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How qmagnet made the legendary adventure maps
Dan “qmagnet” Lazenby is the master designer of two adventure maps that have gone down in Minecraft history. Diversity and Diversity 2 are great examples of tight design, ambitious vision and clever building, and as a result they’re some of the most popular maps ever made. In fact, Diversity 2 is holder of a Guinness World Record for the most downloaded map on Curse!
Dan qmagnet Lazenby 是两张冒险地图的大师设计者,在我的世界的历史中,他的地图 流传下去。Diversity和Diversity 2 都是设计紧密的很好的例子,壮观的美景,巧妙的建筑,结果它们就成了一些曾经做的最受欢迎的地图。事实上,Diversity 2 是吉尼斯世界纪录中最多下载次数的地图。
Despite all their success, qmagnet retired as a map maker soon after he completed them. How did a newcomer to the scene make such a splash, and why didn’t he want to keep his spot in the limelight? This is the story behind two of Minecraft’s truly classic maps.
It starts in spring 2013. Back then, qmagnet was fairly new to Minecraft. A new dad and working by day as a plumber, he was enjoying making videos on YouTube and started to look at custom maps. “It didn't take too many to realise there was so much talent in the community,” he tells me.
The Code 是一个解密地图,这个地图中,你必须解决每一个房间的情况去到达下一个房间。
And that led him to play Jesper The End’s The Code. “It’s probably the best puzzle-adventure map ever made. I was amazed mostly how Jesper was able to take Minecraft and do such complex things with command blocks and spawners, to become something I don't think anyone had seen at the time.”
并且这就让他玩起了Jesper The End的 The Code。“这可能是曾经被制作的最好的冒险解密地图。我对为何Jesper能够掌握我的世界并且通过命令方块和刷怪笼来制作复杂的东西,我不认为在那个时候任何人都见过那些东西”
Being a plumber, qmagnet is no stranger to working with complicated technical things. ”I work with my hands every day,” he says. “Cuts, bruises, stiff muscles, all that fun stuff.” But though he took some computer courses during high school, he had no experience with programming. But, undaunted and personally encouraged by Jesper, he decided to create his own puzzle map, which he called Complex.
It took him just a couple of weeks, and once released it soon attracted lots of encouraging feedback from the community, immediately pushing him into thinking about his next project.
He began to play around with the idea of creating a new take on the ‘complete the monument’ map. “I wasn't a great visual builder and I never liked how those maps I saw were finished, having the player just place blocks in a row and say, ‘I guess I won.’ I wanted the map to decide the player won.”
And so work began on what became Diversity. Not that he had a fixed idea of what it would be from the start. Planning little, he describes himself as a ‘very organic map maker’. “Whether that's a good thing or bad thing, that seemed to be how I worked best.”
所以工作开始变得多元化。从开始 ,他没有一成不变的思想。计划得更少,他把自己描绘成“非常有机的地图制作人”。“这是否是件好事,这就似乎取决于我如何工作得最好”
The new map would have a similar objective to typical CTM maps, of going and collecting distant items for a reward. But he started to wonder, what if you didn’t have to do the same challenge for each piece? What if it comprised different genres in one map?
The final map contains 10 different challenges, including parkour, a maze, a dropper level, survival and a boss battle. Wildly varied, they’re also each great examples of their type.
“I have always been influenced by other map makers more than anything else in Minecraft,” says qmagnet. “I had played so many different maps. I knew what I liked, and especially what I found frustrating. Anything I liked, I would try and emulate. Anything I hated, I would try and create gameplay that would change the approach towards something I'd rather play. So I suppose my maps were made for my tastes, but I had hoped others would enjoy them as well.”
After two months’ work, Diversity was done. Soon played by some big YouTubers, it quickly took off and requests for a sequel began coming in. “So naturally, I had to try and give players what they wanted.”
In December 2013, qmagnet started work on Diversity 2. And this time he was serious. “I needed to make something better and more mechanically inspiring above all else.” And if that wasn’t enough, he also wanted the sequel to be entertaining to watch and put more of a focus on cooperative multiplayer.
