- # This is the english master file for localizations. It will always be the most
- # up-to-date version, so other localizations should be based on this one.
- # Use [nl] to for a line break.
- # Blocks
- tile.oc.accessPoint.name=桥接器
- tile.oc.adapter.name=适配器
- tile.oc.assembler.name=机器人装配器
- tile.oc.cable.name=线缆
- tile.oc.capacitor.name=电容
- tile.oc.case1.name=基础机箱
- tile.oc.case2.name=高级机箱
- tile.oc.case3.name=超级机箱
- tile.oc.caseCreative.name=创造模式机箱
- tile.oc.charger.name=充电器
- tile.oc.disassembler.name=分解器
- tile.oc.diskDrive.name=磁盘驱动器
- tile.oc.geolyzer.name=地质透析器
- tile.oc.keyboard.name=键盘
- tile.oc.hologram1.name=基础全息地图投影仪
- tile.oc.hologram2.name=高级全息地图投影仪
- tile.oc.microcontroller.name=微控制器
- tile.oc.motionSensor.name=运动传感器
- tile.oc.powerConverter.name=能量转换器
- tile.oc.powerDistributor.name=能量分配器
- tile.oc.raid.name=磁盘阵列
- tile.oc.redstone.name=红石I/O端口
- tile.oc.robot.name=机器人
- tile.oc.robotAfterimage.name=机器人
- tile.oc.screen1.name=基础显示屏
- tile.oc.screen2.name=高级显示屏
- tile.oc.screen3.name=超级显示屏
- tile.oc.serverRack.name=服务器机架
- tile.oc.switch.name=交换机
- # Items
- item.oc.AbstractBusCard.name=抽象类总线卡
- item.oc.Acid.name=蚀刻药水
- item.oc.ALU.name=算逻运算单元(ALU)
- item.oc.Analyzer.name=分析器
- item.oc.appengTunnel.name=点对点通道-开放式电脑
- item.oc.ArrowKeys.name=方向键
- item.oc.ButtonGroup.name=按钮组
- item.oc.CardBase.name=主板
- item.oc.CircuitBoard.name=电路板
- item.oc.ControlUnit.name=控制单元(CU)
- item.oc.ComponentBus0.name=基础组件总线
- item.oc.ComponentBus1.name=高级组件总线
- item.oc.ComponentBus2.name=超级组件总线
- item.oc.CPU0.name=基础中央处理器(CPU)
- item.oc.CPU1.name=高级中央处理器(CPU)
- item.oc.CPU2.name=超级中央处理器(CPU)
- item.oc.CuttingWire.name=切割线
- item.oc.DebugCard.name=调试卡
- item.oc.Debugger.name=网络调试器
- item.oc.Disk.name=磁盘
- item.oc.Drone.name=Drone
- item.oc.DroneCase0.name=Drone Case (Tier 1)
- item.oc.DroneCase1.name=Drone Case (Tier 2)
- item.oc.DroneCase3.name=Drone Case (Creative)
- item.oc.eeprom.name=EEPROM
- item.oc.FloppyDisk.name=软盘
- item.oc.GraphicsCard0.name=基础显卡
- item.oc.GraphicsCard1.name=高级显卡
- item.oc.GraphicsCard2.name=超级显卡
- item.oc.HardDiskDrive0.name=基础硬盘驱动
- item.oc.HardDiskDrive1.name=高级硬盘驱动
- item.oc.HardDiskDrive2.name=超级硬盘驱动
- item.oc.InternetCard.name=因特网卡
- item.oc.Interweb.name=因特网
- item.oc.IronNugget.name=铁粒
- item.oc.LinkedCard.name=连接卡
- item.oc.Memory0.name=1级存储器
- item.oc.Memory1.name=1.5级存储器
- item.oc.Memory2.name=2级存储器
- item.oc.Memory3.name=2.5级存储器
- item.oc.Memory4.name=3级存储器
- item.oc.Memory5.name=3.5级存储器
- item.oc.Microchip0.name=简易微芯片
- item.oc.Microchip1.name=高级微芯片
- item.oc.Microchip2.name=超级微芯片
- item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase0.name=简易微控制器
- item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase1.name=高级微控制器
- item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase3.name=超级微控制器(仅限创造模式)
- item.oc.NetworkCard.name=网卡
- item.oc.NumPad.name=数字键盘
- item.oc.Present.name=一个小东西...
- item.oc.PrintedCircuitBoard.name=印制电路板(PCB)
- item.oc.RawCircuitBoard.name=未加工电路板
- item.oc.RedstoneCard0.name=基础红石卡
- item.oc.RedstoneCard1.name=高级红石卡
- item.oc.Server0.name=基础服务器
- item.oc.Server1.name=高级服务器
- item.oc.Server2.name=超级服务器
- item.oc.Server3.name=创造模式服务器
- item.oc.Tablet.name=平板电脑
- item.oc.TabletCase.name=平板电脑壳
- item.oc.Terminal.name=远程终端
- item.oc.Transistor.name=晶体管
- item.oc.UpgradeAngel.name=天使方块升级
- item.oc.UpgradeBattery0.name=基础电池升级
- item.oc.UpgradeBattery1.name=高级电池升级
- item.oc.UpgradeBattery2.name=超级电池升级
- item.oc.UpgradeChunkloader.name=区块载入升级
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerCard0.name=基础卡容器
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerCard1.name=高级卡容器
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerCard2.name=超级卡容器
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerUpgrade0.name=基础升级组件容器
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerUpgrade1.name=高级升级组件容器
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerUpgrade2.name=超级升级组件容器
- item.oc.UpgradeCrafting.name=合成升级
- item.oc.UpgradeDatabase0.name=基础数据库升级
- item.oc.UpgradeDatabase1.name=高级数据库升级
- item.oc.UpgradeDatabase2.name=超级数据库升级
- item.oc.UpgradeExperience.name=经验升级
- item.oc.UpgradeGenerator.name=发电机升级
- item.oc.UpgradeInventory.name=物品栏升级
- item.oc.UpgradeInventoryController.name=高级物品栏升级
- item.oc.UpgradeLeash.name=控制升级
- item.oc.UpgradeNavigation.name=导航升级
- item.oc.UpgradePiston.name=活塞升级
- item.oc.UpgradeSign.name=告示牌升级
- item.oc.UpgradeSolarGenerator.name=太阳能发电机升级
- item.oc.UpgradeTank.name=水箱升级
- item.oc.UpgradeTankController.name=高级水箱升级
- item.oc.UpgradeTractorBeam.name=牵引光束升级
- item.oc.WirelessNetworkCard.name=无线网卡升级
- item.oc.WorldSensorCard.name=世界感应卡
- # Entities
- entity.oc.Drone.name=无人机
- # GUI
- oc:gui.Analyzer.Address=§6地址§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.AddressCopied=地址已复制到剪贴板.
