远陆一直是我专注开发的mod,我一直希望它能使MC变得更加“科学”(严格点说,游戏性)。它主要通过修改配方,调整工序,增加合成方法来还原一个更有生存乐趣的MC(让你找回第一夜的感觉)。我也希望他能找回大家在第一次面对全新MC所需要收集物资,合成,加工应对那个世界的感觉. |
探索整个世界,寻找新奇的地形 新的能源系统,大统一能量守恒定律(热能,动能,……) 时代的差别,加入石器时代,青铜时代,铁器时代等 大幅度提升前期游戏时长 加入好玩的东西 |
(以上为材质紧急补齐计划) (最新)MCBBS突然好了?!不过……为什么连MC截图都超限制啊(只能找色调相对统一的……T_T) (年代已久)【mcbbs】图片上传有问题T_T |
Far Land Era3 For MC 1.10.2 2017-9-4 3.00.13-pre3 2017-6-6 3.00.08-pre4 2016-12-15 3.00.05 7-29 3.00a-pre44 For MC 1.7.10 Far Land Era2 2015-11-1 2.05i (新增,修复,调整) 8-24 2.02d (新增) 7-8 2.00d(新增) 2-21 0.02(新增,修复) 2-17 0.01(新增) Far Land Age 2-10 1.13d(新增,修复) 2-6 1.13b(新增) 2-4 1.13a(新增,修复) 1-18 1.12d(新增,解决死循环) 1-13 1.12b-fix(新增,修复,工具部分不兼容前版本) 12-181.11d(新增,修复) 11-27 1.10f(新增,修复) 11-21 1.10d(新增) 11-20 1.10c(新增,修复) 11-18 1.10a(Forge版本10.13.21230,新增修复) 11-9 1.09-fix (修复bug) 11-9 1.09(新增) 11-8 1.08(新增,修复) 10-28 1.05(新增,修复) 10-18 1.03(新增) |
之后的去github上看吧…… 3.00a-pre39 [INFO]Far core move to 1.10.2. ========================MC1.7.10====================== pre34 [INFO]Remove old package. [API]Remaked api Far Core, the core of FLE. [API]Add material register instead of substance. [Added]The rock block, which has 9 sub type and each type has slab block. The cobble and mossy cobble is fallable, and the harvest level of it will always be 1 but others type of rock block will be material harvest level. [Added]The log block, which has 2 sub type. One is natural log spawn when generating world or sapling growing. [Added]The leaves block, which does not have collide box, will decy when no log nearby in 4 blocks. 3.00 [API]Add new api Far Core, the core of FLE and addons. [Added]Debug mode, which can give more information to player, enable this option in config file. [Added]NEI compactibility [Added]New resource blocks. [Added]New energy net contains electicity, kintic and thermal. [Added]New world generator, which provide rock, biome, mineable generation, etc. [Added]Far Override, a child mod of far land era, which is used to override some method by ASM. [Remove]FWM manager, which use block state instead. [Remove]Material manager. 2.05i [Added]Fluid tank, to save fluid in it. [Added]New crafting recipes. [Changed]Dirt will drop dirt by item. [Fixed]Network bug, that some time packet will miss by network handler. 2.05h [Added]Generate peat now. [Added]Add roofed forest biome generate. [Added]Add new kinds of rope, like sinew, etc. [Info]Generate near river may cause some problems. [Change]World nbt sync is getting better. [Fixed]Generate grass block under the water. 2.05g [Fixed]The problems such as terrain height is changing so large. [Fixed]Readd the FLE world generator. 2.05f [Changed]Change height generate, which provide a root height is more useful things. [Changed]Improve worldgen layer, remove FLE world generator for some time. 2.05e [API]Add recipe config. [Added]Some new recipes. [Added]Fertilizer and new farmland~ [Added]New crafting guide. [Fixed]Lots of bug. 2.05d [Added]New crop. [Added]Crafting recipe with ramie. [Added]Some plants. [Fixed]Fluid in FLE container look lighting at night. [Fixed]Barrel bug, which can only return a barrel when drain a barrel with more than one barrel. 2.05c [Added]Some new ores. [Added]Rotation energy manager, which can provide rotation energy net. [Added]Rope ladder, up and down canyon~ [Fixed]Chisel can't harvest leaves now. 2.05b [Added]Compact with RC and IC2. [Change]The recovery is shorter. [Change]World generator, add new generator. [Fixed]Bug which lead world can't generate all kinds of biome. 