僵尸意识 Zombie Awareness
怪物听见你挖矿 咣咣~的声音,他会来找你谈人生[攻击]!
配置文件 |
general {
B:awareness_Light=true 怪物感知光线:朝光亮移动
B:awareness_Scent=true 怪物感知血迹:朝血迹移动
B:awareness_Sound=true 怪物感知声响:朝声响移动:
I:frequentSoundThreshold=1000 引起怪物注意的连续敲击时间
I:maxPFRange=64 寻路AI的最大距离
I:maxZombiesNight=50 夜间最大僵尸数量
B:noisyZombies=true 僵尸的叫声是否吸引怪物
B:omnipotent=false 追杀模式
I:scentStrength=60 血迹吸引距离
B:seeThroughWalls=false 怪物透视
I:sightRange=16 视线吸引距离
I:soundStrength=60 声音吸引距离
B:wanderingHordes=true 怪物是否团体
I:zombieRandSpeedBoost=5 加速BUFF速度
I:zombieSpawnTickDelay=40 刷新延迟
B:awareness_Light=true 怪物感知光线:朝光亮移动
B:awareness_Scent=true 怪物感知血迹:朝血迹移动
B:awareness_Sound=true 怪物感知声响:朝声响移动:
I:frequentSoundThreshold=1000 引起怪物注意的连续敲击时间
I:maxPFRange=64 寻路AI的最大距离
I:maxZombiesNight=50 夜间最大僵尸数量
B:noisyPistons=true 活塞声响是否吸引怪物
B:noisyZombies=true 僵尸的叫声是否吸引怪物
B:omnipotent=false 追杀模式
I:scentStrength=60 血迹吸引距离
B:seeThroughWalls=false 怪物透视
I:sightRange=16 视线吸引距离
I:soundStrength=60 声音吸引距离
B:wanderingHordes=true 怪物是否团体
I:zombieRandSpeedBoost=5 加速BUFF速度
I:zombieSpawnTickDelay=40 刷新延迟
*新增coroutil 1.1.13 -for mc 1.10.2)
前置Coroutil for1.7.10 -最新
前置Coroutil for1.8.9 -最新
前置Coroutil for1.10.2 -最新
New in v1.11.1 for MC 1.10.2: Changes ------- - Underped version number (for some reason it went from 1.10 to 1.20 before) - Bugfix for reloading world causing high server cpu / crash: https://github.com/Corosauce/ZombieAwareness/issues/10 - Updated to comply to latest CoroUtil changes - Now gives a proper "Missing CoroUtil" message if you try to run it without CoroUtil New in v1.20 for MC 1.10.2: Changes ------- - Spawns senses for a lot more sounds, louder noises like explosions and noteblocks attract mobs more - New sound queues to let you know mobs are coming to find you, also for when they targetted you - Extra config option for a more "fun" kind of target alert noise - Both smell and sound senses can be buffed and reset for decay if more happens at that same area, also prevents "entity sense spawn spam" that might have been a problem in the past - Fixed blood rendering to look the way it should have from the start - Client side configs for debug options for rendering a visual of sound senses - Configs for sound levels of sound queues, currently a server wide setting only for now - Refactored a lot of the code to work more consistently and clean New in v1.10 for MC 1.7.10: - Fixed a bug where senses were still spawning for block mining despite setting sound senses to false - Extra spawning system improved greatly, helps make sure caves are populated (default off) -- Ability to spawn extra mobs up to a certain amount, define different limits for surface and caves -- 3 spawn mode types: zombies only, built in mc spawn list (supports mods), custom spawn list (supports mods) --- for custom spawn list, use "/coroutil list" (with latest coroutil) to list out full names of mobs, use that in custom spawn list -- use "/za get counts" to see current amount spawned on surface and caves -- Custom spawn list works well for modded mobs, eg: A world of just mutant zombies - Adjusted a lot of config values to reflect if they are used for surface spawning, or cave spawning - Lots of small bugs relating to positioning fixed - Heavily tested in a large modpack setup New in v1.9.7 for MC 1.8.9:Changes ------- - Updated to MC 1.8.9 - Switched from using threaded pathfinder for long distance paths to a piece by piece short pathfinding that is not threaded and occurs on main server thread, will revert if I recieve reports of tps issues due to this change. Known issues - Blood not rendering for now New in v1.9.6 for MC 1.7.10:Changes ------- - Updated CoroUtil to remove console spam and visual glitchesNew in v1.9.5 for MC 1.7.10: Fixed - crashing on loading for servers - potentially fixed pathfinder failing to get loaded chunks, if not, a fallback approach exists to make it still work. New in v1.9.4 for MC 1.7.2/1.7.10 (not 1.6.4) versions: New - Documented all configurations in the cfg files to better explain what they do - Extra random surface spawning and duplicating cave spawning is active for all players unless whiteListUsedExtraSpawning is set to true (default global max active zombies is 50) - Turned off MC feature: spawning of child zombies, added config to adjust rate (MC default is 0.05) - Turned off MC feature: summon help on hit for zombies, added config to adjust rate (MC default is 0.1) - Config to change AI enhance blacklist into a whitelist for easier customization Fixes - extra random spawning respects the configured min and max extra spawning ranges New in v1.9.3 for MC 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and 1.7.10 versions: Changes/Fixes - Preventing more than 1 sense being spawned in a 1.5 block diameter (should prevent huge counts of senses in modpacks), added config for this - Reduced random positioning for sound senses from 10 to 1, added config for this - Changed hitbox size of senses from 0.1 to 0 and fixed scents not rendering when size was 0 (should prevent thaumcraft entity viewer from showing senses) - made player health bleed use % of max health instead of static value New in v1.9.2 for 1.7.2/10: - Updated to MC 1.7.2 / 1.7.10, this does not contain the planned replacement of EntityScents to pure data just yet New in v1.9.2: Changes ------- - Updated to latest CoroUtil - Zombie speed buff feature disabled for now until a proper new implementation with attribute system is done New in v1.91: Changes ------- - Updated to maintain compatibility with recent Tropicraft update - CoroAI renamed to CoroUtil New in v1.9: New Features ------------ - A pile of new configurations added, a bit of a mess at the moment, to be resolved once new feature reorganization happens - Old extra spawning via 'maxZombiesNight' still exists, but 2 new per player only spawning ways exist: -- Surface spawning: will spawn zombies from nothing randomlyish around you on the topmosts blocks at night (might violate some spawn rules, carefull) -- Cave spawning: depends on existing zombies, will duplicate a new zombie like the old 'maxZombiesNight' but is for caves, more event based, intelligent cave spawning systems will become preset in Hostile Worlds and this feature will remain random -- Lots of ways to configure it, see the standard /config command way -- Also has an option to make them 1 time auto target the player they're spawning near without needing omnipotence on all the time - Ability to switch to csv list of Entities, as well as a way to switch the list between whitelist and backlist, use the the console debugs to see if your list is properly ticking on the entities you want, /za list helps you see the naming you need to use, this should help enable use of ZA on mod entities more, if they use vanilla path following ways - New 'per player' based configuring option have been added in an attempt to make it more customizable for servers but requires admin to config: -- Senses (sound, blood) -- New extra surface spawning -- New extra cave spawning - Client side only configs: render blood, show debug visual of senses in world (shows their strength in size too) - A bunch of other small improvements I've forgotten - Future plan I don't like that I have to adjust the settings of ZA to more intense as I progress in the game, theres a flow issue..... So I'm going to take my player rating calculating code from Hostile Worlds and add it to ZA to dynamically update the 'difficulty' of ZA around you, and a way to the client player to tell the server they want features on like extra spawning (some really hate that stuff entirely) Hopefully this will make ZA only a little active when you are just starting out, and as you get awesome armor etc, ZA updates the challenge appropriately in its passive non event based way of doing its stuff No ETA on when I'll do this, basically when the right kind of motivation hits me New in v1.85: New Features: - Zombies get a slight randomized speed buff (configurable) - Added option for surface zombie spawn delay - Ops can change any config ingame with /za command (restores config file setting on restart) Bug fixes: - Fixed random blood showing up - Removed limit on max scents, random chance and max spawn time of 1 minute keeps the total amount of them down. - Fixed concurrent modification exceptions for good, CoroAI pathfinding uses a maintained world cache now - Lots of self correcting fixes added to CoroAI PFQueue for better long term dedicated server functionality New in 1.8: - New light awareness, will spot exposed light sources near players (configurable) - Adds around 10-20 more zombies to the surface at night (configurable) New in v1.7: - Chance for hostiles to gather around other zombies (1/40) - Chance for hostiles to hear piston noises (1/40) - Wandering hordes is default on for those with no config yet |
回复与关注 健康与幸福!
Y的世界 发表于 2014-7-27 13:30
呵呵 如果僵尸生成得太多,有可能呢。
2014-07-27 13:37:00
2014-09-16 21:26:00
a148575143 发表于 2014-10-18 10:06
1.7.2的 怎么没有配置文件。我找了好久都没找到
General.cfg 就是本mod的配置文件!
2014-10-18 11:43:00
本帖最后由 DPhil 于 2014-11-5 15:43 编辑
1.7.10的僵尸意志 受伤还会在地上溅血么? 1.95版的没血,这个特性是取消了还是?
1.7.10的僵尸意志 受伤还会在地上溅血么? 1.95版的没血,这个特性是取消了还是?
2014-11-05 15:38:00
Y的世界 发表于 2014-7-27 13:14
2014-11-27 23:10:00
mjyqwe1234 发表于 2014-11-27 23:10
我丧(纯)心(属)病(作)狂(死)的把夜间怪物数量调到了9000结果卡死了! ...
2014-12-14 18:37:00