- oc:gui.Analyzer.ChargerSpeed=§6充电速度§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.ComponentName=§6组件名§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.Components=§6已连接组件的数量§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.LastError=§6上一个错误§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotName=§6名称§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotOwner=§6主人§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotXp=§6经验§f: %s (等级 %s)
- oc:gui.Analyzer.StoredEnergy=§6存储能量§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.TotalEnergy=§6存储能量上限§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.Users=§6用户§f: %s
- oc:gui.Analyzer.WirelessStrength=§6信号强度§f: %s
- oc:gui.Assembler.Collect=采集机器人
- oc:gui.Assembler.Complexity=复杂度: %s/%s
- oc:gui.Assembler.InsertCase=插入一个机箱
- oc:gui.Assembler.InsertCPU=插入一个CPU
- oc:gui.Assembler.InsertRAM=插入一些存储器
- oc:gui.Assembler.Progress=进度: %s%% (%s)
- oc:gui.Assembler.Run=组装
- oc:gui.Assembler.Warnings=§e警告§7: 推荐的组件丢失.
- oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.BIOS=BIOS
- oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.GraphicsCard=显卡
- oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.Inventory=物品栏升级
- oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.Keyboard=键盘
- oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.OS=运行环境
- oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.Screen=显示屏
- oc:gui.Chat.NewVersion=新版本可用: %s
- oc:gui.Chat.WarningFingerprint=§c警告§f - 校验不匹配! 预期对应 '§a%s§f' 但识别到 '§e%s§f'. 如果你不是模组的作者或运行的不是反混淆版本, 我 §l强烈§f 建议你重新下载OpenComputers, 因为当前使用的JAR文件已被篡改.
- oc:gui.Chat.WarningLuaFallback=无法使用原有的Lua库, 电脑不会持续现在的状态. 它们会在区块载入时重启.
- oc:gui.Chat.WarningPower=没有检测到可提供能源的模组. 电脑, 显示屏和所有其它组件将 §l不需要§f 能量来运作. 安装下列模组中的其中一个来启用能量需求: 建筑, 工业时代2, 通用机械, 热力膨胀 or 通用电力. 在配置文件中禁用能量设定可以让这条信息不再显示.
- oc:gui.Chat.WarningProjectRed=你目前使用的Project Red版本中, 红石系统不兼容OpenComputers. 试着升级你的Project Red.
- oc:gui.Error.ComponentOverflow=过多的组件连接了计算机.
- oc:gui.Error.InternalError=网络错误, 请检查log文件. 这可能是个Bug.
- oc:gui.Error.NoCPU=这台计算机上没有安装CPU.
- oc:gui.Error.NoEnergy=能量不足.
- oc:gui.Error.NoRAM=这台计算机上没有安装存储器.
- oc:gui.Error.OutOfMemory=内存溢出.
- oc:gui.Raid.Warning=§4正在对一个磁盘进行擦除[nl] 删除磁盘的磁盘矩阵。
- oc:gui.Robot.Power=能量
- oc:gui.Robot.TurnOff=关闭
- oc:gui.Robot.TurnOn=开启
- oc:gui.ServerRack.None=无
- oc:gui.ServerRack.Back=后
- oc:gui.ServerRack.Bottom=底部
- oc:gui.ServerRack.Left=左
- oc:gui.ServerRack.Right=右
- oc:gui.ServerRack.Top=上部
- oc:gui.ServerRack.SwitchExternal=外部
- oc:gui.ServerRack.SwitchInternal=内部
- oc:gui.ServerRack.WirelessRange=范围
- oc:gui.Switch.TransferRate=周期率
- oc:gui.Switch.PacketsPerCycle=数据包 / 周期
- oc:gui.Switch.QueueSize=队列长度
- oc:gui.Terminal.InvalidKey=无效键, 看上去另一个终端已绑定到这台服务器.
- oc:gui.Terminal.OutOfRange=无信号.
- # Containers
- oc:container.AccessPoint=桥接器
- oc:container.Adapter=适配器
- oc:container.Charger=充电器
- oc:container.Case=计算机
- oc:container.Disassembler=分解器
- oc:container.DiskDrive=磁盘驱动器
- oc:container.Raid=Raid
- oc:container.Server=服务器
- oc:container.ServerRack=服务器机架
- oc:container.Switch=交换机
- # Keybinds
- key.materialCosts=显示材料需求
- key.clipboardPaste=粘贴到剪贴板
- # Item / Block Tooltips
- oc:tooltip.AccessPoint=类似于交换机, 但它还能接收无线数据包和无线传递连接包.
- oc:tooltip.AbstractBusCard=允许计算机向 §f星门科技 2§7的抽象类总线发送或接收LIP数据包.
- oc:tooltip.Acid=一种有毒的假液相物质, 通常只有某些海盗会使用它们. 它的腐蚀特性令它非常完美地适用于蚀刻电路板的材料.
- oc:tooltip.Adapter=用于控制非电脑组件的方块, 比如原版或者来自其它模组的方块.
- oc:tooltip.ALU=用来做算逻运算以免你亲自代劳, 它更能胜任这份差事.
- oc:tooltip.Analyzer=用于显示方块信息, 比如它们的 §f地址§7 和 §f组件名称§7 .如果计算机未能正常关闭它也会显示使计算机崩溃的报错.
- oc:tooltip.Assembler=允许使用若干不同的电脑组件来组装机器人.
- oc:tooltip.Cable=连接方块的廉价选择.
- oc:tooltip.Capacitor=储能以备他用. 能够非常快速地充电或放电.
- oc:tooltip.CardBase=正如其名, 它是用来安装其它扩展卡的基本卡板.
- oc:tooltip.Case=计算机机箱是构建计算机的基本方块, 也是各种 §f扩展卡§7 , §f存储器§7 以及 §f硬盘§7 的外壳.[nl] 格子: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.Charger=将电容器的能量传输给相邻机器人. 传输效率取决于输入的 §f红石信号§7 强度, 无信号意味着不给机器人充电, 而最强信号则意味着全速给机器人充电.
- oc:tooltip.CircuitBoard=现在我们已经取得一些进展. 可以通过蚀刻来得到印制电路板.
