本帖最后由 1582952890 于 2017-9-16 17:13 编辑
This plugin allows you to create custom crafts in a very unique way. Using the /ecraft command you can create Epic items with custom names, colors, enchantments, but only if you have the required items (All of this is configurable). You can create all the crafts you want and its a maximum of 15 required items per craft.
Example: You can craft an item named: Epic Sword | But you need: x15 Diamonds, x15 Gold Ingots and whatever items you want. |
这个插件提供一种独特的合成方式,使用/ecraft 这个命令,你就可以创造出属于自己服务器的史诗物品,并且支持自定义名字、颜色、附魔、(lore、权限等)完全可自定义。你可以创造一个配方至多有达15种不同原料。
举个栗子:你可以尝试制作自带的 Epic Sword, 它需要15个钻石跟15个金锭,你也可以修改成任何你需要的原料
- ? 添加专属于你服务器的史诗配方
- ? 原料支持自定义名字跟LORE!
- ? 制造拥有自定义名称 / 颜色代码 / lore / 附魔的合成物
- ? 支持多达15种不同物品为原料!
- ? 可以设置制作权限!
- ? 1.8版本以上支持
- ? GUI合成界面
- ? 无需添加额外的权限
1) 很简单. 你可以添加你需要的自定义合成,使用这个命令 /ecraft create <craft> 然后根据提示的配置信息来完成设计.
2) 然后你可以在到配置文件中去仔细修改它们.
3) 如果你需要你可以添加附魔、lore之类的条目. 支持多条目.
4) 然后你需要指定合成需要原料的数目. 最多支持十五种不同的原料
使用这个格式: (- id;amount;name;lore-line1;lore-line2;...).你可以不用特殊的名字(name)跟lore.
5) 你可以使用颜色代码!
6) 然后你的玩家就可以使用下面这个命令来合成了 /ecraft
-/ecraft 打开GUI界面
-/ecraft create <name> 在配置中添加新的物品
-/ecraft delete <name> 删除一个你不要的配方
-/ecraft list <page-number> 显示所有可用的配方
-/ecraft reload 重载配置
-/ecraft info 显示插件信息
权限:只有一个ecraft.admin 给管理员的权限
现在你可以在合成中添加数量 amount: '数量' 来一次合成多个物品,如果你不需要可以不加入amount项 - # amount 数量
- Crafts:
- super_sword:
- id: '276'
- name: '&4&lSuper Sword'
- amount: '2'
- requires:
- - 264;15
- - 266;10
度盘地址https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSikrvG [如果可以的话请一定到原帖下载]
现在你可以添加ItemFlag,用于隐藏物品的属性,比如攻击力之类的 |
messages.yml - # 在这里你可以修改这个插件的语言文件-汉化by wtq_
- Messages:
- prefix: '&2[&a史诗工艺&2]'
- craftMenuInventoryName: '&2&l合成 菜单 &c%current-page%&8/&c%total-pages%'
- craftItemInventoryName: '&5&l合成你的物品'
- clickToCraftItem: '&2&l点击来合成!'
- back-to-menu: '&2返回菜单'
- next-page: '&2下一页'
- previous-page: '&2上一页'
- craft: '&e合成'
- craftError: '&c你没有足够的原材料来制作!'
- craftInventoryFull: '&c你的背包已经装不下了!'
- craftSuccessful: '&b你成功合成了一个 %item-name%&a!'
- required-item-lore:
- - '&6你需要它作为原材料'
- - '&8状态: %items-you-have%&8/%items-needed%'
- consoleCommand: '&c你必须是一名玩家才能使用这条命令!'
- commandNotExists: '&c这条命令不存在!'
- noPermissions: '&c你没有权限这样做'
- pluginReload: '&e配置重载完成'
- errorCreate: '&c创造一条配方: &7/ecraft create <name>'
- craftAlreadyExists: '&c这个配方 &a%name% &c已经存在!'
- craftCreated: '&c配方 &a%name% &c创造完成!'
- errorDelete: '&c删除一个配方: &7/ecraft delete <name>'
- craftNotExists: '&c配方 &a%name% &c不存在! Use &7/ecraft list &c来查看现有配方'
- craftDeleted: '&c这个配方 &a%name% &c已经删除!'
- pageNoExists: '&c页码 &a%page% &c不存在!'
- craftsList: '&2&l合成菜单 &e[页码 &c%current-page%&8/&c%total-pages%&e]:'
- noCraftPermissions: '&c你没有权限来合成它'
- # EpicCraftings by Ajneb97
- # I'm new here in the creation of plugins so it is possible that you can find bugs.
- # If so, please contact with me:
- # https://www.spigotmc.org/members/ajneb97.43796/ 如果你发现了BUG可以在此贴上联系作者
- # I suggest you to use IDs instead of item names! Here you can find a list: 建议使用id不是物品名字
- # IDs: http://www.minecraftinfo.com/idlist.htm
- # Materials Link: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
- # -> decorative-menu-item / menu-previous-page-item / click-to-craft-item <- Name/ID of the item. GUI装饰物品 上一页代表物品 点击制作代表物品
- # -> firework-on-craft <- Set to true if you want to spawn a firework when a player craft an item on the plugins GUI. If not, set to false. 制作的时候生成烟花特效
- # -> Crafts (id) <- Name/ID of the item to craft. 物品id
- # -> Crafts (name) <- Here you can set a custom name for the item. You can use color codes. 物品名字,颜色代码是可用的
- # -> Crafts (lore) <- Here you can set a custom lore for the item. You can use color codes. You can remove this section if you don't want (Lore你不必须使用它)
- # a lore for the item. You can add more lines if you want.
- # -> Crafts (enchants) <- Names of the enchantments that the item will have with the level of the enchant respectively. 附魔效果
- # Here you can find a list with all the enchantments: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html
- # You can remove this section if you don't want enchantments for the item. 如果你不想要可以不用
- # -> Crafts (permission) <- Here you can add a custom permission to craft this item. 权限
- # -> Crafts (requires) <- Here you can set the items that the player will need to craft the original item. 需要的原料
- # Each line means one different item and remember to add a ';' after the ID to set the amount of this item and optional, a name and a lore.
- # 不同的物品后面加上;加上数量;名字;lore
- # For example if the 'requires option' have two lines ('264;15' and '266;10'), that means that the player will need 15 Diamonds and
- # 10 Gold Ingots to craft the original item. You can put a maximum of 15 required items.
- # Just remember: 'id;amount;name;lore-line1;lore-line2;...' (This is just for the required items).
- Config:
- decorative-menu-item: '160:3'
- menu-page-item: '262'
- click-to-craft-item: '58'
- firework-on-craft: true
- new-version-reminder: true
- Crafts:
- super_sword:
- id: '276'
- name: '&4&lSuper Sword'
- lore:
- - '&6This is one of the best'
- - '&6swords on the server!'
- enchants:
- requires:
- - 264;15;&bUnique Diamond;&7A legendary mineral;&7very hard to obtain..
- - 266;10
- permission: ecraft.supersword
- gold_helmet:
- id: '314'
- name: '&e&lKing Helmet'
- lore:
- - '&6Difficult to obtain, difficult to craft.'
- - '&6The &eKing Helmet &6is one of the most'
- - '&6wanted items on the server...'
- enchants:
- - THORNS;8
- - OXYGEN;5
- requires:
- - 314;10
- - 322;20
- - 396;20
- - 266;50
- - 348;50
- - 351:11;60
- epic_bow:
- id: '261'
- name: '&aE&bP&cI&dC &6Bow'
- enchants:
- requires:
- - 261;10
- - 265;40
- - 264;30