工具和材料(Tools and Materials)
齿轮(Gears) 木制齿轮(Wooden Gear) 木制齿轮是由木棍制造而成的材料。主要用于制作红石引擎等建筑MOD设备。 圆石齿轮(Cobblestone Gear) 圆石齿轮是由木制齿轮与圆石升级而成的材料。主要用于制作蒸汽引擎等建筑MOD设备。 铁质齿轮(Iron Gear) 铁质齿轮是由石制齿轮与铁锭升级而成的材料。主要用于制作石油引擎等建筑MOD设备。 金质齿轮(Golden Gear) 金制齿轮是由铁制齿轮与金锭升级而成的材料。主要用于制作填充机等建筑MOD设备。 钻石齿轮(Diamond Gear) 钻石齿轮是由金制齿轮与钻石升级而成的材料。主要用于制作采石场、建造机等建筑MOD设备。 齿轮是很多BC机械合成的必备品,基础的齿轮是用4个木棍做成的。然后依次升级到圆石齿轮、铁质齿轮、金质齿轮、钻石齿轮。制作钻石齿轮一共要消耗4个木棍,4个圆石,四个铁锭,四个金锭,四个钻石。造价相对昂贵。 扳手(Wrench) 扳手可以改变BC机器/木管输入输出端/引擎的朝向。 这个物品还可以改变箱子、熔炉、台阶和其他可旋转方块的朝向。 管道密封材料(Sealant) 管道密封材料是必须的,以提供管道来传输液体的能力。制作密封材料需要仙人掌绿。
物品管道(Item pipes)传输(Transport): 圆石传输管道(Cobblestone Transport Pipe) 圆石管道是最常见的一种管道。因为只需要2个圆石和1个玻璃便可以制作出8个,造价也相对比较便宜。 这个管道唯一的特性是:不能与石头管道相连接。除此之外,它可以和其他管道进行连接。 可以把物品放入存储器,接收来自机械的物品。如果一条圆石管道连接了多个不同方向的管道,将会随机进入一条管道。 石头传输管道(Stone Transport Pipe) 石头管道非常接近于圆石管道。除了合成方式不同以外,它们只有两点不同。 第一石头管道不能连接到圆石管道,可以制作出更复杂的单向管道组,如图所示。 它比圆石管道做的更好。因为它可以长时间保持物体的传输速度。 大多数管道进入的物体在到达终点时速度减慢了10mbpc,而它只会减慢5mbpc。 使在更长的距离上保持一定的速度。 (石头和圆石管道组) 石英传输管道(Quartz Transport Pipe) 石英管道类似于圆石和石头管道。不同的是它不能与它们相连接。 而且可以保持在两倍石头管道的速度。 (圆石、石头、石英管道) 沙石传输管道(Sandstone Transport Pipe) 沙石管道可以连接任意的管道。但是不能连接其他的方块,比如容器。 这可以做出更紧密的管道组。 (沙石管道不能与容器连接) 关于合成配方,可以用其他种类的沙石替换。 金质传输管道(Golden Transport Pipe) 金质管道可以使物品速度乘4,最高可达200bpc。穿越管道后里面的物品速度将减慢10bpc,除了石头管道,它只会减慢5bpc。 假如你需要一个可以快速传输的管道系统,这将会是非常有用的。 输入/输出(Input/Output): 木制传输管道(Wooden Transport Pipe) |
1.11.2 #7.99.6 BuildCraft 7.99.5 for Minecraft 1.11.2 has been released! This fixes a lot of bugs, and allows for refining oil into all of the different fuels! Don't void residue just yet though, it will have uses in the future. HOTFIX 7.99.6: Fixes missing recipes for kinesis pipes Improvements:
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed in 7.99.6:
1.7.10 #7.1.21 * [#3503] Auto Workbench dupe bug (asie)* [#3500] Rare division by zero error on world load (asie)* [#3498] Refinery deletes insufficient input fluids for non-standard refinery recipes (asie)* [#3496] Crafting Table IV rendering crash (asie)* [#3307] Auto Workbench not reacting to item insertion correctly in all cases (asie) #6.1.2 Additions: [#2007, #2015, #2016, #2018, #2019, #2022] Redstone Flux conversion across the entire mod (asie, SpaceToad, AEnterprise, magik6k, Kubuxu) Mods using the BuildCraft 5 MJ API (such as RailCraft and below) are still supported! This also fixes the severe energy bugs caused when using non-BC MJ engines (Forestry’s, RailCraft’s). [#2007] Add Emerald Power Pipes [asie] [#2024] add event to detect and prevent the placement of robots (AEnterprise) [#2014] create events for external research (AEnterprise) [#2011] Quartz Fluid Pipe and Flow Rate Multiplier (RufusStark) [#2001] Rewrite fuel/coolant api for iron engine (Prototik) [#1999] Implement a “list” item (SpaceToad) [#1971] Adjust speed of builder / filler (SpaceToad) [#1544] Composite Blueprints (SpaceToad) new pipe sealant texture (AEnterprise) assembly/refinery recipe removal IMC message support (asie) Bugfixes: [#2042] cannot craft facades in multiplayer (asie) [#2037] Incorrect oil generation code (smariot) [#2034] Buildcraft 6.1 PipeTransportItems.getPossibleMovements error (asie) [#2027] idle lasers using a lot of CPU time (asie) [#2026] Set toolClass of ItemWrench to “wrench” (ShetiPhian) [#2025] few fixes for the eureka system to work (AEnterprise) [#2023] fix game crashing when placing robot without a redstone board installed (AEnterprise) [#2020] fix progressbar in the lasertables (AEnterprise) [#2017] fixes for construction marker (AEnterprise) [#1988] Fixed a crash on dedicated servers with EnumColor (darkevilmac) [#1985] Implement fluid-interacting robots (fluids transporter and pump) (SpaceToad) [#1941] Frames pumped out of a quarry (SpaceToad) [#1896] Redstone engine tweaks (SpaceToad) [#1895] Gates extensions not passed to client (SpaceToad) fixed NPE in WorldProperty (marcin212) miscellanous localization/spelling fixes (asie) #6.0.18 #1982 remove landmark’s levitation. [Prototik] #1979 fixed crashes with third party mods and facades [tterrag1098] #1969 fix builder/filler not rendering if player is too far away [ganymedes01] #1967 fixed US grammar [61352151511] #1961 fixed US grammar [61352151511] #6.1.1(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -Improve robot functional animations [SpaceToad] -Add