2.05a [Change]World generator, change biome generate. [Fixed]A bug lead biome generate with a direction. 2.04d [Added]World generator. [Change]Remove some classic recipe. [Fixed]Lots of bug. 2.04c [Added]New tool and tool materials. [Added]Cold forging plate. [Added]Some potion effects. [Added]Render effects. 2.04b [Fixed]Lots of bug. 2.04a [Added]New alloy, and alloy maker-furnace. [Added]Ditch block, it is kind of pipe. [Fixed]Drop bug. 2.03h [Fixed]A important bug. 2.03g [Added]Mod will extract a lang csv in .minecraft file. [Added]Some condition, like you will bleeding when you are attacked by zombie. [Fixed]Fix a bug of oil lamp lost lang. 2.03f [Change]Add hammer digging speed. [Change]Copper is eazier to melting. [Change]Remove fishing drop, chest generate and village trade [Fixed]Lots of bug. :D 2.03e [Added]Millet crop. [Added]Wild crop generate. [Added]Food recipes. [Change]Thermal net value. [Fixed]Shift+P will lead crush. 2.03d [Added]Polish recipe into cg book, and add some cg book, you can get it when you get something. [Change]Change thermal net and add a debug info. [Change]Firewood require lower power. [Fixed]A bug lead you can't harvest ore with hammer. 2.03c [Change]Thermal net change to count in once. [Fixed]Mod combility with other mod, some mod require crafting inventory with other checking, return null stack if array index out of bounds. 2.03b [INFO]Fore require 1400+. [Fixed]A network bug. 2.03a [Added]Smelt ore with terrine, you will get copper liquid now :D [Added]Ore will drop ore chip now. [Added]You can use 9 ore chip to make a ore cobble. [Added]You can smelt ore with charcoal. [Change]You will be attack by block it is very hot. [Change]Crop grow time is longer. [Bug]Ore cobble will lost heat info after reload world. 2.02d [Fixed]Fix bug of world lost and crush. 2.02c [Added]New tools and material. [Added]Arrow bag, you can put four stacks of arrow in it, and put it as a ammor. [Change]Remove old bow recipe. [Change]Player will have a different food stats.(It will be health at least with 4 HP, but will be hunger eazier. [API]Add world pollute manager, you can set or get the pollute level, and get air instance matter in FWM. 2.02b [Added]FWM the world manager, use to load and save NBT in world (means don't use tile to save?), and it seems to take long time to saving and loading, so I used integer array instead :D. [Added]New types of tree generate. [Added]MaterialAlloy manager. [Fixed]A network bug. [API]Improved far land era API. 2.01i [Fixed]Stone drop bug. 2.01h [Added]Stone spade hoe, use to instead hoe. [API]Add elements and ion for chem. [Change]You need get technology to learn what item name is. 2.01g [Added]Show itemstack in drying table. [Fixed]Drying table will output item with check if item is equl. 2.01f [Added]Limestone generate, and use to craft argil. [Added]Firewood, use log to make it and fire it util it change into coal. [Added]You can plant trees with tree seeds now. [Added]FLE creative tabs. [Fixed]Fle big axe can cut tree log to log block now. 2.01e [Added]Technology system(?). [Added]Some tools. [Added]New crop, you need to care for tempreture, water, etc. [Added]Drying table, to dryed item. [Change]Add fuel of oil lamp burning time. [Fixed]Simple axe (In FLE) can't cut tree down. 2.01d [Added]Removed crafting table recipe. [Added]Added oil lamp. [Fixed]Transfer polish table slot bug. 2.01c [Added]You can place flint with size of 4 to ground (use Shift + P key), and break it to hearvest. [Added]Polish table, withc can polish ore, flint and stone etc. [Added]Some stone block. [Added]Added wooden hammer, witch can crush flint. [Bug]Key place may have default value button1, you need change it. [Fixed]Slot will be left to right now. 2.01b [Added]Now you can use axe and log crafting in crafting inventory. [Change]The log cutting recipe will output log block, but you can place it on the ground now. [Fixed]A bug of biome grass color loading. 