- oc:tooltip.ControlUnit=用来控制...控制东西...的单元. 你需要这玩意儿来做CPU. 所以反正啦, 这个非常重要.
- oc:tooltip.ComponentBus=这个扩展能让服务器同时与更多组件通讯, 工作原理类似CPU.[nl] 支持的组件: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.CPU=所有计算机最核心的组件, 它的时钟频率有点不可靠, 但是你考虑到它是靠便携日晷来运行的, 还能指望什么呢?[nl] 支持组件: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.CPU.Architecture=结构: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.CuttingWire=用于将粘土块切割成电路板的形状. 使用一次就会坏掉, 这可能使得成为历来最低效的工具.
- oc:tooltip.DebugCard=创造模式物品, 它能让你更简易的操控世界来进行测试. 请自己承担它带来的危险.
- oc:tooltip.Debugger=可用于调试OC内部网络的网络信息。只能用来进行指导开发。
- oc:tooltip.Disassembler=将物品分解成基础组件. §l警告§7: 分解得到的物品会有 %s%% 的几率在分解过程中损坏!
- oc:tooltip.Disk=用于制造持久存储设备的原始媒介材料.
- oc:tooltip.DiskDrive.CC=已经 §asupported§7 使用ComputerCraft的软盘了.
- oc:tooltip.DiskDrive=用来读写软盘. 可以给机器人安装使其可以插入磁盘.
- oc:tooltip.Drone=无人机是一种轻型侦查单位,且安装有容量有限的储物舱。
- oc:tooltip.DroneCase=这个无人机卡是用来帮助机器人组装器制作无人机的。它具有少量的部件提供动力的悬浮室和托钻。
- oc:tooltip.EEPROM=小型, 可编程存储包含计算机使用的BIOS启动。
- oc:tooltip.Geolyzer=可以检测周围方块的硬度. 这些信息对编写全息地图程序或检测矿物都有很大的帮助.
- oc:tooltip.GraphicsCard=用来改变屏幕上的显示内容. 最高分辨率: §f%sx%s§7[nl] 最高色深: §f%s§7[nl] 运算/tick: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.InternetCard=因特网卡可以让你发送HTTP请求以及使用货真价实的TCP Sockets.
- oc:tooltip.Interweb=恭喜, 你赢得了一个 (1) 因特网. 你可以使用因特网卡来连接它. 注意: 不要水贴钓鱼
- oc:tooltip.IronNugget=颗粒状的铁, 所以叫铁粒啦, 蠢蠢的感觉...
- oc:tooltip.Keyboard=可以连接屏幕来输入显示文本.
- oc:tooltip.Hologram0=一个能通过电脑控制来投射出任何三维结构的全息投影仪.[nl] 分辨率: §f48x32x48§7 [nl] 最大显示规模: §f3x§7 [nl] 最高色深: §f黑白§7
- oc:tooltip.Hologram1=使用电脑控制的高级全息投影仪.[nl] 分辨率: §f48x32x48§7 [nl] 最大显示规模: §f4x§7 [nl] 最高色深: §f三原色§7
- oc:tooltip.LinkedCard=连接卡可以成对合成, 并且它们只能与各自对应的连接卡交互. 然而, 它们之间的交互没有距离限制, 甚至可以跨越不同的世界. 但它们传递信息所需要的能量消耗不多不少.
- oc:tooltip.LinkedCard_Channel=§8频道: %s§7
- oc:tooltip.MaterialCosts=按住 [§f%s§7] 显示所需材料.
- oc:tooltip.Materials=所需材料:
- oc:tooltip.Memory=电脑运行必备. 内存越大, 你就可以运行越复杂的程序.
- oc:tooltip.Microchip=通常也管这种芯片叫集成电路. 我也不知道为什么能和红石一起运行, 但事实如此.
- oc:tooltip.Microcontroller=微控制器是计算机归结为要点。他们的目的是照顾非常具体的任务,运行一个单一的程序,对EEPROM建成他们提供。
- oc:tooltip.MicrocontrollerCase=建立微控制器的基础组件。把它变成一个汇编程序添加其他组件和组装微控制器。
- oc:tooltip.MotionSensor=可以检测附近生物的动向. 检测需要无遮挡物的环境.
- oc:tooltip.NetworkCard=允许通过其他方块(比如线缆)相连的远程计算机能够向彼此发送信息进行交互.
- oc:tooltip.PowerAcceptor=能量转换速度: §f%s/t§7
- oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.BuildCraft=§fMJ§7: §a%s:%s§7
- oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.Factorization=§fCharge§7: §a%s:%s§7
- oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.IndustrialCraft2=§fEU§7: §a%s:%s§7
- oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.Mekanism=§fJoules§7: §a%s:%s§7
- oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.ThermalExpansion=§fRF§7: §a%s:%s§7
- oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.UniversalElectricity=§fJoules§7: §a%s:%s§7
- oc:tooltip.PowerConverter=将其它模组的能量转化为本模组的内部能源形式. 转换比:
- oc:tooltip.PowerDistributor=在不同网络中分配能量. 很实用于通过包含多个理论上独立子网络的转换器在系统中共享能量.
- oc:tooltip.PrintedCircuitBoard=扩展卡, 内存等组件的基础板.
- oc:tooltip.Present=... 对于你的故障.在合适时候你将有机会获得一些 §kphat lewt§7![nl]§8 本MOD的物品作为奖励。§7
- oc:tooltip.Raid=允许三个硬盘在同一系统中同时连通到计算机。
- oc:tooltip.RawCircuitBoard=能在熔炉或其它炉子中加工强化.
- oc:tooltip.Redstone=能够在方块周围接收或发送红石信号. 可以被与之相连的计算机控制. 基本上就像一个外置红石卡.
- oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.ProjectRed=§fProject Red§7 红石系统已 §a兼容§7.
- oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.RedLogic=§fRedLogic§7 红石系统已 §a兼容§7.
- oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.RedNet=§fRedNet§7 红石系统已 §a兼容§7.
- oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.WirelessCBE=§f无线红石 (ChickenBones)§7 红石系统已 §a兼容§7.
- oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.WirelessSV=§f无线红石 (SlimeVoid)§7 红石系统已 §a兼容§7.
- oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard=允许在计算机和机器人四周接收或发送红石信号.
- oc:tooltip.Robot=和计算机不同, 机器人能够移动并且像玩家那样与世界中的东西交互. 然而, 它们 §o不能§r§7 直接与外设进行交互!
