我们与在MinecraftEDU项目以及加州理工(即Caltech。看过The Big Bang Theory没?)的量子信息学院的朋友们进行了交流,我们想了了个好点子:一个称为qCraft的Mod。本Mod让玩家能够在Minecraft的世界里,依靠能够体现量子纠缠、态叠加与观察者依赖的新方块体验到量子现象。
话说大家不要被上面的东西吓到...其实这个MOD正如上面所说的,是通过游戏来间接地帮助你了解量子物理的一些基本状况(不会考你量子物理的...要那样怎么还会有人玩= =)。 简介视频:
紫色是正文; 要注意的地方会用粗体标注出来;
Version 1.10 Released December 16, 2013 for Minecraft 1.6.4
Released October 28, 2013 for Minecraft 1.5.2 and in beta for Minecraft 1.6.4
Released October 21, 2013 for Minecraft 1.5.2
Released October 15, 2013 for Minecraft 1.5.2 Initial public release. |
下载地址:BD网盘 求人气,求金币~{:10_512:}
- 感谢sjjklh桑的大力支持~
- 感谢大家对此贴提出的建议~
下面有翻页的大家不会不知道吧...... ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
量子矿石是QCRAFT的基石,开采量子矿石可以得到量子粉,而所有的部件都需要量子粉的支持。在加载有QCRAFT的新世界生成时,量子矿石生成的方式类似于红石矿,(仅生成在MINECRAFT世界底部16层以下)。不过会很罕见,在每个区块只会生成四块。在1.01版及之后的版本,你可以通过修改配置文件来禁止量子矿石的生成。 量子矿石只能够用铁镐或更好的工具来开采。当量子矿石被开采时,掉落量子粉的方式类似红石,并且会发光(此点也类似于红石矿。)。 |
量子粉 量子粉可以通过开采量子矿石获得。在1.01版本后,如果在配置设置中启用,it is also possible toenable the crafting Quantum Dust by combining a single unit of Redstone withlime green dye.(它也可以由石灰绿色染料与一个单元的红石来合成。)建议用户启用此设置,如果量子矿石在世界生成器中被禁止生成,则没有其他方法可以获得。量子粉用于以下项目: 本质上叠加(EOS) 本质的纠缠(EoE) 本质的观察(EOO) 本质观测精华(Essence ofObservation) 本质观测精华(EOO) 本质观测精华(EOO)是一个特殊的物品,其本身没有任何功能,但作为qCRAFT中各具特色的合成表中的一种成分,为其他物品灌输量子行为。(原文如此。) 它的合成公式如下:
本质叠加精华(Essenceof Superposition) 与EOO一样,本质叠加精华(EOS)也是一个极具特色的成分。(其功能在后文会予以介绍.) 它也是由量子粉以如下方式合成:
本质纠缠精华(Essence of Entanglement) 与EOO和EOS类似。
(其实我更喜欢叫观察方块…上面的名字多拗口~) ODB在不同的方向上观察会变成不同的方块(除了流体和下界方块), ODB通过以下方式合成: 将观察精华摆在合成台的中央,周围的六个方块分别摆放在东、南、西、北、上、下方观察时显示的方块。(可以为空。) 请看下面的例子: (南和北方是石头,西方是草方块,东方是砂砾,上下为空。) 在这种情况下,一旦OOB被放置,如果看到的是它的南面或北面的话,它将会显示为石头;如果是东面的那个面,就会被显示为砂砾(实际上它与砂砾具有相同的特性,而不仅仅是显示,这个问题稍后再讲。)而如果看到它的西面,它将会是泥土。如看到它的上方或下方,它将会什么也没有(即为空气。) 下面的视频显示了OOB的使用方法: 在上述例子中,决定OOB一开始所显示的方块的规则如下: l 它首先被看到的面。 l Consult the crafting recipeused to make that face of the block and resolve the ODB to the block used inthe corresponding slot in the crafting recipe (or to air if no block was usedin that slot). 注意:如果一个ODB被观察到,那么它的整个方块都将“解析”为它所显示的那个方块,而不仅仅是一个面(这也意味着ODB将会“变成”那个方块。);如果一个ODB确定了一个状态,那么所有的玩家所看到的都将是那个状态(即使他并未看着那个方块);一旦某个ODB被观察,那么除非所有的玩家都将此方块移出视线,否则这个方块将不会改变状态。这意味着在多人游戏中,ODB所显示的属性只由第一个看到它的人决定,下面这个例子来解释这种情况: 我们仍然使用这个方块来举例:在多人游戏中,假设有A和B两个人,其中A首先看到了这个方块的西面,那么B则会看到这个方块是一个草方块。此时A的视线离开了这个方块,而B依然看着它,则它将会保持草方块的属性,直到A和B都不再看它了。下一秒钟,B又看到了它的东面,则它会显示为砂砾。 在物品栏中,只有相同合成配方的ODB才能堆叠到一起。 (尽管他们显示的都是一个名字...)在物品栏中,ODB的图标会很有趣,它会依次显示北南西东上下面被看到时的材质。如果是空气,则会什么也不显示。只有绿光在一直闪啊闪... 另:如果用TMI等作弊方法调出ODB的话,那么它默认为6个空气合成。也就是说,它什么都没有...不过这也有一个特殊的性质。下面会被提到。 ODB将拥有合成它时所消耗方块的:
总之,除一些特殊的功能外,你已经可以把它看成那个方块了。 |
此方块的合成公式同上,只不过最中央的观察精华换成叠加精华。 依旧是个例子: 在这种情况下,当QB被放置在世界上的时候,从北(南)面来看,它肯定是石头,而当你从西或者东面看的话,那么将会随机的显示为草方块或者是砂砾。而当看到它的上下面是,则依然是什么都没有(空气)。即每个方向上都会随机地看到它与它的对面的材质。 QB被看到时所显示的规则如下: 1:取决于它被看到的方向轴(即X、Y或Z轴); 2:取决于你合成它时对应该轴所放的材料(废话...); 3:如果对应该轴的两个方块是同一种的话(如都是石头),则显示该种材料; 4:如果不是一种的话,那么会随机的挑选一种显示(且每次都会随机); 除了这坑爹的Random以外,别的特性与ODB一致。 视频介绍: |
