如果你要编写一个完整的任务线,请看BetonQuest WiKi?
text: '你好!'
conditions: '木头'
events: ''
pointer: 'questions,quests,bye'
version: v9//版本 mysql://数据库 host: '' port: '' user: '' pass: '' base: '' prefix: betonquest_ language: en//语言en是默认的想要中文请查看语言文件!!! metrics: 'true' autoupdate: 'true' uuid: 'false' default_journal_slot: '-1 max_npc_distance: '5'//NPC对话距离 tellraw: 'false journal_colors: date: day: '9' hour: '6' line: '4' text: '0' sounds: start: VILLAGER_HAGGLE//开始 end: VILLAGER_YES//结束 journal: BAT_TAKEOFF update: 'false'//是否提示更新 full: 'false' global_locations: '' debug: 'false'//调试 true是开始 视频: http://static.hdslb.com/miniloader.swf?aid=2750603&page=1 示例:: 简单对话 [spoiler]quester: 'GM' unknown: '抱歉!我听不懂你在说什么!' first: 'start' final_events: '' stop: 'true' NPC_options: 'start': text: '&a你好我是这个服务器的GM!我有什么事可以帮你你吗?' conditions: '' events: '' pointer: '1,2' 'a2': text: '&a你可以在新手箱子领取你的快捷菜单(钟)右键打开它!你就能看见GUI界面、找到你想要传送的地方点击一下、他会帮你自动传送!' conditions: '' events: '' pointer: 'o12' 'a3': text: ' &a输入指令:&e/changepassword <老密码> <新密码>&a即可更换密码' conditions: '' events: '' pointer: 'o12' player_options: '1': text: '&a怎么进行传送?.' conditions: '' events: '' pointer: 'a2' '2': text: '&a怎么修改密码!.' conditions: '' events: '' pointer: 'a3' 'o12': text: '&a谢谢我知道了.' conditions: '' events: '' pointer: '' |
首先: 打开conditions.yml 写如下代码: 这些代码都是自己随意改的,哪个好记写哪个,我这里写的是打怪的英文缩写,注意名字别重复了 daguai1: 'tag daguai1' 这里一个简单的条件就写好了,往下继续 打开journal.yml 写如下代码: 这个文件代码的作用是更新笔记用的(括号里面的别写) daguai1: '你能帮我杀5只僵尸吗?' (这里讲的是当你接任务任务笔记本要更新的提示) daguai2: '你已经杀了5只僵尸,交任务去吧!' (这里讲的是当你杀完指定的怪物,任务笔记自动更新。) daguai3: '你完成了击杀僵尸任务' (这里讲的是你交完任务,任务笔记自动更新的内容) conditions和jouranl代码最好写成一样的,这样不会迷糊,往下继续
打开events.yml 写如下代码: 这个文件是编写的事件,比如你完成任务了,要给予金钱,给予物品,还有conditions条件的引用都是在这里面(括号里面的别写) 首先引用条件代码: yinyong1: 'tag add daguai1' (这里就是把 conditions“条件” 引用到 events“事件”里面) yinyong2: 'tag add daguai2' (同上) yinyong3: 'tag add daguai3' (同上) 3个条件引用好了,然后在引用 journal“笔记”到 events“事件”里面,接着上面的代码 bj1: 'journal daguai1' (daguai1是journal配置文件的第一个笔记提示) bj2: 'journal daguai2' (daguai2是journal配置文件的第二个笔记提示) bj3: 'journal daguai3' (daguai3是journal配置文件的第三个笔记提示) 3个日志笔记引用好了,然后在配置 objectives “目标” 怪物属性,接着上面的代码 kill_zombie: 'objective start kill' (kill是杀的意思,zombie是僵尸的意思,这样好记点) 至此events.yml配置完毕 打开objectives.yml 写如下代码: 这个简单是编写的怪物种类物种,击杀数量等 (括号里面的别写) 原版怪物:kill: mobkill ZOMBIE 5 events:yinyong2,bj2 tag:zombie MythicMobs怪物:kill: mmobkill zombie1 mount:5 events:yinyong2,bj2 label:mythicmobs 上面选一个,如果你不知道什么是MythicMobs请用第一个 上面这个代码他的原格式是这样的mobkill ZOMBIE 5 name:怪物名字 name只限原版的怪物,以1.8为例name:Spawn_Zmobie 原版僵尸名字 用MythicMobs怪物这样填 kill: mmobkill zombie1 mount:5 events:yinyong2,bj2 label:mythicmobs (zombie1是MythicMobs怪物的名字mount:击杀数量) 至此objectives.yml配置完毕,然后到了最复杂的对话引用了 打开conversations文件夹创建一个以.yml类型的文件,必须英文字母,示例:daguairenwu.yml 中文名称:打怪任务 创建好打开daguairenwu.yml 写如下代码,这个我就不详细讲了,你们照抄就行 #NPC的名字 #错误提示 #玩家对话中,是否允许移动 stop: 'true' conditions: 'daguai2,!daguai3' events: 'kill_zombie,yinyong1,bj1' |
/q reload - 重载插件/q objective <player> [list/add/del] [objective] - 显示当前正在进行中的任务目标 /q tag <player> [list/add/del] [tag] - 显示/添加/删除你的标签 /q point <player> [list/add/del] [category] [amount] - 显示/添加/减少你的任务点数 /q journal <player> [list/add/del] [entry] [date] - 显示你当前已经触发了的日记内容 /q condition <player> <condition> - 确认你是否已经满足了要求的状态 /q event <player> <event> - 为某玩家激活一个事件 /q item <name> - 将你手中拿着的物品保存为预置物品 /q config <read/set/add> <path> [string] - 读取, 更改或添加配置文件中的某些文字(需要附上文字前的路径) /q purge <player> - 删除该玩家的所有任务信息 /q backup - 备份配置文件,只能从控制台,并且在无人在线时使用! |
Additional information As of 1.2 BetonQuest uses Metrics system to send anonymous data to McStats.org. You can disable it by setting "metrics" to false in configuration file. As of 1.4 BetonQuest features auto-updater. In 1.4 it's disabled by default. In 1.5 it's enabled by default. You can enable/disable this by setting "autoupdate" to true/false in configuration file. It's 100% safe, as all downloaded updates will be approved by Bukkit staff. Additionally the plugin will backup all your data before each update and create changelog file just for you. You will also receive a notification about the update when you join the server. There is a bug/feature in 1.8 Minecraft version servers which adds '§0' at the end of every line in books generated by plugins. This breaks the conditions/events based on books with more than one line of text. The detailed instruction on how to work it around is in "Other important stuff" chapter, in the part about items. Development builds of BetonQuest can be acquired here. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff and may contain a lot of bugs. Use them at your own risk! Donations I wanted to thank the Adrundaal's team for their generous donation. |