- # The underscore makes sure this isn't hidden with the rest of the tooltip.
- oc:tooltip.Robot_Level=§f等级§7: §a%s§7.
- oc:tooltip.Robot_StoredEnergy=§f存储能量§7: §a%s§7.
- oc:tooltip.Screen=显示文本, 运作需要机箱中的显卡.[nl] 最高分辨率: §f%sx%s§7[nl] 最高色深: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.Server=这就是服务器, 它与许多其它的服务器拥有相似功能, 但这台服务器可以使用组件进行升级, 就像升级机箱一样. 它也可以放入服务器机架中运行.[nl] 支持终端的数量: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.Server.Components=已安装的组件:
- oc:tooltip.ServerRack=它能装下四台服务器. 使用远程终端访问机架中的服务器.
- oc:tooltip.Switch=允许设备相互连接不同的网络. 仅能传递网络信息, 并且组件不可见. 例如你可以通过这种方式来建立独立网络但仍允许其使用网卡通讯.
- oc:tooltip.Tablet=平板电脑, 你可以用LUA语言来使用它. 请先将关闭状态的平板启动。
- oc:tooltip.TabletCase=平板电脑的组成配件. 把它放在机器人装配器中并添加的组件然后创建一个平板电脑。
- oc:tooltip.Terminal=可以远程控制服务器, 不过前提是你处于信号范围内. 使用方法相同于显示屏与键盘. Shift+右键一个机架中的服务器可以绑定对应的终端.
- oc:tooltip.Tier=§8等级 %s
- oc:tooltip.TooLong=按住 [§f%s§7] 显示详细物品信息.
- oc:tooltip.Transistor=大多数电脑组件中最基础的元素. 看上去有些扭曲, 但它是有用的.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeAngel=允许机器人凭空放置方块, 甚至是在没有任何依附的情况下.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeBattery=增加机器人存储能量的上限, 让其能够运作很长一段时间也不必充电. [nl] 电容: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeChunkloader=如果机器人走进了一片森林, 周围没有任何生物载入区块, 那么它还能继续移动吗? 这个升级组件可以让你确定这点. 它能让机器人所处的区块保持载入, 但这会让能量不断地消耗.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeContainerCard=卡容器组件可以让你方便随意的将卡装入机器人或从中移出. [nl] 最高等级: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeContainerUpgrade=卡容器升级组件可以让你方便的将卡装入另一个卡容器或从中移出. [nl] 最高等级: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeCrafting=能让机器人的物品栏左上角部分成为合成界面. 物品必须在合成界面里排列整齐.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeDatabase=这个升级可以存储供以后检索和使用的其他组件项目堆栈信息。请注意,它必须在配置后使用.[nl] 支持的目录: §f%s§7
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeExperience=这个升级能让机器人在执行一些工作时获取经验并累积. 它们拥有越多的累积经验, 就能够存储越多的能量, 越快的挖掘方块并且使用工具时拥有更高的效率.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeGenerator=可以让机器人通过燃料充能. 燃烧物品得到的发电量取决于燃料的等级.[nl] §f发电效率§7: §a%s%%§7
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeInventory=这个升级组件为机器人提供了物品背包. 如果没有这个升级, 机器人将不能存储物品.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeInventoryController=这个升级组件可以控制机器人使其与外部容器互动, 并能允许机器人将装备上的工具替换成其物品栏中的其它物品.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeLeash=允许一些设备,如无人驾驶飞机,将以-对不起…*聊天*我道歉。我只是说这其实是用来把动物牵着。多种动物,甚至各种其他动物。
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeNavigation=可以让机器人确认所处位置以及定位. 定位地点即为用于合成此升级组件用到的地图的中心点.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradePiston=这个升级十分有用. 它能让机器人像活塞那样移动方块, 但 §l不能§7 移动实体.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeSign=允许机器人读写告示牌.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeSolarGenerator=可以让机器人在太阳光的照射下四处奔走. 机器人顶部需要无任何方块阻挡. 发电效率是斯特林发电机的 %s%% 倍.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeTank=为你的机器人装上一个可存储流体的水箱. 如果没有升级此功能, 你的机器人将无法在内部存储流体.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeTankController=这个升级能让你的机器人与外界水箱交互, 向其传输流体.
- oc:tooltip.UpgradeTractorBeam=十分先进的高科技, 别名 "物品磁铁". 它能让机器人在任何地方捡起3格范围内的掉落物.
- oc:tooltip.WirelessNetworkCard=允许在发送正常信息的情况下发送无线网络信息. 请确保已设置好 §f信号强度§7 否则不会发出信息. 越高的信号强度会导致越高的能量消耗.
- oc:tooltip.WorldSensorCard=Allows reading out information about the world, such as its gravity and whether it has a breathable atmosphere. Use results at own risk. The manufacturer takes no responsibility for bodily or material harm caused by decisions made upon the cards' outputs. We have lawyers. And money. Don't even try.
- # NEI Usage Pages
- item.oc.AbstractBusCard.usage=这张卡可以让电脑,服务器和机器人与stargatetech2的摘要总线相互作用。当卡被安装,这些块将连接到抽象的总线和组件成为可用的,可用于在摘要总线发送消息的机器。摘要总线传入消息转换为注射机,信号。
- item.oc.Analyzer.usage=该§oanalyzer§R是得到一些关于世界opencomputers相关的信息块的得心应手的工具。简单地(sneak-)激活一块来获得一些信息打印到聊天。这个范围从基本的东西,例如组件的地址,功率水平在子网中的块,和信息的错误导致电脑崩溃。[nl][nl]另一个有用的功能是,当使用分析仪在一块的时候按住[Ctrl]的地址块的组件将被复制到剪贴板。
- item.oc.ComponentBus.usage=一个§ocomponent总线§R是一个特定的服务器升级,允许服务器与多组分同时进行,无需关闭。如CPU,高一级的巴士提供较高的成分限制。
- item.oc.CPU.usage=该处理的核心部分是一§ocentralunit§r的每个计算机。它定义了该体系结构的计算机的数量,和组件可以被连接到的计算机之前,它停止工作。高高的CPU每层还提供直接的呼叫限制的滴答声的计算机中运行速度更快的CPU simpler:更好的条款。
- item.oc.DebugCard.usage=该§odebug卡§R是非craftable项目原本只打算让事情更容易调试,通过自动化的一些过程。它已经得到一些更多的功能,使得它的自定义地图的制作非常有用。
- item.oc.DroneCase.usage=The §oDrone Case§r is used to build Drones in the Assembler. Drones are light-weight, fast and very mobile machines with limited functionality. Unlike Robots they cannot use tools, and can interact with the world only in a relatively limited manner.[nl][nl]They make up for their limitations with speed and lower running energy costs. They are well suited for transport of small amounts of items, and ideal for reconnaissance. Pairing a Drone with a Robot can be quite powerful, with the Robot doing the "hard work", and the Drone providing information about the environment and transporting items to and from a central hub, for example.[nl][nl]Like microcontrollers, Drones can only be programmed using their EEPROM. Accordingly, the EEPROM can be changed by recrafting the Drone with another EEPROM.
