2.0.2 (build 2058 | RP-C build 69) (SUPPORTED) Fixes for functionality and configuration features. - Implemented checks on various functions of IP-Check so that they are dependent on configuration option should-manage-bans. Due to this change, if should-manage-bans is set to false, IP-Check will no longer kick players who are banned, and will instead allow other plugins (eg Essentials) to perform that function. Additionally, Active Mode will not function if this is set to false, and Secure Mode will not be able to ban players when they are kicked (if you have specified this function in your configuration).
- Fix for Protection functionality. Protection now correctly prevents players from being banned, and allows them to be unbanned. Additionally, the code has been changed so that when an IPC ban is issued, if any of the affected players are protected, the last known IP will not be banned.
- Fix for Secure Mode functionality. Fixed a logical error which prevented Secure Mode from kicking players.
- Updated Configuration to include new wording at the top of the file which more prominently points to the Configuration Explanation page on dev-bukkit.
- Implemented a fix for Single Ban not kicking players when they are banned.
- Changed plugin.yml so that IP-Check will now initialize before most major authorization plugins (e.g. AuthMe, xAuth, etc).
A lot of work goes into making this plugin. If this plugin helps you manage your server, please consider donating to the developer using the link at the top-right of this web-page. 1.5.1 Fixed an error in which the Updater Checker incorrectly parsed it's RSS input, causing the plugin to falsely alert server administrators of an update. Updated out-of-date build dependencies. Built using the latest Bukkit API. File name changed to IP-Check-Core in preparation for an upcoming update. This name will no longer change.
1.5.0 Updated Error Logger to place error_reports in the plugin's data folder, regardless of where the plugins folder is at on the server. Removed the code for the Convert Command. All references to this command have been removed. Omitted "More information about..." line in Player Report, as this was deemed unnecessary. Fixed minor formatting bugs with the Report; result Lists are now properly punctuated. Added Update Checker so that Operators, as well as players with the proper permission, will now be informed of any new updates for the plugin. This checking can be disabled via the configuration. Added Permission node "ipcheck.update" so that players who are not Operators may be informed of plugin updates. Added Metrics monitoring. Added highly requested Scan Command. This command allows you to scan all online players at once and see which ones have multiple accounts. Added Permission node "ipcheck.scan" for use with Scan Command. Added more random messages.
1.4.0_2 Report now shows all logged IPs for a player, however reports still filter account results Added Last Known IP Field to Report Fixed bugs with unexempt command
1.4.0 Changes: Added Support for MySQL and SQLite - You can switch which database you'd like to use from the configuration. Dropped support for database system introduced in 1.3.0 - Due to differences between the two systems, there is no feasible way to port information from one database to another, and doing so causes duplicate entries and other anomalies. Dropped Convert Command - It is no longer needed. Added Localization Support - IP-Check can now be ported to any language. The plugin comes equipped with English and German (English is default). Switched from .txt to .yml configuration Refined Report Function - Dropped "Last Known" tag. The report now filters out all duplicate entries across multiple IPs and only counts unique names when displaying a tally for alternate accounts. This filtering is also applied to Login Checks. Ban / Unban Reports have been made more Compact - Previously, performing a ban of an IP would spam chat with the multiple ban messages. This has been changed so that one message is sent regardless of how many players are banned. Updated Secure Mode - Secure mode now discriminates when it blocks multi-accounters. Depending on the threshold specified, a player may have, up to that threshold, a set number of accounts, and all accounts made after meeting that threshold will be banned. The accounts made before, however, will still be playable. Added the ability to disable Ban/Unban/Kick Commands from Configuration.
1.4.0_1 Bug Fix: Fixed syntax error with MySQL backend which prevented logging of entries.
