- 简单地关住那些不能逃脱的在一个定义区域里的囚犯
- 而且,囚犯在监狱里不能使用命令,是禁言状态。命令可以被允许。
- 囚犯的命令请求会检查他们的入狱原因和剩余的监禁时间。
- 监狱列表会被储存在flat文件里。
- 在线和不在线的玩家都可以监禁。(自动完成支持在线玩家)
- 监狱可以在任何世界里
- 监禁时间和原因必须在囚犯上传他们的请求后更改。
- 囚犯必须在线上传他们的请求。
- 阻挡在监狱里的玩家掉落或捡起物品。
- 比类似的监狱插件体积更小。
- /jail <player> <time> <reason> : 带着指定时间和原因监禁玩家
- /unjail <player> : 释放囚犯
- /jailhelp : 显示所有监禁命令
- /jailreload : 重载插件配置
- /jailmute <player>: 禁言囚犯
- /jailset : 设立监狱区域的支点
- /jailset cancel : 撤销最近的监狱界限设置.
- /jailcheck <player> : 检查囚犯的入狱原因和剩余监禁时间.
- /jailstatus : 查看你私有的监狱状况、原因和时间
- /jailtime <player> <time> : 更改一个玩家的剩余监禁时间
- /jailreason <player> <reason> : 更改一个玩家的入狱原因
swornjail.admin : 所有命令
- swornjail.reload :允许用/jailreload.
- swornjail.jailset :允许用/jailset.
- swornjail.moderator
- swornjail.jail :允许/jail and /unjail.
- swornjail.jailcheck :/jailcheck.
- swornjail.modify.time :/jailtime
- swornjail.modify.reason :/jailreason
- swornjail.mute :/jailmute.
- swornjail.default 默认命令
- swornjail.jailstatus : /jailstatus.
允许命令是可以达到的。在监狱里的玩家可以用在监狱命令白名单上的命令.你可以添加命令到配置文件中的'whitelisted-commands' 部分. 这是个简单的例子:
whitelisted-commands:- Heal这就允许了监狱里的玩家可以治疗自己!
- Recompile for 1.4.2 dev builds
- Added some debugging lines that can be enabled in config.
- AFK players should no longer have their time count down if set not to in the config.
- Added configurable option for how often jail saves.
- Removed permission for /jailhelp.
- Fixed bug where players who have been unjailed will stay in jail after /jailreload or server restarts.
- Completely rewrote plugin backend... again :D due to too many problems with last build.
- Changed how jail is saved and loaded, split the jail part of the config file into its own file. Added compatibility for loading older configs and inmate lists into this new version.
- Added lang file to modify the message for every jail-related message in game.
- Jailreload command is back!
- Added config options for block protection, and whether inmates can pickup or drop items.
- Lots of bugfixes