其中,在两端放入两个ODB或者QB,在中间放入一个纠缠精华。但必须是同类方块,即必须是能堆叠的方块,如图: 已经合成的纠缠方块会分类,属于同一类的EB,无论在何地,都将会显示相同的属性,无论它在你的视野的什么位置,或者根本就不在你的视野内。 如果你想要添加方块到现有的组内,则只需要这样:
这是一个头部装备,装备以后可以看见所有的量子类方块(即使处于隐藏状态),这可以为一些麻烦的问题提供帮助。 它的合成方式如下图:
下图展示了它的使用效果,刚才的截图如果带上量子护目镜就会是这样的: (好吧我承认是有点像老电视) (不要在意我换材质) 而且,带上量子护目镜后,所有的量子类方块都会变成这样,并且失去它们的属性,即即使是砂砾合成的ODB,带上护目镜后也不会下落。 (但是红石属性会得到保留,很奇怪的特点。) (图:虽然戴上了Qg,但活塞仍然伸出。) Ps: 1.6.4版本的MOD丢失了文件= =所以,你戴上Qg后就成了这样子...【1.1版本已修复】 |
【:此物品在1.10以后版本加入】 该物品与量子护目镜相同,也是一个可佩戴物品。它的合成公式如下:
此物品的功能,如名,佩戴之后可以使你的视线改变不被方块所识别,即方块认为你没有看着这个方块。 如图: 你暂时还不需要知道原理(其实就在下面),现在,最右边的方块等于是“没有人在看着”,所以它会一直闪啊闪... 通过这种方法,你可以在不影响效果的前提下观察作品,而不用担心视角的变化。 总的来说,这是一个制作辅助工具。不建议在游戏时使用。 |
红石自动观测器(Automated Observer) (AO) 【待编辑】此章较长,图多杀猫...慎点
【:此物品在1.10以后版本加入】 想知道为什么上面的方块一直闪么? 想制作100*100隐藏门么? 想让红石与量子物理完美融合吗? 这一切将不再是“No Way~” 【AO】的闪亮登场让所有复杂的红石设计变得无比简单~ 此物品在接受红石信号时,会对其影响的量子方块施以观察。即,自动观察。 合成公式如下:
其中,那个扇形的“弧面”是观察面,而比较靠我们的这一方,也就是圆心的那一面为接收红石信号的面。换句话说,靠近我们的这一端是接收端,远离我们的这一端是输出端。当AO被红石信号激活的时候,与AO输出端直接接触的方块会被从AO相对于此方块的方向观察。(怎么感觉这么绕口呢...) Eg: 我在这里使用了自己标准的“标准ODB”,以方便讲解。合成公式如下: (即北南西东上下显示为ABCDEF) 由图可知我站在北方,所以三块ODB都显示为“A”。然后...接通红石, Look!距离我们最远的那个方块变成了“C”!由此可见:
如果我们想要让很多方块同时改变,该怎么做呢? 是滴~用纠缠方块: Eg2: 我合成了一个方块: ,并使用纠缠精华。(好吧不要吐槽我无图...) 接下来,我码了一个堆...(使用了Qg) 如果不用的话大概是这样子的.. 然后拉动拉杆... Bingo! 【未完待续】 |
量子计算机(Quantum Computer)
量子计算机是量化/传送体系的主要构件(其实我完全没明白有什么用)。 它的合成公式如下:
纠缠量子计算机(Entangled Quantum Computer) 这东西才是最重要的...量化/传送矩阵的核心部件,使用方法在下面:
Ho~终于到了今天的重头戏,码字累死我了... 量化/隐形传输利用量子计算机的神奇力量,将 Minecraft中的区域“量子化”。该区域可以被复制(量化)或在世界上的其它地方即刻传送。 一个单一的量子计算机可以进行量化,而一对纠缠量子计算机则可以进行传送。 这是一个技术活,希望下面的视频可以帮到你: http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjQ1Mjg5MTYw/v.swf 如何建立一个量化/反量化矩阵: 1:准备 你需要拥有以下资源: ①:黑曜石 ②:金块(所以说这玩意是土豪的游戏) ③:冰(使用“精准采集”镐采集) ④:玻璃砖 2:制作所需要的“锚” 制作四块从不同方向看是金块,其他方向看是黑曜石块的ODB。如图: (从其他方向上看是黑曜石,从某一方向上看是金块的ODB) (需要东南西北四个方向上的,必须不同) (上下的黑曜石为必须) 这些ODB被称为“锚” 3:制作量子计算机(见上) 4:构建矩阵 ① 找块风水宝地 ② 放下量子计算机,并贴着量子计算机放置一块冰用来冷却。(这什么破电脑...) ③ 把合成好的四个锚摆放在量子计算机四周,使各个锚解析出金块的那个面对准量子计算机,注意:四个锚与量子计算机必须在同一平面内,且要与量子计算机对齐。换句话说,锚与量子计算机在XYZ轴上都要对齐。但是各个锚距离量子计算机的距离可以不一样。但是发射端与接收端所围出的面积必须相等。 ④ 现在,如果你站在量子计算机周围,那么你看到的锚应该都解析为金块。这是检验是否合格的一种方法。接下来,在各个锚上堆上若干块黑曜石,形成四座底座为“金块”的黑曜石塔,你需要多大的量化矩阵就堆多高,但是所有的黑曜石塔必须一样高。然后,在各个黑曜石柱的顶端放置一块玻璃。 ⑤ 然后另找一块风水宝地(...)按照①到④再来一遍,注意如果你想传送对的话,那么黑曜石柱的高度必须相同。 ⑥ 摆好的矩阵应该是这样子: (当然尺寸你自定,不必非要一样的) (矩阵区域不可重叠) 5:量子矩阵的使用 右键量子计算机,点击按钮= = 6:使用说明 量化:是矩阵内的物品“消失”,再次激活即可出现。 传送(这个非要我解释么) 注:传送会将冰块一同传走,所以即使对面没有冰块也可传送(当然你这里再传就不行了) 量化/传送失败分析: ① 出现“frame mismatch”说明你两端的矩阵规格不一致(冰块并不计算在量子计算机之内,所以考虑距离时应连冰块所占有的位置也考虑进去。) ② 出现frame incomplete”说明你没摆好...再仔细研究一下吧。 ③ 出现“Insufficient cooling”...知道啥叫过热么? ④ 出现“Energize”欧耶~一切正常~(那你写它干啥?) ⑤ 出现“Area not transportable”说明在你的矩阵内拥有具有实体附加值的物品(比如箱子、熔炉、牌子之类的都不行。) |