1.3.0_1 Changes: - A New Database System: The new system is hard disk based, as the original system was, but, it is highly fragmented, allowing it to only pull the files it absolutely needs while running. This cuts down on RAM usage while still performing well. This is also the only logging database system supported by IP-Check now, making both current backends for IP-Check obsolete. New Features of this database design include: - Cross-IP Logging - Last Known IP Tracking - Performance Increase - Ease of Readability - Simplification of Code In order to keep transfer your current database over to the new format, the "/C Convert" command has been modified to do this. Using this command will automatically convert your flat-file database to the new format. (NOTE: On average, conversion time takes approx. 1 second per 500 logs.) If you were using the Essentials Backend, please read further down. - Totally dropped support for Essentials: The Essentials backend manager was experiencing severe problems, as well as difficulties in reading and managing the multitudes of files used by it in memory. As a result, support for Essentials was completely dropped, except for converting from Essentials to the new Database format, allowing you to keep your records of players. To convert your Essentials database, you simply need to perform the command "/C Convert -e". - Removed the several unused options from the Config.txt file - Added "/c purge". This allows you to remove IP or Player entries from your database. - Bug Fixes: - Fixed IP-Check losing track of player logs and not properly associating players and IPs until the plugin was reloaded - Fixed IP-Check not alerting when a player exceeded the number of alternate accounts specified in the configuration - Fixed IP-Check falsely alerting about players who did not meet the threshold required to be alerted for - Other Details: - Ban Command: The ban command itself has not had any changes made to it. When performed using a player name, it will ban the LAST KNOWN IP for the player, and all accounts associated with that IP. When banning an IP, the command will still ban all accounts associated with the IP specified. The same goes for Unban. In order to ban all IPs and the associated players, you must perform the command for each IP-Address. This is to prevent the plugin from possibly encountering a 'domino effect' and potentially banning a large number of innocent people. - Kick: The kick command behaves similarly to the ban command, in that it only kicks using the last known IP. - Player/IP Reports: Reports have been modified so that, when performing a check on a player, the report will show separate lists for each IP-Address the player is associated with. As such, the lower sector of the report (which shows 'player banned', 'player exempt', etc.), has been truncated. Player specific fields are now only shown for Player Reports, and vice versa for IP Reports. When checking a player, you will notice that there is always one IP which contains "-L" next to it. The "-L" tag indicates that the IP was the Last Known IP for the player. - Player Name Auto Complete: Due to the nature of the new database system, the ability for IP-Check to "guess" a playername that you may be searching for has been removed. This is both a good thing and a bad thing, as it was causing some player searches to fail, but it also provided the possibility for the plugin to guess what name you were trying to search. A lot of work went into this update, and donations are always appreciated. :) If you are interested in donating to IP-Check, there's a convenient Donate button in the top right-hand corner of this page.
1.2.9 New Commands: /c convert - Support for the Essentials Back-End is going to be coming to an end in the near future. In preparation for this phasing-out, we've introduced this new command. By running this command, all player information which is stored by Essentials will be converted and stored in IP-Check's Flat-File Backend-Manager format. This means that IP-Check will now be entirely self-maintained and will not rely on any other plugins for it's information. /c kick [Message] - Kicks all players who are associated with the playername or the IP Specified. Can specify a specific kick message. /c sban [Message] - Allows you to ban a single player (this is the equivalent of the /ban command on most servers.). However, it also adds support for IP-Check's Ban Reason logging, which is something the regular /ban command does not provide. (This command may override /ban in the future.). New Permissions: ipcheck.convert ipcheck.kick ipcheck.sban Other Changes: Wrapped the command executor in a try-catch, so that when any IP-Check command encounters an error, the plugin will inform the user and make a log of the error.
1.2.6 Added permission node 'ipcheck.seeban'. Now, only players who possess this permission will see the banned messages from IP-Check. NOTE: This is a development release, which means there may be bugs, errors, references made to upcoming updates, and possible features included which may or may not work at this time. Functionality and bug-fixes will come over-time.
1.2.5 Increased the extent of which the 'ipcheck.showip' permission covers. Now extends to the exempt-list commands, as well as the detailed login-notification (previously only excluded the IP-address from the report. This permission now effectively hides all traces of IP-addresses from players who are lacking it.) Fixed a plugin breaking bug involving the configuration parsing. The bug causes the plugin to fail to parse all of it's boolean settings, causing them all to default to "false". This bug will leave your server vulnerable to mutlaccounters and 1.2.4 WILL NOT notify you. Fixed a major bug in which the exempt-list commands required no permissions to use. Changed some of the arguments used by the "/c toggle" command. To toggle Login-Notifications, the arguments are "login-notify, notification, and notify", and to toggle detailed notifications, the arguments are now "detail-notify, detail, and dn". (Undocumented 1.2.4 Change) The configuration updater has been made future proof, so that it will work regardless of what features are added in the future. A side-effect of this, the configuration file has been split into two respective files, "config.txt" which contains all of the options you can change about the plugin, and "Exempt.lst", which contains off of the player exemptions for the plugin. This change does not effect your settings or exemptions, and they are protected.
