/home [家的名字] - 传送到某个家 /sethome [家的名字] - 设置一个家 /homes [pgNo] - 列出所有的家的信息 /delhome [家的名字] - 删除某个家 /deletehome [家的名字] - 删除某个家 /heal - 回复生命值 /feed - 回复饱食度 /spawn - 传送到出生点 /setspawn - 设置出生点 /tpa [玩家名] - 给指定玩家发送一个传送到他那里去的申请 /tpaccept - 接受最近的一个传送申请 /tpahere [玩家名] - 给指定玩家发送一个将他传送到你这里来那里去的申请 /tpadeny - 拒绝最近的一个传送申请 /broadcast [公告内容] - 全服公告 /tphere [玩家名] - 将指定玩家强行传送到你这里来 /setwarp [地标名/warp name] -设置地标 Sets warp with specified name /warps [页面数/pgNo] -列出所有地标 Lists warps /warp [地标名/warp name] - 传送至指定地标Warps to specified warp. /delwarp - 删除指定地标Deletes specified warp /deletewarp - 删除指定地标Deletes specified warp /afk - 进入AFK状态,再次移动就会退出AFK状态。Sets you to AFK. The next time you move, you'll no longer be AFK. /sudo [玩家名] [指令] -如果他们没sudo.exempt权限将强制让玩家运行指令 /powertool [指令] -将手中的物品绑定指令,如果想取消再输入一遍 /powertool即可/mail [玩家名] [消息] - 发送指定的消息邮件给玩家 /listmail [pgNo] - 新邮件列表(一但读过将不再出现在这)[pgNO是个可选参数] /readmail [序号] - 给你显示邮件 [/message, /m, /msg] [玩家名] [消息] -发送私人消息指定给指定的人。 /r - 回复最新的私聊消息[/gamemode, /gm] [mode] - 更改游戏模式 比如:/gm c, /gm 1, /gm creative /motd - 发送服务器的每日消息 /kick <玩家名> [<理由>] - 踢出指定的玩家 /ban <玩家名> [理由] - 封禁指定的玩家 /repair - 修理手中的物品(暂时不能修理附魔的装备) /mute [玩家名] [时间] [单位] - 禁言指定的玩家[时间单位:s m h d] /unmute [player] - 解禁某玩家 /kill - 杀死你自己 /kill [player] - 杀死指定的玩家[/tppos, /teleportpos, /teleportposition] <x> <y> <z> [player] [world] - 让制定的玩家传送坐(如果没写位置就会传到你身边) /weather [weather] [duration] - 改变天气 变量: clear, sun, storm, rain./time [ticks|time] - 更改当前时间 /time set [ticks|time] - 设置当前时间 /time add <ticks> - 在你当前时间的世界上增加标记 /back - 如果你死了将返回死亡地点 /unban | /pardon [player] - 解封玩家 /hat - 把你手中的物品当头盔穿上 /getpos - 给你现在的阵地(啥意思?请大神指出- -) Gets your current positon /getpos <player> - 给玩家位置阵地 Gets the specified player's position. /fly - 飞 /fly <player> - 让某玩家飞[/smite | /lightning | /thor] <player> - 对某玩家用闪电劈 /speed <倍数> - 增加你的速度[倍数] /jump - 传送到你看着的方块(距离最大350) [/burn] | [/ignite] | [/fire] <ticks> - Ignites you in flame for specified ticks. [/burn] | [/ignite] | [/fire] <ticks> <player> - Ignites specified player in flame for specified ticks. /more - Sets the item(s) in your hand to be a full stack of the same item. /nick <player> <nick> - 设定玩家昵称 /mobspawn | /entityspawn <amount> <mob name> - Spawns specified amount of mob where you're looking. /enchant <level> <enchantment name> - Enchants the item in your hand. /enchant <player> <level> <enchantment name> - Enchants item in players hand. /speed <player> <multiplier> - Changes the speed of the specified player. [/whois], [/seen] <player> | <player name> - Gives you info on the specified player.Including their ontime, last time on, UUID, real name, etc. /playerfreeze <player> - Freezes player. /butcher - Kills all hostile mobs in your world. /tpworld <名字> <玩家名> - 你传送到指定的世界或者指定玩家传送到指定世界 /worlds - 列出所有世界 /createworld <name> <dimension> <generator> <gamemode> <difficulty> -创造世界,还有他的各种特征 [/deleteworld], [/delworld] <name> - 删除指定世界 /rtp - 随机传送 /fireball [player] - Spawns a fireball in front of you, heading the directionyou're looking. If player specified, fireball will hit him/her. /rules - 列出所有规则 /addrule <rule> - 增加规则 /removerule <rule number> - 删除规则 /asConsole <command> - Runs command as console. /mobspawner <mob name> - Gives you a mob spawner for the specified mob. /direction - Tells you what direction you're facing. [Credit to @kenzierocks] /thru | /through - Teleports you through the wall