delivery robot [SpaceToad] -Add crafting robot [SpaceToad] -Updated logging to log4j2 [Parker8283] #6.1.0(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -crash when placing a blueprint on the construction maker [ninehous] -more accurate aiming of the lasers [AEnterprise] -interface to select area from map [SpaceToad] -redesigned texture state system [Itaros] -add support for giving items a color when calling injectItem [simon816] -schematic for pipe miss support for sided gates [SpaceToad] -update BC to MC 1.7.10 [adudney] -“Bucher” Robot should be called “Butcher” [SpaceToad] -implement robot butcher [SpaceToad] -implement robot shovelman [SpaceToad] -implement a harvester robot [SpaceToad] -implement robot lifecyle [SpaceToad] -fixed Unix builds [Prototik] -implement a miner robot [SpaceToad] -implement a bomber robot [SpaceToad] -implement a knight robot [SpaceToad] -fix ghost facades from pre-6.0.x worlds [tambry] -implement a builder robot [SpaceToad] -implement a carrier robot [SpaceToad] -fix triggers with parameters [SpaceToad] -implement closing pipe action [SpaceToad] -Split implementation of “energy requested” trigger [SpaceToad] -improve style with generic parametrization [tambry] -support for multiple gates per pipe [Prototik] -use ItemStack sensitive version of hasContainerItem() [tambry] -code cleanup [tambry] -implement a special paper to record a location + side [SpaceToad] -implement a emerald gate [SpaceToad] -update to new version of Forge [tambry] -implement a robot control station [SpaceToad] -implement a robot cutting leaves [SpaceToad] -implement a planter robot [SpaceToad] -improve robots performance and safety [SpaceToad] -implement lumberjack robot [SpaceToad] -implement robot station mutual exclusion [SpaceToad] -Implement robot energy requirements [SpaceToad] -fix builder fluid support [Prototik] -fix transparent facade item texture [Prototik] -make Builder support fluids via containers/pipes [Prototik] -cleanup in recipe code enhancement [SpaceToad] -fixed oil and fuel opacity [tambry] -add advanced integration recipe [Prototik] -INBT serializable for @NetworkData [Prototik] -next impovements of MjAPI [Prototik] -implement a first test framework [SpaceToad] -fix in EntityRobotPicker [viliml] -further enhancements to energy system [Prototik] -add support for transparent facades [Prototik] -really advanced phased facades [Prototik] -minor graphical problems with half activated gates [SpaceToad] -migrate engines / wooden kinesis pipe to new MjAPI [Prototik] -fixes wire flicker when changing redstone output of gates [Humungus] -implement robots [SpaceToad] #6.0.17 -finished port to 1.7.10 [adudney] -fixed laser data not existing in some cases [tambry] -fixed ghost facades from pre-6.0.x worlds [tambry] -prevent a possible crash when rendering a marker [tambry] -parameterization and cleanup! [tambry] -Replace .getAABBPool() and .getWorldVec3Pool() for 1.7.10 compatibility [tambry] -made sure Version IMC message is also sent after init phase enhancement [Dynious] -added Version Checker integration and fixed changelog grabbing feature [Dynious] -fix Floodgates [da3dsous] 1.7.2 #6.0.16 - massive packet leakage [SpaceToad] - inconsistent pipe connection bans [SandGrainOne] - fix tile marker crash [Prototik] - fix pump crash [Prototik] - energy converter crash [Prototik] - take into account blueprints with no ids [SpaceToad] - fix canFill/canDrain in tanks [Prototik] - Fix possible NPE in FacadeItemRenderer [Prototik] #6.0.15(BETA) -fixed power distribution [SpaceToad] -fixed wooden engines not powering pipes [SpaceToad] #6.0.14(BETA) -wooden pipes should be able to interract again with older power machines [SpaceToad] -possible issues with Facades [Prototik] -fix potential NPE in AssemblyTable [Prototik] -fix potential NPE in blueprints bug-minor [Prototik] -fixed minor crashes with blueprints [SpaceToad] -errors when removing blueprint too early from library [SpaceToad] -problems with the blueprint deployer [SpaceToad] - make Converter block works with pipes [Prototik] -“Phased” Facades localization [dmillerw] -fixed various power transmission issues [SpaceToad] #6.0.13(BETA) -fix drain method causing dupe glitches [M3gaFr3ak] -glass should be considered standalone block [SpaceToad] -remove unnecessary extends for ISidedBatteryProvider [Prototik] -refinery doesn’t get emptied in blueprints [SpaceToad] -blueprints don’t remove liquid from pumps [SpaceToad] -quarries should not remove bedrock [SpaceToad] -migrate to Forge’s fake player management [SpaceToad] #6.0.12(BETA) -improve consistency of schematic API naming [SpaceToad] -fix crashes when using reflexion with pipes [undergroundminer3] -fix NPE in Box.extendToEncompass [SpaceToad] -fix tile marker crashes [SpaceToad] -support for IO modes in MjAPI enhancement [Prototik] -fix possible crash while scrolling through facades [SpaceToad] -improve blueprint behavior when blocks are missing [SpaceToad] -enhance default behavior of id translation [SpaceToad] #6.0.11(BETA) -fixed engines orientation when building [SpaceToad] -minor tweaks in schematic containing liquid [SpaceToad] -add kind selection to the MJ Api providers [Prototik] -add fallback facade loading for support migration from 5.0.x [Prototik] -add support for sided batteries in MJ API [Prototik] -fix partial state info glitches in AND gates bug-minor [Prototik] -fix stacking of blueprints [Prototik] -extract battery interface into IBatteryObject enhancement [Prototik] -added possibility of implementing different energy kinds [SpaceToad] -white-listed blocks for Applied Energetics enhancement [SpaceToad] -add configuration to allow to remove certain block recipes [SpaceToad] -draw half of indicator for AND gates when not all triggers active [Prototik] -fixed inventories in BuildCraft schematics [SpaceToad] -fix comparator requirements for builder [Prototik] -fix energy load and save in builders [Prototik] -update MJ API doc and improve implementation [Prototik] -fix server crash while drop items in stripes pipe [Prototik] -disable/enable page buttons in blueprint library enhancement [tambry] -fix GuiBlueprintLibrary.java style error [ninehous] -fix redstone lamp deleted by builder [SpaceToad] -enable/disable delete button in library [tambry] -fix blueprints not being uploaded when shift-clicked [tambry] -removed handling of custom items in TravelingItem [SpaceToad] -removed tallgrass recording in blueprints [SpaceToad] -implement On/Off actions for all tables enhancement [Prototik] -using XDG for retrieving downloads dir on Linux/Mac [Prototik] -dont’ break other mods’ gui s when holding a pipe [undergroundminer3] -quarry arm sides using wrong textures [SpaceToad] #6.0.10(BETA) -fix server crash when dropping objects [SpaceToad] -allow architect GUI textbox to receive repetitive keys [tambry] -focus textfield when opening architect GUI [tambry] -make some blueprint library slots output slots enhancement [tambry] -temporary re-install old architect graphics [SpaceToad] -added library blueprint folders and allow configuration [SpaceToad] -change visibility for the things in TravelingItem [Prototik] -localize update messages [Prototik] -use regular textbox for architect and more flexible naming [SpaceToad] -architect doesn’t store any air blocks [SpaceToad] -fix average power consumption computation [Prototik] -fix library eating stacked blueprints [SpaceToad] -reactivating version check messages [SpaceToad] -architect output is not writable anymore [tambry] (-ignore some Eclipse preferences [tambry]) (-fixed a typo [tambry]) -fixed crash when building a blueprint with missing blocks [SpaceToad] -fixed starting position for builder [SpaceToad] -inconsistent pipe connection bans [SandGrainOne] #6.0.9(BETA) -make blocking gate triggers by plugs enhancement [Prototik] -make all blank blueprints and templates stack to 16 enhancement [tambry] -fix rendering of blueprints and templates in player hands [tambry] -fixed laser dot created when placing a laser [tambry] -improved code style checker [jk-5] -fix for the blueprint deployer [AEnterprise] -improved auto style checks with travis [jk-5] -implemented convertors between the old and new energy APIs [Prototik] -fixed pumps [Prototik] -itegrated auto style checks with travis [Prototik] -enable style check in gradle [Prototik] -improved gradle build when no localisation installed [anti344] -architect options are now localized [SpaceToad] #6.0.8(BETA) -fix facade saving in worlds [SpaceToad] -reorganization of creative