- item.oc.eeprom.usage=该§oeeprom§R是包含代码用来初始化计算机时被解雇。这一数据存储为一个普通的字节数组,可能意味着不同的CPU体系结构不同的东西。例如,lua通常是一个小脚本,用于与init脚本文件系统搜索,可能是实际的机器代码的其他体系结构。
- item.oc.FloppyDisk.usage=该§oFloppy Disk§r是便宜的和最小的opencomputers存储介质类型。这是一个方便的数据存储和传送的电脑和机器人之间早期的游戏方式。你也可以找到在地牢的箱子上有用的程序的软盘。[nl][nl]注意:移rightclicking在你手里握着一把软盘软盘将!
- item.oc.GraphicsCard.usage=该§ographics卡§R是大多数计算机的基本组成部分,使计算机在连接的§oscreen§R.显卡显示文本来几个层次,如屏幕,支持不同的分辨率和颜色深度。[nl][nl]另一个值得注意的区别为不同的图形卡层是多少操作图形卡可以执行每一跳。在图形卡的工具提示中列出的值是一个二级CPU计算机代表。一级CPU执行速度稍慢,三级的CPU速度稍快。列出的数字是由GPU提供不同的操作:复制,填充,设置,setbackground和setforeground,分别。
- item.oc.HardDiskDrive.usage=The §oHard Disk Drives§r are the higher tier storage medium in OpenComputers. There are no speed differences in the storage media provided by OpenComputers, they only differ in the amount of disk space they provide. There are also some devices that can only use disk drives, no floppies (although servers could use an external disk drive, for example).[nl][nl]Beware: shift-rightclicking while holding a hard disk in your hand will wipe the disk!
- item.oc.InternetCard.usage=The §oInternet Card§r grants computers access to the internet. It provides ways to perform simple HTTP requests, as well as to open plain TCP client sockets that can be read and written to.[nl][nl]Installing an internet card in a computer will also attach a custom file system that contains a few internet related applications, such as one for downloading and uploading snippets from and to pastebin as well as a wannabe wget clone that allows downloading data from arbitrary HTTP URLs.
- item.oc.LinkedCard.usage=The §oLinked Card§r is a specialized but advanced version of a network card. It can only operate in pairs, providing a point-to-point communication between the paired cards. In return the distance the cards can communicate over is unlimited. They can even communicate when in different dimensions.
- item.oc.Memory.usage=§oMemory§r is, like a §oCPU§r, an essential part in all computers. Depending on the CPU's architecture, the memory has a very essential effect on what a computer can and cannot do. For the standard Lua architecture, for example, it controls the actual amount of memory Lua scripts can use. This means that to run larger and more memory-intensive programs, you'll need more RAM.
- item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase.usage=The §oMicrocontroller Case§r is the base part when building microcontrollers in the §oAssembler§r. Microcontrollers are very primitive computers. They may only contain a very limited number of components, and are intended to be used in very specific use-cases, such as transforming or reacting to redstone signals, or processing network messages.[nl][nl]They do not have an actual file system. All programming must be done using the EEPROM chip built into them. This chip can be swapped for another one by crafting a microcontroller with the chip to insert. The old EEPROM will be returned to your inventory.[nl][nl]While they also require power to run, they consume very little energy.
- item.oc.NetworkCard.usage=The §oNetwork Card§r allows computers to send and receive network messages. Such messages (or packets) can be either sent as a broadcast, in which case they will be sent to all nodes in the same subnetwork, or sent to specific target, in which case they will only be received by the node with the specified target address. §oSwitches§r and §oAccess Points§r can be used to bridge multiple subnetworks by relaying messages between the subnetworks they are connected to. It is also possible to send a targeted message if the receiver is in another subnetwork, if the networks are connected via one or more switches.
- item.oc.RedstoneCard.usage=The §oRedstone Card§r allows computers to read and emit analog redstone signal in adjacent blocks. When an ingoing signal strength changes, a signal is injected into the computer.[nl][nl]If there are any supported mods present that provide bundled redstone facilities, such as RedLogic, Project Red or MineFactory Reloaded, or mods that provide wireless redstone facilities such as WR-CBE and Slimevoid's Wireless mod, a second tier card is available that allows interacting with these systems.[nl][nl]The side provided to the several methods are relative to the orientation of the computer case / robot / server rack. That means when looking at the front of the computer, right is at your left and vice versa.
- item.oc.Server.usage=§oServers§r are a form of higher tier computer. They can be configured by holding them in the hand and rightclicking - like opening a backpack or ender pouch, for example. After inserting CPU, memory and cards, the server has to be placed inside a §oServer Rack§r. For more information see the server rack entry.
- item.oc.TabletCase.usage=The §oTablet Case§r is the base part when building tablets in the §oAssembler§r. Tablets are very compact and portable computers. They can host a small number of select upgrades, but obviously cannot interact with the world like computer cases can (using simple §oNetwork Cards§r or §oRedstone Cards§r for example). Upgrades and cards that cannot be used in tablets can generally not be placed into the assembler, so if you can install an upgrade, you can usually assume that you will also be able to use it.[nl][nl]They must also remain in a player's inventory to continue running. When dropped or placed into some other inventory, they will turn off after a short amount of time.
- item.oc.Terminal.usage=The §oRemote Terminal§r can be used to remote control §oServers§r. To use it, sneak-activate a server that is installed in a §oServer Rack§r (click on the server rack block in the world, targeting the server to bind the terminal to). When a terminal is bound to a server, a virtual screen and keyboard get connected to the server. This can lead to unexpected behavior if another real screen and/or keyboard is connected to the server, so this should be avoided. When rightclicking with the terminal in hand after binding it, a GUI will open, the same as when opening the GUI of a screen with an attached keyboard.[nl][nl]Multiple terminals can be bound to one server, but they will all display the same information, as they will share the virtual screen and keyboard. The number of terminals that can be bound to a server depends on the server's tier. The range in which the terminals work can be configured in the server rack's GUI.