you're facing. /iteminfo - Returns the item ID of the item in your hand. /blockinfo - Returns the block ID of the block you're looking at. /teleport | /tp <player> - Teleports you to the specified player. /teleport | /tp <player> <target> - Teleports target to the player. /entityinfo - When looking at the block below an entity, it returns the name. /lockweather <world> - Locks the weather in the specified world from changingnaturally. This thus WILL NOT do anything if you use commands. /essentialcmds - Returns the version number of EssentialCmds /essentialcmds reload - Reloads the EssentialCmds Configuration /blacklist | /bl - Main command for Blacklist /blacklist | /bl add <item> - Adds specified item to the blacklist /blacklist | /bl remove <item> - Removes specified item from blacklist /blacklist | /bl list - List blacklisted items. /world - 主要的世界管理命令 /world setspawn - 给当前世界设置出生点 /world spawn - 回到当前世界的出生点 /world list [<pg no>] - 列出所有世界 /world teleport <world> [<player>] - 传送指定玩家到指定世界 /world setgamemode <gamemode> [world] - 设置某世界默认模式 /take <player> -把你手中的物品给指定玩家 /slap [-h|-v] [-d] [target] - Slap a player. -h means to slap "hard," while -v means to slap "very hard" -d means to drop the player's health by one point/rocket [-h] [target] - Rocket a player. -h means to rocket "hard" /tickstat | /gc - Displays current TPS and other information about worlds. /jail [player] [jail number] - Jails specified player in specified cell/jail. /jail add - Adds current location as a jail. /jail remove [number] - Removes cell /jail number as a jail. /unjail [player] - Un-jails player, enabling them to execute commands and interact with blocks normally. /vanish [player] - 让指定玩家隐身 /kickall [reason] - Kicks everyone except yourself from the server. /loadworld <name> [<dimension>] [<generator>] [<gamemode>] [<difficulty>] - Loadsworld with specified arguments. If arguments not specified, automatically set toOverworld, Survival, and Normal, respectively. /clearinventory [<player>] - Clears inventory of player. /worldinfo [<world>] - Returns information about specified world. /tempban <player> <time> [<reason>] - Temporarily bans specified player. Time is specified in hh:mm:ss format. /lore set <lore> - Sets the lore of the item in your hand - supports color codes as well as multiple lines separated by a comma. /lore add <lore> - Adds the specified line of lore to the item in your hand. It also supports color codes. /lore remove <number> - Removes the specified line number of lore. /setname <name> - Sets the name of the item in your hand - supports color codes. /helpop <question> - Used by players to ask server admins/moderators for help. /list - Lists all players online on the server in a list organized by group. /stop [<reason>] - 停止服务器 /god - 切换为上帝模式(打不死) /tpall - 传送所有人到你身边 /tpaall - 请求传送所有人到你身边 /world gamerule <gamerule> [<value>] [<world>]/world listgamerules [<world>]/setfirstspawn - Sets the spot where new players will join. /invsee <player> - 查看某玩家物品 |
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配置文件在config\io.github.hsyyid.essentialcmds\config.conf 自定义消息 从4.8版开始,你可以自定义服务器的加入消息! 一旦你安装了v4.8以上的版本,会有加入和离开的消息。 两个新的配置选项将生成如下所示。 你可以修改它,可使用颜色代码,玩家变量为 @p 。如果想弄会默认消息,把消息改成""就会重置。 欢迎消息 在你的配置,将看到一joinmsg的选项,更改他是改变玩家加入服务器的欢迎消息,支持颜色代码。 创建和加载世界 参数:
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