Quantum portals use Quantum Computers to establish a link through which players can instantaneously travel between two points in the same Minecraft world (intra-server portals) or between a specific point in the world on one Minecraft server and a specific point in the world on a different Minecraft server (inter-server or server-to-server portals). Players can travel through a portal, come out the other side at a pre-set destination and, if they like, take their inventory with them. Important Notes Portals only work between points in the same dimension (e.g. you cannot create a portal between the overworld and the nether). To facilitate portals, all servers involved and the user’s client must have the qCraft mod installed. You cannot use a portal to gain access to a server to which you would not ordinarily have access if you attempted a normal login (e.g. if you lack the password, are banned, etc.). Depending on configuration options set by the server admin, it may only be possible for administrators (not ordinary users) to activate portals and/or to establish the initial portal link between two different servers. Administrators may also configure the mod to allow any user to activate portals and/or establish portal links. Irrespective of who may set up portals (per the above), any user of a server may travel through an existing portal (assuming he also has access to the destination server if travelling inter-server). When travelling intra-server, your inventory always comes with you. When travelling inter-server, you will receive a prompt asking you if you want to take your inventory with you. If you select this option, you will be transported to the destination server with your inventory. Note that this will result in you having an empty inventory on the source server (unless you travel back through a portal to the source server with your inventory). If you take your inventory with you, a failure during the connection process to the destination server may result in a loss of your inventory, though if you log back into the source server within 24 hours of the failed attempt, your inventory should be restored. The inventory is added to your current inventory on the destination server (if any). Un-entangled quantum computers containing quantized data may be transported through a portal in your inventory with the quantized data intact. This can be used to transport, e.g., a structure through a portal by quantizing it, mining the quantum computer and placing it in your inventory, traveling through a portal, constructing a quantizer matrix of the same dimensions and placing the quantum computer in it and de-quantizing. Constructing a Quantum Portal Quantum portals are constructed in a manner similar to nether portals. To build one, you will need the following materials: Obsidian Full gold blocks Full glass blocks Ice Essence of Observation Quantum Computer (un-entangled) 1. As with the teleporters, you will need to construct four anchor ODBs. In this case, all four will have the exact same recipe. The blocks should have obsidian in all slots except the two slots along the axis that represents the direction of travel, which should be gold. In other words, when the portal is complete, these ODBs should resolve to gold when viewed from either of the directions through which you can travel through the portal and should resolve to obsidian when viewed from all other directions. 2. Place two of the anchor ODBs on the ground (or wherever you want the base of the portal frame to be) with two empty spaces between them. 3. Place glass blocks in each of the two empty spaces you left in step 2. 4. Place three glass blocks on top of each of the anchor ODBs you placed in Step 2. 5. Place an anchor ODB on top of each of the topmost glass blocks you placed in Step 4. 6. Place two more glass blocks in between the ODBs you placed in Step 5. You should now have a completed frame made of glass with ODBs in each corner. 7. Place a quantum computer (un-entangled) adjacent to the portal frame. 8. Place a block of ice adjacent to the quantum computer (to provide cooling). Your completed construction should look like this: Establishing Portal Links and Activating Portals Note, per the above, that not all users may be permitted to establish portal links on a given server. 1. After constructing the portal, right click on the quantum computer. A GUI will appear. 2. In the ‘This Portal’ field, enter a unique name for this particular portal (e.g. ‘Mushroom Beach’ or ‘Mountain Temple’). If you do not wish to set a destination, you can hit Escape at this point (the name you entered will be saved). 3. If you wish to set up a destination, enter the name of destination portal in the appropriate field. 4. If your destination is on the same server, leave the ‘On This Server’ option active. 5. If your destination is on a different server, click the ‘On This Server’ button to cycle through a list of servers to which connections are allowed. Depending on your admin’s configuration, you may also be able to specify a server address by clicking the ‘+’ button and entering the server address and clicking ‘OK’. 6. Once setup is complete, click ‘Energize’ to activate the portal. The portal will now glow green to indicate its active state: Portal Mechanics Though portals may have only one destination at a given time, the portal system allows for a variety of different setups: If you configure a portal per the above, it represents a one-way quantum tunnel between that portal and its destination portal. Stepping into, e.g. Portal 1 will take you to Portal 2, but not vice versa. If you repeat the procedure on the destination portal and set up the reciprocal