- item.oc.UpgradeChunkloader.usage=The §oChunkloader Upgrade§r can be installed in devices to allow them too keep the chunk they are in - as well as the surrounding chunks - loaded. This consumes quite a bit of energy, however. The chunkloader can be turned on and off using the component the upgrade exposes to the device.[nl][nl]The upgrade is automatically enabled when the device powers up, and automatically disabled when the device powers down.
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerCard.usage=The §oCard Container§r is a container type upgrade for robots that provides a slot in the finished robots into which cards can be placed. The tier of card that slot can hold is equal to the tier of the container. Unlike normal upgrades, the complexity of containers is twice their tier.
- item.oc.UpgradeContainerUpgrade.usage=The §oUpgrade Container§r is a container type upgrade for robots that provides a slot in the finished robots into which normal upgrades can be placed. The tier of upgrade that slot can hold is equal to the tier of the container. Unlike normal upgrades, the complexity of containers is twice their tier.
- item.oc.UpgradeCrafting.usage=The §oCrafting Upgrade§r allows robots to craft shaped and shapeless recipes using items in their inventory. When crafting, the top-left three by three grid in the robot's inventory is used as the crafting grid. Items have to be located as they would be in a normal crafting table. Results will be placed back into the robot's inventory. As when picking up items, the result will preferrably placed into the selected slot, and failing so continue to search forwards until an empty slot is found. If no inventory space remains, the result will be dropped into the world.
- item.oc.UpgradeDatabase.usage=The §oDatabase Upgrade§r can be configured to store a list of item stack representations, which can then be used by other components. This is particularly useful for items that are differentiated purely based on their NBT data, which is not part of the item stack descriptor returned by callbacks.[nl][nl]To configure a database, open it by right-clicking it while holding it in your hand, then placing the stacks you wish to configure it with into the top inventory. This will store a "ghost stack", i.e. no "real" items are stored in the database.
- item.oc.UpgradeExperience.usage=The §oExperience Upgrade§r is a very special upgrade, as it allows robots to collect experience by performing various actions, such as digging up ores and killing entities. Robots can gain up to 30 levels, and gain passive bonuses with each level, including faster harvest speeds and increased energy buffer capacity. Robots at level ten and above will get a golden tint, robots at level twenty and above will get a diamond tint.[nl][nl]The actual experience is stored inside the upgrade, meaning if the upgrade is transferred to another robot, so is the experience.
- item.oc.UpgradeGenerator.usage=The §oGenerator Upgrade§r allows devices to refuel on the go. Currently it only supports solid fuels, such as coal. It has an internal intentory that can store one item stack of fuel. Surplus fuel can be removed from the generator using the according API method. When removing a generator upgrade from a robot its contents will be dropped into the world.[nl][nl]The efficiency of generators is lower than that of usual generators of other mods, meaning it is usually more fuel efficient to power devices using a §oCharger§r.
- item.oc.UpgradeInventory.usage=The §oInventory Upgrade§r provides inventory slots to robots and drones. For each inventory upgrade a robot will gain an addition 16 inventory slots, up to a maximum of 64 slots in total, a drone will gain 4 slots, up to a maximum of 8 slots in total. If no inventory upgrade is installed in a device it will not be able to store or pick up items.
- item.oc.UpgradeInventoryController.usage=The §oInventory Controller Upgrade§r provides extended inventory interaction to robots and drones. It allows the device to excplicitly target slots in external inventories when dropping or sucking items. It also allows devices to read detailed information about item stacks. Lastly it provides robots with a means to change their equipped tool without external help.[nl][nl]This upgrade can also be placed in §oAdapters§r, where it provides similar inspection methods for inventories adjacent to the adapter as it does to the robot. It does not allow the adapter to move items into or out of inventories, however. This feature is only available in robots and drones.
- item.oc.UpgradeLeash.usage=The §oLeash Upgrade§r allows putting animals on a leash, bound to the entity that hosts the device the component is used by, for example drones. Using this upgrade, multiple animals can be leashed at the same time, which makes this quite useful for moving herds.
- item.oc.UpgradeNavigation.usage=The §oNavigation Upgrade§r provides location and orientation information to devices it is installed in. The coordinates the upgrade provides are relative to the center of the map that was used to craft the upgrade, and the functional range is based on the size of that map.[nl][nl]Navigation upgrades can be re-crafted with a map to replace the map in the upgrade with another one. The old map will be returned.
- item.oc.UpgradeTank.usage=The §oTank Upgrade§r allows devices to store fluids. Each tank can only hold a single type of fluids, and provides a volume of 16 buckets (16000mB). Robots and drones can drain liquids from the world and from other fluid tanks, and can fill the fluids back into fluid tanks, and, when supported by the fluid, place them back into the world. There is no limit to the number of tanks that can be installed in a device.
- item.oc.UpgradeTankController.usage=The §oTank Controller Upgrade§r is to fluid tanks what the §oInventory Controller Upgrade§r is to normal inventories. It allows devices to query more detailed information about tanks in and next to them.[nl][nl]This upgrade can also be installed in §oAdapters§r, allowing computers connected to the adapter to query information about the tanks adjacent to the adapter.
- item.oc.UpgradeTractorBeam.usage=The §oTractor Beam Upgrade§r allows devices to pick up items in a three block radius around them. This can be highly useful when employing robots in tree or other farms, or when having them use tools that break multiple blocks around them (such as Tinker's Construct tools). Each operation will try to suck a single item stack in range and consume some energy.
- item.oc.WirelessNetworkCard.usage=The §oWireless Network Card§r is an upgraded §oNetwork Card§r than, in addition to wired network messages, can also send and receive wireless network messages. The signal strength directly controls the distance up to which a sent message can be received, where the strength is equal to that distance in blocks.[nl][nl]The higher the signal strength, the more energy it will take to send a single message. The terrain between the sender and receiver also determines whether a message will be successfully transmitted or not. To penetrate a block, the blocks hardness is subtracted from the signal strength - with the minimum being one for air blocks. If no strength remains to reach the receiver, the message will not be received. This is not an exact science however - sometimes messages may still reach the target. In general you'll want to make sure the line of sight between sender and receiver are clear, however.
