巨大化僵尸 巨大化骷髅 巨大化凋零骷髅 巨大化蜘蛛 巨大化苦力怕 巨大化洞穴蜘蛛 巨大化僵尸猪人 巨大化末影人 巨大化蠹虫 巨大化烈焰人 巨大化末影螨 巨大化守卫者 巨大化远古守卫者 巨大化史莱姆 巨大化岩浆史莱姆 巨大化凋零 |
为什么没恶魂...... |
巨大化蠹虫 生命值:2000 攻击力:15 小兵:蠹虫 生命回复速度:1 Hp / 5秒 掉落:16 - 64张纸,0 - 4颗钻石,0 - 4颗绿宝石,0-48个石头 巨大化末影螨 生命值:2000 攻击力:30 小兵:末影螨 生命回复速度:1 Hp / 1秒 掉落:16-32 末影之眼, 0-4 钻石, 0-4 颗绿宝石, 0-24个末地石 巨大化史莱姆 生命值:1500*他们的大小,1为小史莱姆,2为中史莱姆,3为大史莱姆。 攻击力:30*他们的大小 小兵:史莱姆 生命回复速度:1 Hp / 2秒 掉落:16-64粘液球 , 0-4 钻石, 0-4 绿宝石 巨大化岩浆史莱姆 生命值:1500*他们的大小。 攻击力:30*他们的大小。 小兵:岩浆史莱姆 生命回复速度:1 Hp / 2秒 掉落:16-64岩浆膏 , 0-4 钻石, 0-4 绿宝石 巨大化洞穴蜘蛛 生命值;3500 攻击力:20,附带中毒4效果 小兵:洞穴蜘蛛 生命回复速度:1 Hp / 2.5秒 掉落:16-528蜘蛛丝, 0-8 钻石, 0-8 绿宝石, 0-24 蜘蛛眼
巨大化蜘蛛 生命值;5000 攻击力:30 小兵:蜘蛛 生命回复速度:1 Hp / 2.5秒 掉落:16-528蜘蛛丝, 0-8 钻石, 0-8 绿宝石, 0-24 蜘蛛眼 巨大化僵尸 生命值;7000 攻击力:70 小兵:僵尸 生命回复速度:白天1 Hp / 10秒,夜晚1 Hp / 1秒! 掉落:16 - 72腐肉,0-16钻石,0-16绿宝石,0 - 4 harcadium,0 - 1基岩 巨大化骷髅 生命值;7000 攻击力:20 小兵:骷髅 生命回复速度:白天1 Hp / 10秒,夜晚1 Hp / 1秒! 掉落:16 - 144骨头,16 - 144箭,0 - 16钻石,0 - 16绿宝石,1 - 2弓,0 - 4 harcadium,0 - 1基岩 巨大化凋零骷髅 生命值;20000 攻击力:140 凋零4 小兵:凋零骷髅 生命回复速度:2 Hp / 1秒 掉落:16 - 144骨头,16 - 144煤炭、0-32钻石,0-16绿宝石,1 - 2石剑,0-16harcadium,0 - 1基岩 巨大化苦力怕 生命值;8500 攻击力:70,自我爆炸45696,如果带电自我爆炸91409。 小兵:苦力怕 生命回复速度:1 Hp / 1秒,闪电苦力怕5Hp / 1秒 掉落:16 - 72火药,1-16钻石,1-16绿宝石,0 - 4 harcadium,0 - 1基岩,1随机音乐光盘(如果被骷髅射死)
巨大化僵尸猪人 生命值;7000 攻击力:150 小兵:僵尸猪人 生命回复速度:1Hp / 1秒 掉落:16 - 72腐肉,64 - 192金块,16金锭,0-16钻石,0-16绿宝石,0-8harcadium,0 - 2基岩,1金剑 巨大化烈焰人 生命值;10000 攻击力:100,火球25 小兵:烈焰人 生命回复速度:1Hp / 1秒 掉落:16 - 72烈焰棒,0-24钻石,0-24绿宝石,0 - 4 harcadium,0 - 2基岩 巨大化守卫者 生命值;7000 攻击力:70 小兵:守卫者 生命回复速度:1Hp / 1秒 掉落:16 - 64 海晶碎片,0-48随机鱼,0-16海晶沙粒,0-16钻石,0-16绿宝石,0 - 4 harcadium,0 - 1基岩 巨大化远古守卫者 生命值;35000 攻击力:300 小兵:远古守卫者 生命回复速度:5Hp / 1秒 掉落:16 - 64 海晶碎片,0-48随机鱼,0-16海晶沙粒,0-16钻石,0-16绿宝石,0 - 4 harcadium,0 - 1基岩,16个海绵 在和平模式下不会消失! 巨大化末影人 生命值:50000 攻击力:500 小兵:末影人(可以自动攻击),1/1000的概率召唤末影龙!1/2000的概率召唤巨大化末影螨 ! 生命回复速度:5Hp / 0.25秒 掉落:16末影珍珠,16 - 144末影之眼,0 - 128颗钻石,0 - 64绿宝石,0-16harcadium,0-8基岩 在和平模式下不会消失! Witherzilla(凋零风暴?!) 生命值: 100000 攻击力: MAX_VALUE,凋零骷髅头颅、远程爆炸,闪电。 小兵: 凋零 生命回复速度:10Hp / 0.05秒 掉落:不会显示!. 在和平模式下不会消失! 无视/kill@E ! 不能掉进虚空里! |
Harcadium 可以在矿洞14层以下找到。只会生成一个矿物 ——也可以在末地发现。 ——巨大化怪物也会掉落。 可以制作工具和护甲。 Harcadium剑 20点伤害 Harcadium斧 Harcadium镐 Harcadium铲 Harcadium锄 ——能够直接把泥土、草、砂土、砂砾、菌丝和干海绵变为耕地。 护甲的制作方法跟原版相同,只不过材料换成了Harcadium。 护甲效果: 头盔:夜视、水下呼吸 胸甲:急迫4,抗性提升4,力量10,抗火 护腿:再生5 靴子:跳跃提升2、速度4 全套:生命吸收10,饱和10。 |
-可以让怪物巨大化 迷你凋零 -用来召唤巨大化凋零。 凋零炮塔 0.33 - added stages to the Witherzilla fight - Witherzilla now has a lightning attack - Witherzilla has a melee attack against other Titans - Ender Colossus's attack increased from 150 to 500, and gives the player a different death message - all the Titans got some buff - Harcadium Armor base durability increased from 800 to 1200 - Harcadium Tool's durability increased from 7000 to 10000 - added an Enum for Titans that splits them into four categories: Lesser, Average, Greater, and God. Currently only affects whether or not they despawn on peaceful mod and are affected by /kill - Titans now properly die when /kill is done - Wither Turret can now take a maximum of 20 damage - Titans can destroy your armor - Titans can damage you whether or not you have certain invincibilities (super armor, resistance V, etc) - Witherzilla's hitbox has been changed AGAIN! - Creeper Titan's jump attack now depends on how far it's target is away from it - ALL the Titans now auto attack Witherzilla and is minions (but will probably die trying) 0.32 - replaced all the spawn eggs for the Titans with cooler, custom ones - hopefully fixed the Skeleton Titan dealing 150 with each arrow instead of the intended 20 - Titanic Guardian and Ancient Titanic Guardian no longer hurt their minions, or hover in the air - Titanic Guardian and Ancient Titanic Guardian target mobs better - added a Titans