1.2.3 Bug Fix Bug Fixes: Fixed the "Is Banned:" information field on player checks (again). This should fix all errors that have been associated with this field. Fixed performing a check on partial names always returning "Is Banned: true". Fixed "Is Banned:" returning true when the argument passed was capitalized. (The plugin stores it's information in lowercase format in memory, hence the error.) The command is now case-insensitive. Other Changes: Due to repeated requests that this issue be addressed, the root command of the plugin has been changed from "/check" to "/c" in order to improve compatibility with other plugins such as ModReq. Please refer to the Commands page for a list of Commands if this change causes you issues.
1.2.1 Bug Fixes: Fixed issue with the Essential's backend manager logging players into memory multiple times and creating duplicate entries. Fixed the "Player Exempt: " field on the report command always returning false. Removed debugging output from the Flat-File backend manager.
1.2.0 Major Update / Feature Addition / Bug Fix Main Description: Plugin has been completely rewritten in order to implement multiple player information storage methods. As a result, it now runs much, much faster than did 1.1.1. Hard disk usage has been decreased tremendously, and the plugin performs most of it's operations direct from RAM now. Also worth noting, support for servers which do not run Essentials has been added now, via flat-file implementation. mySQL support may possibly be added in the future. Bug Fixes: No longer checks IPs which do not exist on the system. Either the IP being checked must be a valid, logged entry, or an error will be returned. Fixed potential issues which may have arised with the use of '/check banrecent' and '/check unbanrecent'. As a result, these commands have been removed. Read further down for more details. Can now tell the difference between an IP address and a player name, causing much less errors in various commands. IPs must be formatted as #.#.#.#. New Features: Added flat-file player logging, allowing plugin use on servers which do not run Essentials. This option is togglable within the plugin's configuration file. Removals: Removed '/check banrecent', '/check unbanrecent', and their associated permission nodes (ipcheck.recent). Other Changes: '/check ban' and '/check unban' now allow the use of both IP addresses and player names as valid arguments, meaning you no longer have to perform '/check player ', and then '/check banrecent'.
1.1.1 Bug Fixes -Fixed Issue with servers running OpVerify or similar plugins where a login-check was still performed on players who were operators. -Fixed Issue where login checks were still performed on players if they did not have BOTH operator status and 'ipcheck.getnofiy' permission, instead of players requiring only either/or. -Fixed several grammar and spelling errors. -Fixed Descriptive-Notification Report reporting a number of alternative accounts which included the account that was being checked. (This bug only applied to players who had played on the server before.) Removed: -Source Code files. These were nearly doubling the size of the plugin and did nothing. -'/check player'. '/check' and '/check player' have been combined. Simply do '/check ' now. To check an IP, you must format it as '#.#.#.#'. -'ipcheck.player' permission node. Other Changes -Reordered the list of Player/IP check attributes (Is Exempt, Is Banned, etc.) to flow more logically. -Slightly Changed the formatting of the full check report. -Added check attributes (Is banned, Is exempt) to the IP check report.
1.1.0 Major Update: New Commands: /check exempt player /check exempt ip /check exempt remove /check reload /check about /check toggle /check toggle /check toggle /check exempt-list list /check exempt-list player /check exempt-list ip New Permissions: -ipcheck.exempt - Required to add Exemptions -ipcheck.exempt.remove - Required to Remove Exemptions -ipcheck.getnotify - Required to recieve Login-Check alerts if you are not an Operator -ipcheck.list - Required to use /check list -ipcheck.toggle - Required to use /check toggle -ipcheck.reload - Required to use /check reload Other Changes: -Added Configuration File -Added Secure Mode: Kicks players whom have more than specified amount of alt-accounts -Added Player Checking at Login: Reports to Ops and players with 'ipcheck.getnotify' if the player joined has alt-accounts -Added Ability to switch from detailed login-check notifications to simple notifications -Added Ability to disable login-checking entirely -Most of these features can be configured in-game. -Configuration File can be reloaded in game. -Added Exemption Lists for both Player-Names and IP Addresses -Login-Checking will not be performed on played whom are Operators, possess the 'ipcheck.getnotify' permission, or are in either exemption list. |