直接丢入mods文件夹。 注:如果您使用LiteLoader版本,确保文件的扩展名是.litemod。尝试修复文件的扩展名更改为.zip。 Tabbychat与许多MODS兼容。如果你发现一个与此MOD不兼容的MOD,请去原帖找作者反应 |
*号栏可以接收全部消息,其他分栏只能接收相对应的消息。并不能跨世界聊天 例如:你在世界1打开世界2的栏发的消息,依然只能在世界1以及*号栏中显示 它能做到的只是帮你把聊天内容、系统内容过滤和分类,来做到美化你的聊天窗口 此MOD无需装入服务端,如果装入服务端后报错删除即可 |
2015年1月23日4:25更新TabbyChat1.7.10版本 2015年1月23日4:25更新TabbyChat1.7.2版本 2015年1月23日3:35更新TabbyChat1.6.4版本 | Fix FML version with liteloader installed Chat is now processed before it is word wrapped Chat now properly word wraps while the chatbox is being resized. Left side of messages no longer get cut off!!! Fix opacity levels of 20% or under being transparent Make chat persistent again. Fix most recent messages being at the top when tab tray is anchored. No longer sends illegal characters (kicked from server) Update some language files (Russian, French, Swedish) Fix misaligned context menus while chat is scaled. Channel data is now a gzip compressed json file. Read and save logs at UTF-8 Paginate tab completions. Fix for mods that provide a null string component (Damage Indicators) Fix for mods that mess with the chat rendering (Dual Hotbars) Possibly others.... Change log date format to yyyy-MM-dd (FML) Fix chat not loading completely until it's opened, causing recieved chat to dissapear Change LiteMod to behave more like FMLMod Change how it detects if LiteLoader will load it. Change the console log text when it will. Fix possible Java 6 issue. Slightly improve Macros support. Fix chat logging when server ip has a port. Properly save server (config and logs) when it uses IPv6 Fix chat getting logged twice sometimes. Spoiler (click to show) |
第一次发帖,求打赏! |
2015-01-23 06:21:00
幻想天堂 发表于 2015-1-23 06:21
2015-01-23 06:24:00
SkyCatcher 发表于 2015-1-24 13:34
2015-01-24 17:06:00
筱帥 发表于 2015-4-3 03:13
原作者更新了1.8的TabbyChat2了 你去更新一下吧 不过貌似需要翻墙_(:_」∠)_ ...
2015-04-04 11:51:00