creative mode tab - Spider Jockey Titans no longer lag the game as badly as before - Spider Jockey Titans now spawn Spider Jockeys 1/3 of the time instead of 1/100 0.31 - changed titan spawn mechanics: the more difficult they are, the rarer they are. Omegafish is 1/1000 (most common), Ender Colossus is 1/50000 (rarest) - added some items specifically for the Challenge games. That means you Pat - Titan minions now spawn a lot more often 0.3 -added 6 new Titans!: Blaze Titan, Mighty-Mite, Slime Titan, Magma Cube Titan, Titanic Guardian, and Ancient Titanic Guardian - added Chaff - changed the recipe of Growth Serum - Titans now take a maximum of 300 damage - Omegafish and Zombie Pigman Titan have abilities - Changed Creeper Titan's health from 7000 to 8500 - Witherzilla is "better" - enchantments now work properly 0.25 - fixed some bugs - harcadium hoe can now til grass, dirt, coarse dirt, gravel, mycelium and dry sponge to dirt - added the titan slayer enchantment - gave Witherzilla a render makeover: Now has cool lights over him - Witherzilla now attacks creative mod players - Ender Colossi no longer despawn on peaceful - Ender Colossi can now kill you! - Change the effect of the Durability enchantment - wither turret now does 30 damage as an item - Witherzilla's fountain now correctly spawns a small, fully functioning beacon on the top - 24 initial Withers now spawn in the Void at X 0 Y 100 Z 0 0.24 - complete redo of the A.A.W.T. New model that is effected by resource packs that change the wither's texture, and is now also targeted by Titans. Also faces towards it's target -added the 5 enchantments for the Turret: Durability, Ferocity, Maniac, Unstability, and Shurakin -changed Witherzilla again... 0.23 - added the A.A.W.T: Anti-Air Wither Turret - Withers that spawn from Witherzilla and naturally in The Void no longer have boss bars - Changed some Titans stats - Nerfed the Absorption from the Harcadium armor - Removed Witherzilla's spawn egg - Made Witherzilla immune to most non-player non-mob damage (out of the world, cactus, drown, the Kill command!) - Wither Skeleton Titans now spawn in the Nether properly 0.22 - added The Void dimension: a desolate battle arena where only Withers and Witherzilla spawn - Witherzilla can now be fought in survival mode as a one time boss - Witherzilla no longer despawns on peaceful, and is invulnerable when it is on peaceful - added the Mini-Wither item: A hand held creature that takes you to The Void - changed all the Titan's stats in some way - Ender Colossus is no longer as easy to kill 0.21 - harcadium now generates in the Overworld and the End - changed rarity of titans naturally spawning from 1/10000 to 1/25000 - Titans deal bonus damage vs other Titans - Harcadium armor base durability changed from 423 to 800 - Fixed a bug where dropped bedrock had the error texture - Titans are now invulnerable when growing - changed Witherzilla's regen per tick from 1 HP to 10 HP - changed Ender Colossi armor from 20 to 15 - increased frequency of the spawning rate of minions for all titans 0.2 - added Harcadium: Element number 753 on the periodic table. Used to make Powerful Tools and Armor meant to take on Titans! Titans drops this depending on their power. -added Growth Serum: an item that, when thrown at a normal mob, turns it into a Titan. -changed it so the titans regen super quick while invulnerable 0.11 - changed the stats of the Omegafish, Spider Titan and Cave Spider Titan. Spider Titan and Cave Spider Titan drop spider eyes instead of a music disc :P. 0.1 - initial release生长血清
伤害:30不等(凶猛附魔每级+ 2)(非常大的目标600,就是有着巨大化怪物的血量那样的怪物,伤害才是600。凶猛附魔每级+ 40))
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