relationship (e.g. Portal 1 → Portal 2 and Portal 2 → Portal 1), you will effectively pair the two portals. In this scenario, entering, e.g., Portal 1 will always send you out at Portal 2 and vice versa. It is possible to have any number of portals connect to the same destination portal. For example, Portals 1, 2 and 3 could all have a single portal (call it Portal 4) as their destination. This could be used, e.g., to allow players to access a central location from a variety of entry points. Similarly, you can also daisy chain portals. For example, stepping into Portal 1 could take you to Portal 2. Stepping into Portal 2 could take you to Portal 3, etc. The above apply to both intra- and inter-server tunnels. Once a particular portal’s destination is set, it can be viewed by right clicking on the quantum computer. Users with appropriate permissions (depending on server setup) can deactivate a portal, change its destination and reactivate it. Removing any of the blocks making up the portal frame, the QC or the ice will cause the portal to deactivate. The settings will be saved and the portal can be reactivated by repairing it and re-activating it through the qc GUI. Once a user who is authorized to create and verify portals on a given server actually travels through an inter-server portal link, he will receive a prompt asking him to verify the connection (accomplished by typing '/qcraft verify' in chat). Once verified, that server will be available to other authorized users of the source server as a destination for them to create their own portals. Reasons Using an Inter-Server Portal Might Fail Destination server is not running or is unreachable Destination server does not have the qCraft mod installed (or is running a different version) The two servers are running different sets of other (non-qCraft) mods The destination portal does not exist or is currently not in an active state (this will result in the user being transported to the destination server but to his default location rather than to the foot of the destination portal) The user is not authorized to access the destinations server (this will likely result in a ‘Connection Refused’ error and the user winding up at the main menu) |
与量子矩阵相同,量子门也是使用量子计算机来构建的。通过它,玩家可以在同一个Minecraft世界里(同一服务器内)的两点之间穿梭;或者是 |
2013-12-08 10:15:00
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dcsuibian 发表于 2013-12-8 10:18
2014-06-09 19:30:00
Emc2 发表于 2014-7-12 15:06
就是出现Area not transportable
2014-08-02 23:25:00
Emc2 发表于 2014-8-3 10:59
谢谢已经可以了 但就是传送的区域有点小,有什么办法吗?
2014-08-03 16:28:00
Emc2 发表于 2014-8-3 11:00
谢谢已经可以了 但就是传送的区域有点小,有什么办法吗?
2014-08-31 02:59:00
wosnow1 发表于 2014-8-31 02:59
怎么解决的?我也是出现你这种情况,我是按照视频中那样摆的,就是传送不了 ...
2014-09-05 18:04:00
Emc2 发表于 2014-9-5 18:04
量子块制作好后放在地上,面积你照视频做方块放上去时对着你那面要是黄金 ...
2014-09-05 20:08:00