Growing chorus flowers, cactus, sugar canes, nether wart, and vines | 加快紫颂花,仙人掌,甘蔗,地狱疣和藤蔓的生长 |
Duplicating lily pads and flowers as items (like sunflowers in vanilla) | 右键睡莲/花/向日葵可以复制一个,以掉落物形态刷出来 |
Generating dead bushes on sand and hardened clay | 在沙子和硬化黏土上生成死灌木 |
Generating melons and pumpkins from their mature stems | 从成熟的茎生成瓜和南瓜(不用等瓜了刷出来了\(T▽T)/) |
Generating mushrooms on mycelium | 菌丝上长出蘑菇 |
Turning cobblestone and stone bricks into their mossy variants | 让原石和砖石上长苔藓 |
Fix bonemeal not getting consumed on mycelium