- tile.oc.accessPoint.usage=The §oAccess Point§r is the wireless version of the switch block. It can be used to separate subnetworks so that machines in them will not see components in other networks, while still allowing to send network messages to the machines in other networks.[nl][nl]In addition to that, this block will resend any wired messages it receives as wireless ones, wireless messages it receives as wired messages, and repeat wireless messages as wireless ones.[nl][nl]Switches and access point do §lnot§r keep track of which packets they relayed recently, so avoid cycles in your network, or you may receive the same packet multiple times.[nl][nl]Packets are only re-sent a certain number of times, so chaining an arbitrary number of switches or access points is not possible.
- tile.oc.adapter.usage=The §oAdapter§r allows computers to interact with a number of blocks that are not part of OC, such as blocks from Minecraft itself (like the Furnace) and from a number of other mods. Supported blocks adjacent to the adapter will show up as components in computers connected to the adapter.[nl][nl]In addition to this, the adapter provides a slot for a few select upgrades. For example, the §oInventory Controller Upgrade§r allows computers to query more information from an inventory adjacent to the adapter, similar to when the upgrade is installed in a device, and a §oTank Controller Upgrade§r provides similar functionality for fluid tanks next to the adapter.
- tile.oc.assembler.usage=The §oAssembler§r is an advanced workstation that can be used to build more complex electronic devices, such as §oRobots§r and §oTablets§r. They usually require a relatively large amount of energy to assemble these devices, to it is recommended to power them sufficiently.[nl][nl]To build a device using an assembler, first insert the base part for that device. For robots that is a computer case of any tier, for tablets that is a tablet case, for example. Continue to insert any parts you would like the device to contain. Take particular care to provide an operating system, or a possibility to install one later on (for robots you can install a disk drive to insert and remove floppies later on, for example).[nl][nl]Also note that for robots to have a screen you need to install a tier one screen in them, and to allow typing on the screen you also need to install a keyboard. For tablets the screen is pre-installed in the tablet case, but you still need to install a keyboard if you wish to type on your tablet.[nl][nl]Once everything is in place, press the start button and wait for the device to be assembled and charged. It is important to remember that you §lcannot§r change the device after it has been assembled. If you forgot something or made a mistake, you will have to disassemble the device completely using the §oDisassembler§r, which has a slight chance of breaking parts in the process.
- tile.oc.cable.usage=The §oCable§r simply serves as a way of connecting computers and machines that are far apart. If you have a compact build where all components touch each other (directly or indirectly, most blocks also behave the same way as cables) you will usually not need cables.[nl][nl]Cables can be colored using any kind of dye. Colored cables will only connect to cables of the same color and to light gray colored cables - the default color. This can be useful for running cables for multiple subnetworks in parallel, without using covers.[nl][nl]Speaking of which, cables can be covered using either Forge MultiPart covers or immibis Microblocks covers.
- tile.oc.capacitor.usage=The §oCapacitor§r has one job, storing a bunch of energy, either as a failsafe or for quick use. Unlike when converting energy from other mods' power systems to the internal energy format, transfer inside a single OC subnetwork is pretty much instantaneous, so it can be of advantage to store some energy internally, for tasks that consume a lot of energy, such as assembling devices in the §oAssembler§r or charging §oRobots§r.[nl][nl]The storage efficiency of capacitors increases the more capacitors are in their direct and indirect vicinity. For example, two capacitors directly next to each other will have a higher storage capacity than the sum of two separated capacitors. This adjacency bonus applies for capacitors up to two blocks away, with slightly less of a bonus for capacitors two blocks away than for capacitors one block away.
- tile.oc.case.usage=The §oComputer Case§r is the most basic computer you can build, and usually what you'll get started with. The different tiers of computers have a different layout of slots available for parts, as well as increasing level of supported component tier (indicated by the roman numeral in applicable slots).[nl][nl]To get a running computer you'll need to install a §oCPU§r and some §oMemory§r (RAM) in a computer case. You'll usually also want to install a §oGraphics Card§r to be able to display text on a connected screen, and a §oHard Drive§r to install an operating system on (after booting from an OS floppy from an external §oDisk Drive§r for the first time, for example).[nl][nl]Computers can be upgraded using several different cards. For example, using a §oRedstone Card§r computers are able to read and emit redstone signals. Using §oNetwork Cards§r they can send and receive network messages, allowing them to communicate with other computers.[nl][nl]If a computer stops working / crashes, try using the §oAnalyzer§r tool on it (sneak-activate) to see the error message that caused the computer to stop.[nl][nl]Computer cases can be dyed using any dye. This is purely for aesthetic reasons, and has no practical implications.[nl][nl]Computer cases also serve as the base part when building robots in the §oAssembler§r. The different tiers determine the available slots for building the robot. When using a creative case, the robot will also provide itself with power, as does the normal creative case.
- tile.oc.charger.usage=The §oCharger§r is used to charge devices such as §oRobots§r and §oTablets§r. A charger has to be activated by applying a redstone signal to it. The relative charge speed is based on the applied redstone signal's strength, with a strength of 15 meaning a charge speed of 100%.[nl][nl]Note that this logic can be inversed by hitting the charger with a BuildCraft compatible wrench. In inversed mode the charger defaults to 100% charge speed, and a higher redstone signal will result in a slower charge speed.[nl][nl]When a tablet is placed in the charger, its first hard drive is also exposed to computers connected to the charger, similar to how §oFloppies§r in §oDisk Drives§r are. This allows copying data onto or from a tablet, if desired.
- tile.oc.disassembler.usage=The §oDisassembler§r can be used to deconstruct most items in OpenComputers into their original parts. This is mostly useful to reclaim materials from old parts that are no longer useful, or to decompose devices that are either no longer needed or built broken (e.g. robots without an operating system).[nl][nl]Disassembling items takes a relatively long time, and quite some energy. It also has a certain risk to destroy the reclaimed items - this chance is applied to each extracted item - so be sure to not carelessly throw things into the disassembler.
- tile.oc.diskDrive.usage=The §oDisk Drive§r can be used to read §oFloppies§r using a computer connected to the disk drive. This is useful to get started, since the lower tier computer cases do not have a built-in floppy slot, and you'll need an operating system to get started - which usually only come on floppy disks (such the craftable OpenOS one).[nl][nl]It can also be installed in robots to allow inserting an removing floppy disks into and from the robot at any time, which can be very useful, since the only other way to transfer data from a robot is using networking - for example using §oNetwork Cards§r.
- tile.oc.geolyzer.usage=The §oGeolyzer§r can be used by computers to scan the terrain surrounding the geolyzer for the blocks' approximate hardness. This can be useful to generate maps of the area to display on §oHologram Projectors§r as well as to detect potentially valuable blocks (ores are usually harder than dirt and stone).[nl][nl]The geolyzer can also be installed in robots as an upgrade to allow them to scan their surroundings. Performing a scan will consume some energy, though, so using it excessivly may quickly drain a robot's batteries.