2.01a [Added]Added client and common proxy, it can play in server now~. [Added]Key of P control. [Added]Washing GUI, use shift + P and a block to right click a please witch have enough water around or biome is ocean or river. [Added]The color of biome. [Added]The Copper ores. [Change]You can find gravel under the ground whitch in forest and plains in FARLAND world. [Change]Move fla world generate to FARLAND world. [Bug]Don't open FARLAND world or you will be crush. 2.00d 添加关于燧石的物品,修改沙砾掉落物 添加小型燧石砍树斧 修复bug 2.00c 添加树叶掉落物 修复bug 2.00b 加入物品状态的树干,并且加入了关于树干合成的配方 修复bug 2.00a 加入调试工具 支持斧子一下砍倒整个树干,但是不能再徒手砍树了 (以下内容已经过时) 1.13d 还原工作台配方,但是需要铜外壁才能放置 NEI可以查询配方 铁砧不再消耗耐久,工具可以用金属粒修复了 修改沙砾掉落配方 屏蔽泥土耕种,你需要腐殖土,腐植土会沙化,请种植绿肥作物 增加绿肥作物——紫云英 修改部分“机器”掉落,他们需要精准采集才能完整采集 1.13b 重新加入cell 加入工作台桌布 加入成就系统 加入一些小玩意 1.13a 增加矿物处理系统 增加堆肥机,鼓风炉(还未正式加入) 修改工具加工方式 减少物品堆叠数量 1.12d 增加部分config 解决工具系统问题 增加经验系统 增加新物品 修改锤子配方用法(左键改为右键,但是如果直接敲消耗4) 1.12b 添加config 加入研究系统 修改,添加配方 1.11d 添加吃货们的最爱…… 修改部分配方 增加锉刀 重置注册机制,修改API 1.10f 添加润滑油机制 添加物品 增加锻造锤配方 1.10e 添加青铜栅栏 修改Kinetic能源网 添加动力锻造锤 添加热力发动机 现在混合铁矿会烧出炽热生铁锭 修改材质读取机制 1.10d 新增装饰方块(未来的合成原料) 删去Unit系统 1.10c 添加碳酸钙粉 修复混合矿石挖掘问题 新增两种混合矿石 新增配方 1.10b 添加锡矿 1.10a 添加铜矿 添加镀铜砖块 修改配方 增强兼容性 添加语言文件 1.09-fix 修复窑炉bug 1.09 覆盖一些配方 添加红石锭 修改默认命名规则,为增加物品名称做准备 修改API bug:窑炉不能储存数据,会异常“吃”物品 1.08 添加石灰石矿石生成 修改部分配方 添加窑炉 修复小刀bug 添加一些食物 添加锻铁炉(但是测试物品,不开放生存使用) 1.05 添加小刀 添加锤子 现在生铁需要拿锤子锤 添加牛肉粒 1.03 添加混合矿石,现在需要用它来烧铁 添加打火棍 存在未混淆bug 1.01 增加甘蔗汤 调整工作台合成 屏蔽木/石剑,木/石锄头 1.10d 增加配方 新增测试物品——炽焰珍珠 修复bug 1.10c 增加配方,修复bug 增加工具 新增锻铁炉 1.10b 增加研磨机 1.10a 去掉先前内容 1.02i 修复砍树GUI的bug 添加工具 bug:石头材质物品会丢失材质。 1.02g 添加凿子 覆盖部分原版矿物以及石头 1.02a 添加锤子的制造方法 1.01c 添加工具 修改配方 1.01b 修复材质问题 修复挖矿bug 1.01a 修改资源型物品的判定 bug:挖FLA的矿会造成崩溃 1.00c 矿物可以在主世界生成 修改配方 1.00b 增加搅拌机 修改配方 1.00a 增加数种粉末,木头粉可以燃烧了 加入砍树Gui 加入雕刻Gui 修改配方 |
本mod由ueyudiud开发,保留所有权利; 源码可见,地址:https://github.com/ueyudiud/FLE 感谢@huanghongxun 提供开发的一些建议 感谢贴吧里的@huangziye812 提供的脑洞 如果你在玩mod的过程中有更好的想法,或发现了bug, 你拥有强大的绘图能力,甚至只是想围观uy开发FLE,欢迎加入FLE开发讨论群152693562 请支持我开发的这个mod~ |
2014-06-18 19:46:00
sb023612 发表于 2014-6-18 19:46
虽然你在贴吧发过教程,但是给人一点零零碎碎的感觉,希望你能好好组织整理一下你的mod里面都有什么内容, ...
2014-06-19 21:53:00
1113683545 发表于 2014-6-27 13:55
没图片和介绍个用法啊= =(坐等删帖)
2014-06-28 12:54:00
2014-09-26 21:23:00
Darkyoooooo 发表于 2014-7-31 16:11
_(:3 」∠)_材质全部读取出错
2014-09-26 21:24:00
2014-12-18 22:31:00
波罗秘 发表于 2014-12-21 13:02
2014-12-24 00:40:00
宇953 发表于 2015-2-14 18:35
2015-02-17 17:27:00
ueyudiud 发表于 2014-6-19 21:53
另外我想要个图章...... ...
2015-07-15 16:19:00
grape 发表于 2015-7-15 19:56
2015-07-20 14:49:00
zzyyzzwz 发表于 2015-8-23 12:16
楼主啊 我安装MOD之后发现工作台什么的还是原来的合成方式啊
2015-08-24 07:24:00
ueyudiud 发表于 2015-8-24 07:24
请找一下我在mc工业2吧的最新发布帖,本帖内容已经过期,预计在最近几天更新 ...
2015-08-28 07:14:00
lzlniu 发表于 2015-8-28 07:14
你把内容全部放出来,再效果美化一下,设计一下排版,精三我觉得都可以,人气不够但质量够了。 ...
2015-08-30 19:51:00
2015-09-22 09:46:00
饕餮魍魉枭蹀躞 发表于 2015-9-22 09:46
并没有什么事,哈哈!就是想让楼主同步一下贴吧帖与这个帖,当然也不强求啦哈哈! ...
2015-10-06 21:19:00
2016-01-19 22:59:00
ueyudiud 发表于 2016-1-19 22:59
另外1.7.10更完了,即将更1.8 ...
2016-02-02 20:21:00
yuriah 发表于 2016-2-1 13:02
2016-02-03 22:57:00
ENDERfrostbite 发表于 2016-2-2 20:21
2016-02-03 23:00:00
ueyudiud 发表于 2016-2-3 22:57
2016-02-04 19:23:00