锁链: 就是个可以挂起来的装饰品 钥匙和绑定器: 这些都和门有关,请看门的部分. 普通的门: 不但是装饰还可以被钥匙锁上 特殊的门: 这些们会把玩家传送到指定位置,这个指定位置需要玩家用绑定器来指定。这种门同样可以被锁上。 |
绑定位置: 手持绑定器右键特殊门,然后再右键你想让这个门传送的位置。这个门将被保护,只有绑定者可以破坏(创造模式除外) 冒险地图必备! 锁一个门: 首先你必须是在创造模式下!右键一个还没有被上锁的门,一个GUI会出现,你需要先输入门和钥匙的名字。 名字被绑定在一起(不要用铁站来作弊^q^) 第二个选项是,开这个门是否消耗掉这个钥匙。 第三个按钮是用来把钥匙的设定复制到这个门上的。(当然得是一个有设定的钥匙) 若你想重置这扇门,就直接在创造模式下打烂这扇门【【。 当然你也可以用shit+右键点击来重置 |
基础门: 锁链 公寓门 监狱门 酒吧门 金属门 |
油脂: 最基本的东西,你几乎离不开他。 瓶装油脂: 瓶装油脂,可以用来做灯油,也可以右键放置和拿起 Lantern oil and refueling: This is the fuel fol the lanterns. You can't use them outside crative without this. To fill up a lantern with oil you can use a crafting table and place lantern oils around a lantern what is turned off. You can also place down an unlit lantern and right click on it with lantern oil. The last way is with Barrels, check them out below! Barrel: Its a big oil tank and its also realy practical. To fill it up right click on it with some lantern oil. It refills instantly when you do this in creative. You CAN break the barrel and it will store its oil level inside the item. To fill up a lantern right click on a barrel. In creative the barrel dosen't need any fuel to do this. To pour back oil into the barrel from you lantern SHIFT+Right click on the barrel. Vanilla torches: Vanilla torches now only last 2 hours by default. This makes minecraft a lot harder. Of course you can turn this feature off if you want in the config! Tinderbox: To light up most of the light sources up you will need some tinderbox. In creative you don't need any! You can place this down an pick it up by right clicking. If you right click on a placed tinderbox with another tinderbox you will stack them up. Torch cloth: Just for crafting unlit torches, nothing more. Unlit torch: A torch that you can light up and put off. You will need a tinderbox outside creative. This will last forever! If you don't want to waste tinderboxes, pick up a lit torch and right click on an unlit torch to light it up, but this only works on unlit torches. Unlit chandelier: A fancy light source! You will also need a tinderbox outside creative to light it up. This can only go on cellings. Unlit roof lamp: Another light source, that also needs a tinderbox outside creative. Lightbulb: Just to make flashlights, nothing more! Batteries: This gives power to your flashlight or minerhelmet. To charge it up place some redstone block around the battery in a crafting table. If you have Thermal Expansion installed you can use an Energetic Infuser to chare it up. To apply it to a flashlight ot minerhelmet simply place the battery next to them in a crafting table. Candle holder: The most basic dynamic light source of this mod. It dosen't require any fuel at all only a tinderbox outside creative. It will give off a faint light. You can place this down and pick it up by SHIFT+Right clicking on it. Press F by default while it in your hand to turn it on or off. Or you can place it down and light it up there by right clicking on it. Lantern: This dynamic light source gives off a lot of light, but it also consumes fuel. You can place it and pick it back up by SHIFT+Right clicking on it. To fill it up read Lantern oil and refueling or Barrels above! In creative it dosn't requre any fuel at all. To turn it on or off press F by default while it in your hand. You can also turn it on when it on the ground with right clicking on it. The lantern has a feature where you can hang it on your belt if its in your 9th hotbar slot. You can than press F by default on anything it will turn it on/off. Bullseye lantern: Works the same as the regular lantern above, but this reflects the light where you looking at. It has a lower range than a flashlight. Also this lantern dosen't work in you 9th hotbar slot. 手电筒: 手电筒需要电池来工作 手电筒不能够放置在地上 按Shift+右键来取出电池 电池用光会自动被取出来 按f来开关手电 Minerhelmet: An item that helps you mine with light and protection. It has a realy far range. To apply a battery into it read Batteries above! Put it on your head and press F by default to turn it on or off. Useful right? |
神智药水: 回复5-%的神智,需要的时候就喝了吧 |
这些怪物有更强的 当他们生成的时候,你能从远方听到他们的啼哭 你可以在很近的地方躲避他们,但是躲在黑暗中毫无作用 每种怪物有3种音乐 1. 当被追杀时 2. 当你被追杀之后,寻找你的时候 3. 当他靠近你,但是没有发现的时候 当他们追杀你的时候,你将听到可怕的声音并且看到一些特效 当他打到你的时候,会有2秒停歇,你可以趁机逃跑并且躲起来 你可以杀死他们,当然这非常困难,他们有“击退”和“抵抗”,所以逃跑才是上策 咕噜: 游戏Amnesia中的怪物,他移动的很快并且有很高的伤害 布鲁特: 游戏Amnesia中的怪物. 他和咕噜有一样的速度,但是伤害更高. Kaernk: 他同样被叫做 Water lurker. 他是隐形的并且他能在水中生存, 但是只要他离开水,他就会立刻死亡 玩家可以使用烤鱼来吸引他的注意力,或者生肉也可以。他只要看到了这些就会开始吃…… 当他在追你的时候你不能吸引他的注意力 这个怪物也是可以被杀死的,但是这很难因为你看不到他 幽灵变体: 咕噜和布鲁特都有一个幽灵变体.他们会追杀你并减少你的神智(他们不会打你) 但是当他们靠近你的时候,他们就消失了 幽灵同样是可以杀死的 世界生成: 这些怪物都会生成在地下或者黑暗的地区,请小心 黑暗的世界: 这功能使得你的世界更黑(其实只是强制世界亮度为昏暗,你拉不高) |
你站在黑暗中或者被追杀的时候,你的神智就会减少,你被攻击同样会减少5% 你只需要站在光亮的地方或喝神智药水就能恢复神智 在创造模式你的神智固定在100% 当神智低于50%的时候,你会听到奇怪的声音,当低于25%的时候,你会眼花,当低于5%的时候你会被减速并且听到可怕的声音 |
神智药水: |
音乐盒: 你可以使用这个方块来播放额外的音乐 你需要把它放置在地上,点右键来使用 按箭头来选择下一个音乐,按shift再点一次跳转10个音乐 最后一个选项是要选择:音乐要么一直重复播放,要么播完了就停 当一个怪物音乐播放的时候(chase,searching 或者 coming) 音乐盒会自动停止播放。 如果你设置的是重复播放,怪物音乐停止了之后和再次播放 启动音乐播放只需一个红石信号 停止也只需要一个红石信号,或者直接拆了播放器 |