2013年12月,Qmagnet开始了他的Diversity 2 的制作。并且这一次他是认真的。“我需要去做一些更好,首先更深入激励别人。“如果这还不够,他还希望续集能够娱乐性地观看,并把更多的注意力放在多人合作上。”
And yet qmagnet initially set out intending to keep things small and working alone. But in the face of his ambitions and knowing his weaknesses, he soon realised he’d need to take on the help of builders who could do what he couldn’t.
It was a good decision. Five builders worked on Diversity 2, and adding their minds to the mix naturally led to more diversity in the map’s levels. “I honestly could not have created that map alone,” qmagnet says. Jesper the End joined, as well as Adrian Brightmoore, ColdFusionGaming, GoldenTurkey97 and QwertyuiopThePie, each chosen because qmagnet respected their previous work.
这是一个很好的决定。五个建设者一起建造在Diversity 2,在地图层次上,他们思想相互交融,自然地导致地图更加多样化。“我真的不可能独自创造这张地图,”Qmagnet说。,Jesper the End,Adrianbrightmoore、coldfusiongaming、goldenturkey97和qwertyuiopthepie的加入,每个选择都是因为Qmagnet尊重他们以前的工作。
But he worked with them in a way that might seem surprising. “I wouldn't let any of them see each other's work until the map was completed. Not because I was trying to be secretive, but because I wanted them to work towards a surprise end result. I wanted to make a project that had blind diversity, where they could express themselves with as much ** and as little restraint as possible. Then I would fill in the gaps.”
They’d send him their work as a file which qmagnet would then paste into the master map and connect with his work. “Very few discrepancies came up, only failed mechanics which we spent hours fixing. I was blown away by what they contributed. I think they made some of their best for Diversity 2.”
他们会把他们的工作作做成一个文件,然后,Qmagnet将这些文件粘贴到主地图,并与他的工作连接。“很少出现差错,只有我们花了几个小时修理的机械故障。”。我被他们的贡献感到着迷。我认为他们为Diversity 2做了一些最好的贡献。"
Still, Diversity 2 took eight months to complete, four times longer than the original, and 16 times longer than his first map. qmagnet spent six hours each weekday and 10 hours on both weekend days working on it.
Diversity 2仍然花了8个月才完成,比原来Diversity 制作的时间长4倍,比他的第一张地图的时间长16倍。每个工作日,Qmagnet花了6个小时,在周末都花了10个小时来制作Diversity 2。
“At first, the idea of creating a massive challenge map with impressive mechanics seems like a fun adventure and learning experience. But after a while, the adventure becomes like a chore,” he says. He sacrificed a lot of his personal and family time to the project, but working with the team kept his motivation going.
When Diversity 2 was out, he could see that he’d achieved his goal. “I created something that I wanted the players to win against the map maker. They finish the map and they feel like they've accomplished quite a task,” he says. But he also enjoys the sense that Diversity 2 feels part of the community. There are custom heads of 650 different Minecraft players placed in the map, and he was invited to talk about it at Minecon 2015.
当DIversity 2出版时,他可以看到他已经实现了他的目标。“我创造了一些让玩家们战胜地图制作人的东西。玩家们完成了地图,他们会觉得他们已经完成了一项任务,”他说。但他也喜欢Diversity 2融入到社区的一部分的情景。在地图中放有650个不同的《我的世界》的玩家的自定义头颅,他被邀请到Minecon在2015年谈论它。
So why was Diversity 2 his last Minecraft map? “Well, I always said I would only make another Diversity if I thought it would be better. I appreciated the good reception and cherish the experience but I had a difficult time finding the balance between Minecraft, day jobs, free time, family life... So I stepped away.
那么为什么Diversity 2是他最后制作的《我的世界》地图?“我总是说,如果我认为它会更好,那么我只会做另一个多样性。”。我感谢玩家对我的地图接受和珍惜制作时的经历,但我在生活中很难找到我的世界与日常工作,空闲时间,家庭生活...的协调,所以我走了。
“But I have passed the torch down to my kids. They watch Minecraft videos every day. And play the game constantly. Just Creative Mode. But maybe one day, they will become mapmakers too.”