tabs [Prototik] -support splash potion and other objects in stripe pipes [SpaceToad] -added a blueprint expander for modders in the API [SpaceToad] -fix direction for dropped items bug-minor [Prototik] -fix errors when recording grass in blueprints [SpaceToad] -fix location of block placement by stripe pipes [SpaceToad] -removed final on TravelingItem class [SpaceToad] -add MjAPI.getEnergyStored()/maxCapacity() [Prototik] -added possibility to require specific energy in schematics [SpaceToad] -implemented and enforced common coding standard [SpaceToad] -enhancements to stripe pipe, support shears, arrows and buckets [Prototik] -fixed building ordering for sand and gravel [SpaceToad] -fixed building ordering for liquid [SpaceToad] -added work-related integration table triggers [Prototik] -fixed iron pipes directing to void inventories [Prototik] -fixed building post-processing [SpaceToad] -fixed builder state load with paths [SpaceToad] -split api in a separate folder to check API build consistency [Prototik] -fixed builder trying to build outside of world limits [SpaceToad] -fixed redstone building [SpaceToad] -pipes are now building with other standalone blocks [SpaceToad] -builder save now works for filler and quarry [SpaceToad] -add ways to register explicit support for blocks / items in blueprints [SpaceToad] -builders now loose their power if not used for some time [SpaceToad] -moved all classes to the new energy framework [SpaceToad] -fixed quarry algorithms and network synchronization [SpaceToad] -stripe pipes are now more expensive [SpaceToad] -vertical paths now build properly [SpaceToad] -schematics can now block blueprints creation [SpaceToad] -improved soft block detection [anti344] -added IMC support for adding assembly and refinery recipes [anti344] -added first buildcraft achievements and achievement page [AEnterprise] -achievement system enhancement [AEnterprise] #6.0.7(BETA) -Allow oil generation on more biome, with possible configuration [CrustyJew] -Added protection in case of world corruption [Robin4002] -Removed minor buildnumber [AbrarSyed] -Fixed fluid pipe crashing world [anti344] -Biome Ids are auto assigned [fabricator77] -Fix crash in BiomeInitializer when used in non standard WorldTypes [fabricator77] -Fix flood gates when creating finite liquids [Thutmose] -Tranceparency is not rendered correctly on facades [Cisien] -implemented Phased/Advanced [dmillerw] -fixed quarry arm building [SpaceToad] -fixed stalling graphic [SpaceToad] -fixed quarry dropping frames [SpaceToad] -fixed laser animation [SpaceToad] -fixed various fillers [SpaceToad] -fixed NPE in energy API [AlexIIL] -builders now save their destroying items [SpaceToad] -builders properly clear out location of flowing water [SpaceToad] -fixed building sequence for the builder [SpaceToad] -fix support for bed in blueprints bug-minor [SpaceToad] -removed innerclass references in API [SpaceToad] -blueprint library now properly support templates [SpaceToad] -fix server crash bug-major [robin4002] -added NextGen achievements [TXX59] -added creative engines [dmillerw] -fixed cylinder filler crash [SpaceToad] -implemented first elements of new graphic blocks [dmillerw] -implemented bucket emptying in survival [SpaceToad] -fix horizon filler pattern [SpaceToad] -fix support for cactus in blueprint [SpaceToad] -fix top of doors not properly cleared [SpaceToad] -fix support for trip wire, skull, anvil and ender chests [SpaceToad] -builder now save the items in process of being built [SpaceToad] -architect now allows to cancel clearing out air blocks [SpaceToad] 6.0.6(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -fixed latest forge load crash (EXTER7) -fixed rendering of partially transparent facades enhancement (dmillerw) -improved box selection for engines and lasers (anti344) -fixed pipe transparency bug (dmillerw) 6.0.5(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -block breaking takes different energy depending on hardness -fixed item id translation for inventories -fixed quarry -fixed ore behavior in builder, now recorded as stone -builder now accepts items coming from pipes -fixed achitect UI when not connected -fixed blueprint names in SMP -builders now consume items in survival -non-replaceable blocks