- tile.oc.keyboard.usage=A §oKeyboard§r is needed to type text on §oScreens§r, be they in the world or built into devices such as §oRobots§r or §oTablets§r.[nl][nl]For a keyboard to work with a screen in the world, it has to be placed next to the screen, facing that screen, or placed directly on the screen (on top or on one of its sides). You can tell that a keyboard is "connected" to a screen if by right-clicking the keyboard the screen's GUI opens up.
- tile.oc.hologram.usage=The §oHologram Projector§r is a volumetric display, i.e. it provides a three dimensional array of voxels that can be individually enabled or disabled by a connected computer. The second tier projector, while having the same resolution as the tier one projector, supports displaying the individual voxels in three different colors.[nl][nl]Holograms can be rotated along their vertical axis by hitting them with a BuildCraft compatible wrench on their top or bottom. This can save some effort, so that the output doesn't have to be transformed on the software side.
- tile.oc.motionSensor.usage=The §oMotion Sensor§r allows computers to detect movement of living entities. If an entity moves faster than a set threshold, a signal will be injected into computers connected to the motion sensor. The threshold can be configured via the component the motion sensor exposes to connected computers.[nl][nl]Movement is only detected if it happens within a radius of eight blocks around the motion sensor, and if there is a direct line of sight from the block to the entity that moved.
- tile.oc.powerConverter.usage=The §oPower Converter§r serves as the fastest way to convert energy from other mods' power systems to OpenComputers' internal energy. If you only run a simple computer you probably won't need a converter. If you have a large capacitor bank that you only drain every now and then, you probably won't need one, either. However, if you wish to directly power an §oAssembler§r or §oCharger§r, it is usually a good idea to use a converter, instead of directly connecting them to external power.
- tile.oc.powerDistributor.usage=The §oPower Distributor§r is for energy what the §oSwitch§r is for network messages. It allows several subnetworks to share their energy, without components being exposed to computers in other networks. It operates by regularly "balancing" the energy in all subnetworks it is connected to, so that the §lrelative§r amount of energy is the same in them.
- tile.oc.raid.usage=The §oRaid§r block houses three hard drives which will be combined into a single file system. This combined file system has the size of the sum of the capacities of the individual hard drives and is available to all computers connected to the raid.[nl][nl]The raid only works (and shows up as a file system) when three disks are present. The disks may differ in size.[nl][nl]Beware that adding a hard drive to the raid block will wipe it of its contents. Removing a single disk from a complete raid will also wipe the raid. Adding the disk back in will §lnot§r restore it, the raid's new file system will not contain any files.
- tile.oc.redstone.usage=The §oRedstone I/O§r block can be used to remotely read and emit redstone signals. It behaves like a hybrid of a tier one and two §oRedstone Card§r, in that it can read and emit simple analog as well as bundled signals, but cannot read or emit wireless redstone signals.[nl][nl]When providing a side to the methods of the component exposed by this block, the directions are the global principal directions, i.e. it is recommended to use sides.north, sides.east and so on.[nl][nl]Like the redstone card, this block injects a signal into connected computers when the state of a redstone signal changes - both for analog as well as for bundled signals.
- tile.oc.screen.usage=一个§oscreen§R是用于与§ographics卡§R让计算机显示文本的组合。不同的屏幕层有不同的功能,这是他们支持不同的分辨率和颜色深度,范围从非常低的分辨率,单色显示器,以非常高的分辨率高达256种不同的颜色。[nl][nl]可用的分辨率和颜色深度取决于最薄弱的环节。当使用一个一级的图形卡具有三级屏幕,只有一级的分辨率和颜色深度是可用的。[nl][nl]的屏幕可以放置在彼此形成多块屏。这对现有的分辨率没有影响。控制如何连接相邻的屏幕,屏幕也可以使用任何染料染色。不同颜色的屏幕不能连接。不同层次的屏幕将不会连接,即使它们具有相同的颜色。[nl][nl]二线及三线屏幕还支持鼠标输入。点击可以在屏幕的GUI执行(只能是如果一个键盘连接到屏幕打开),或者通过溜激活屏幕两手空空。请注意,无论GUI打开时偷偷或正常激活屏幕可以通过组件暴露于连接的计算机控制。
- tile.oc.serverRack.usage=一个§oServer Rack§r房达四§oservers§R.服务器是一个高层次的计算机,它只能运行在服务器机架。服务器可以远程控制使用的§oremote终端§河的终端可以同时连接到一个单一的服务器的数目取决于服务器的层。距离到远程终端工作可以配置在机架上的GUI。较高的值有较高的恒定能量吸取。[nl][nl]中的每个服务器机架式服务器只能与一个“面子”的服务器架在同一时间或没有在所有的。哪一方的每个服务器连接到可配置在服务器机架的GUI。要注意的是,双方都从服务器机架的观点,即如果你是看服务器架前,就将你的左边和反之亦然。[nl][nl]的服务器机架作为§oswitch§R和§oPower Distributor§r中的一个。该服务器机柜开关可配置的图形用户界面,与两个选项是内部和外部的。在外部模式的服务器机架上会表现得像一个正常的开关。在内部模式,信息只有通过在机架的服务器,他们将不会被自动传递到机架的面孔。服务器仍然能够相互发送消息。这允许使用的服务器机架为先进的开关,可以进行过滤和映射操作。
- tile.oc.switch.usage=该§oswitch§R可以用来允许不同的子网络,而不暴露在其他网络组件的计算机发送网络消息发送到对方。保持部件的地方通常是一个好主意,以避免电脑使用错误的屏幕或避免元件溢出发生(在这台电脑会崩溃/没有开始了)。[nl][nl]还有一个无线的这种变化的块,该§oAccess Point§r,这也将邮件中继无线。[nl][nl]交换机和接入点做§LNOT§R跟踪哪些包他们传达最近,避免网络中的周期,或者您可能会收到相同的包多次。[nl][nl]包只有重新发送一定次数,所以链接开关或接入点的任意数量的是不可能的。
- # NEI Integration
- nei.options.inventory.oredict=显示词典上的名字
- nei.options.inventory.oredict.true=开启
- nei.options.inventory.oredict.false=关闭
- # Waila Integration
- option.oc.address=地址
- option.oc.componentName=组件名字
- option.oc.energy=能源