Swamps and marshes do a huge number of useful things – purifying water, preventing flooding, storing carbon, stabilizing shorelines, and supporting untold numbers of plants and animals. As a result, many remaining wetlands are now protected and some are being restored.
(点评:这里沼泽的各项功能大家都翻译得大差不差,然而只有谷歌一个把 storing carbon 错误翻译成了积碳,我们照顾一下必应选手,把这个结果算在它头上。其它选手都把 some are being restored 处理成【一些正在恢复】,但是最好的处理应该是【有的...】。这里只有必应选手把 some 给显式地翻译为【有些湿地】,这也是一种好的方法,表扬一下。)
So while you might be tempted to fill in all the lakes and cut down all the trees next time you’re struggling through a swamp in Minecraft, know that it’s probably best to just let nature do its thing and work with it – not against it.
谷歌翻译:老熟人了,平均翻译质量也是中游偏上,但是缺少 deepl 的那种令人眼前一亮的翻译处理。
必应翻译:属于我也能翻好的大家都能翻译,大家都能翻译的我做得不怎么样,大家没辙的我直接裂开……唯一可以称赞的可能就是破折号用得对,不像 deepl 和谷歌那样拿横杆了事……但是必应的词典做得还是很好的,只是长段翻译上还差火候。
总的来说,deepl 和谷歌这样的机器翻译已经证明了它们确实有一定的实力,但是机翻的结果仅供参考,一定要先有自己的想法,再去对比与机翻的优劣,而不是直接想着如何在机翻的基础上做修补——毕竟本来结构就不对的翻译结果再怎么改都不会好到哪里去的。