aren’t replaced by builder anymore -building animation has been changed 6.0.4(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -inventories are now properly processed in blueprints -added blueprints recording options, rotation and “simple” blueprints -fixed handling of corps and land in blueprints -fixed engine direction when building blueprints -pipes are emptied when recorded by blueprints -fixed doors in blueprints -added support for entities in blueprints, such as frames or minecarts 5.0.4(BETA) -Fix fluid icon ‘compressing’ (anti344) -Fix pipe middle-button pick (anti344) -Fix quarry chasing water (AEnterprise) -Restore bucket handler so empty buckets fill correctly (fabricator77) -Fix oil worldgen for stone-like blocks (CovertJaguar) -Fix flowing lava matching (CovertJaguar) 6.0.3(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -added support for fire blocks in blueprints -fixed some crashes when using the builder -added protection against certain categories of world corruption, related to wrong tiles -added support for comparator in blueprints -added support for hopper in blueprints -added support for rails in blueprints -added support for direction pipe actions in blueprints -(re)fixed the filler. Note that the filler doesn’t use items provided yet, but creates bricks. To be fixed in the next release. -added support for flowing water in blueprints -added support for portals in blueprints -finished the re-implementation of the stripes pipe 6.0.2(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -Inventories are now properly processed by blueprints, keeping their contents and adding these in requirements -Fixed wooden buttons -Fixed stairs handling -Fixed filler -Re-implemented path markers -Re-implemented templates 6.0.1(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -builders requirements now show properly in the builder (but are ineffective) -large blueprint take much less memory -library actions (next, prev, delete) now work properly -wood rotation is now fixed -large blueprint take much less time to process -nameless blueprints don’t crash anymore. 6.0.0(NEXTGEN PRE ALPHA) -empty 5.0.3(BETA) -added support for more facades and implemented blacklist [Cisien] -gates crashing on servers [Cisien] -oil prevents village generation [fabricator77] -incorrect name for lasers [Cisien] -pipes shouldn’t drop facades or plugs in creative mods [SpaceToad] 5.0.2(BETA) -facades crash when loading with some mods like Mo’s creatures [SpaceToad] -can’t place a BuildCraft block on servers [SpaceToad] 5.0.1(BETA) -fixed facade names depending on their contents [viliml] -moved BuildCraft builds to gradle [AbrarSyed] -fixed bugs with facades in conjunction with some mods such as Mo’s Creatures [SpaceToad] -moved to an updated language asset structure [robin4002] -fixed problems related to graphical particles in oil [SpaceToad] -force new biome id [SpaceToad] -fixed crashes with filler [SpaceToad] -fixed text problems with gates and extensions [robin4002] 5.0.0(BETA) -empty 1.6.X #4.2.2 - New: Iron Fluid Pipes now get orientation triggers as well. (Speiger) - Fix: Engines no longer drop double the items. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Filler Pattern selection is less derpy. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Desert Oil Biome should decorate. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Advanced Crafting Table now properly supports custom IRecipes with variable outputs. (CovertJaguar) #4.2.1 - Fix: Gold and Void Item Pipes work properly again. (SandGrainOne) #4.2.0 - New: Added Emzuli Pipe, a Gate controlled Extraction Pipe. (SandGrainOne/CovertJaguar) - Change: Fillers no longer have a “crafting” grid, and can be controlled via Gates. (CovertJaguar) - Change: Oil Springs produce 4x as much Oil as before. (CovertJaguar) - Change: Pumps can be disabled by applying a Redstone signal. (CovertJaguar) - Change: Allow draining of Fuel from Combustion Engines. (CovertJaguar) - Change: Renamed Lapis Pipe to Lazuli Pipe. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Register all remaining Items properly with FML so that they will survive a 1.6->1.7 world upgrade. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Players can now see pipes placed by other players. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Block Harvesting now calls the appropriate new Forge Events. (DemoXin) - Fix: Fixed Oil and Fuel Fluid localizations. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Diazuli Pipe should now better handle overflow situations similar to how the Diamond Pipe works. (CovertJaguar) - API: Added API package and dependency information for new FML features. Should reduce API conflicts going forward. (cpw) - API: Rewrote Filler Pattern API. (CovertJaguar) - API: Added a new function to the Assembly Table recipe API that supports the Ore Dictionary. (taelnia/CovertJaguar) - API: Moved ILaserTarget to the API so that addons can now create blocks that accept power from Lasers. (CovertJaguar) #4.1.2 - Change: Filtered Buffer Triggers can now be applied to any inventory. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Fix tiny derp that was causing massive net spam and chunk rerenders on pipes with plugs. (Player/CovertJaguar) - Fix: Optimize Pipe World Renderer to render less faces. (Player) #4.1.1 - New: Massive rework of Pipe/Player interactions with improvements to selection, Gate/Wire/Facade/Plug placement and removal, Facade rendering and more. (CovertJaguar) - New: Added config options for fluid fuel values. (CovertJaguar) - Change: Move Gate/Wire rending to the Pipe TESR, should improve fps when lots of Gates are used. (CovertJaguar) - Change: Reduce burn time of fluid fuels. (Player) - Change: Fuel/Oil explode if placed in the Nether. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Fix version check so it isn’t giving wrong results. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Add missing zero to Wooden Engine pump speed. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Increase Gate response time. (CovertJaguar) #4.1.0 - New: Added Iron Kinesis Pipe. (CovertJaguar) - New: Added Non-Round Robin mode to Emerald Item Pipe. (Flow86) - New: Pipes have tool tips now. (CovertJaguar) - New: Added config option for update check (Prototik) - New: Added config option for Oil Well proclivity. (sadris) - New: Added config options for various Quarry/Mining Well tweaks/nerfs. (CovertJaguar) - New: Added config option for Colorblind mode. (Krapht) - Change: Reworked Combustion Engine heat mechanics. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Fixed Quarries in the Nether (cpw) - Fix: Autarchic Gate single pulses are now more reliable. (cpw) - Fix: Laser’s hadWork trigger should work correctly now. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Refineries no longer forget their filters. (CovertJaguar) - Fix: Pumps can now pump Oil out of Oceans again. (CovertJaguar) - And: Various other small fixes/tweaks. #4.0.2 - Changed: Pump will not remove water blocks if more than 9 blocks of water are available to improve performance. (CovertJaguar) - Changed: Refinery filters are now autoset by the first fluid inserted. They can be reset with wrench + shift-click. (CovertJaguar) - Changed: Power perdition on lasers halved. (CovertJaguar) - Changed: Transport pipes will not connect to sides without inventory access anymore. (ganymedes01) - Bugfix: Fix several issues related to setting doDaylightCycle=false. (Krapht) - Bugfix: Tweak to pipe rendering. (IteMeElConquistador) - Bugfix: Additional NPE check on pumps. (SandGrainOne) - Bugfix: Power tweaks. (Flow86, CovertJaguar) - Bugfix: Added flood gate recipe. (CovertJaguar) - Bugfix: Localization for assembly table. (enkunkun) - Bugfix: Minor tweaks and bugfixes to wrenches, pipe rendering, fluid icons. (CovertJaguar) #4.0.1 - Bugfix: Fixed a critical issue with the safetime tracker. (CovertJaguar) - Bugfix: Fixed a dupe glitch in the automatic work bench. (CovertJaguar) #4.0.0 - Updated: Newer Forge, fluid system and Minecraft 1.6.2. (CovertJaguar) - Added: Lapis Transport Pipe. Can colour-mark items passing through it. (CovertJaguar) - Added: Daizuli Transport Pipe. Acts similar to an iron pipe for colour-marked transport items. (CovertJaguar) - Added: Flood Gate. A reverse pump. (CovertJaguar) - Bugfixes: Several. (Several Contributors) - API: Improved and streamlined all APIs related to pipes and pipe connections. (CovertJaguar) |
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