1.MCBBS里前几位搬运工弃坑了 √
2.插件原作者弃坑了(废话) √
3.我自己要用 √
4.很多人都在找Iconomy1.11的版本 √
5.赚取人气 ×
iconomy,作为老牌经济插件 便于设置、管理、查看 无论是小白、资深OP都适用 指令简洁、权限易于理解 有默认权限、多方面设置 现在支持版本1.6-1.12 还不快来一试!!!!! |
/money empty - 清空所有账户(玩家)(慎用) 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.empty /money purge - 重置所有账户(玩家)(慎用) 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.purge /money status [name] (status) - 设置账户的属性 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.status.set /money set [name] [amount] - 设置一个账户的金钱数量 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.set /money take [name] [amount] - 扣除一个账户的金钱数量(不加自己的) 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.take /money give [name] [amount] - 增加一个账户的金钱数量(不扣自己的) 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.give /money remove [name] - 删除一个账户 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.remove /money create [name] - 添加一个账户(在玩家注册时自动添加) 对应权限:iConomy.accounts.create /money pay [name] [amount] - 转账给别人 对应权限:iConomy.payment /money top - 查看金钱排行榜 对应权限:iConomy.top /money help (command) - 查看指令和帮助 对应权限:iConomy.help /money [name] - 查看别人有多少钱 对应权限:iConomy.holdings.others /money - 查看自己有多少钱 对应权限:iConomy.holdings 玩家权限: - iConomy.help - iConomy.holdings - iConomy.top - iConomy.payment 或者:iConomy.user(包含上面的权限) 腐竹权限: - iConomy.* |
有钱的捧个钱场 没钱的……借钱捧个钱场 (↑开玩笑) [qq]1294243258[/qq] |
看什么看 还在翻译呢…… 施工现场: # 经济 7.0.6 # @作者 Manager_Boss <1294243258@qq.com> # @证书 GPLv2 # @版权 Copyright AniGaiku LLC (C) 2010-2016 ## # 安装说明 # - 秒 # 换算: # 1 分钟 = 60 秒 # 1 小时 = 60 分钟 = 3600 秒 # 1 天 = 24 小时 = 86400 秒 # 1 周 = 7 天 = 604800 秒 # - Database # Do not use remote databases from free sites, please use either a # remote database from a personal hosted VPS or DEDI or a local # database. This will prevent any 'timeout' or 'invalid settings' # or 'cannot connect to database' issues. Thank you :)! ## System: #系统 Permissions: #权限 Use: #使用 # 用户需要 'iConomy.holdings' 权限才能使用 /money # 普通玩家默认此权限关闭 # 如果Iconomy不工作了,就是这个问题(不知道?) # 如果你是以上的人之一,请关闭 Holdings: false Default: #普通权限组 Currency: # Major is the first segment [Major].Minor # Major ([Major].Minor) 1.00 Dollar (With Seperate 1 Dollar) Major: [ 'Dollar', 'Dollars' ] # Minor (Major.[Minor]) 0.23 Coins (With Seperate 0 Dollars, 23 Coins) Minor: [ 'Coin', 'Coins' ] Account: #金钱数量 # 创建时有多少钱 Holdings: 0.0 # Controls how money is formatted through methods Formatting: # Minor allows you to use the Minor amounts for amounts <1 # Example (true) 0.23 Coins and 1.23 Dollars (false) 0.23 Dollars and 1.23 Dollars Minor: false # Seperate allows your money to be shown in an alternative way, # instead of 1.32 it will show as 1 Dollar 23 Coins # !!! NOTICE: This only works if Minor is set to true !!! Seperate: false # Example (true) 1 Dollar, 23 Coins (false) 1.23 Dollars (Only if Minor is true) # Single shows your money in another alternative way. # Instead of 1.23 Dollars you will see: 1 Dollar. # If your money is 0.23 you will see 0 Dollars if Minor is false, 23 Coins if Minor is true. # !!! Notice: This overrides seperate !!! Single: false # Logs all monetary transactions passed through iConomy Logging: Enabled: false # Purges Default Balances at Loading # Good way to keep unused accounts or default accounts wiped out and lower database usage. Purging: Enabled: true # Controls amount of money gained at a set interval. Interest: Enabled: false # Only give interest to players who are currently online? Online: true Announce: # Send a message when the player gains interest? Enabled: false Interval: # Interval is done in seconds, here is a easy reference table for commonly set intervals: # 1 minute = 60 seconds # 1 hour = 1 minute * 60 = 3600 seconds # 1 day = 1 hour * 24 = 86400 seconds # 1 week = 1 day * 7 = 604800 seconds Seconds: 60 Amount: # The balance to be met where we stop giving interest. # 0.0 for no limit Cutoff: 0.0 # Percentage of holdings to give / take (Negative to take) (Overrides Min/Max) Percent: 0.0 # This is range based, to set a "flat" or "constant" rate, set each (Maximum and Minimum) to the same number. # If the two numbers are different, it will be a random amount in-between the two. Maximum: 1 Minimum: 2 Database: # Databases Supported: # Flatfile, FF, mini, minidb # - These all equate to miniDB ## # item, items, inventory, inventoryDB # - These all equate to InventoryDB, which uses inventory for storage ## # xp, exp, orb, xpdb, expdb, orbdb # - These all equate to ExperienceDB, which relies on Experience for balance. ## # mysql, mysqldb # - These will attempt to connect to MySQL ## # sqlite, sqlite2, sqlite3, sqlitedb # - These will attempt to create & connect to SQLite ## # postgre, postgreSQL, postgreDB # - These will attempt to connect to PostgreSQL Type: 'minidb' # These are for InventoryDB only. # # InventoryDB is essentially Physical Money. # It isn't logged in a database, its based on the users inventory # and the two items selected below. # # MajorItem is the item or block ID of the major currency # MinorItem is the item or block ID of the minor currency # e.g. MajorItem: 266, MinorItem: 265 for Gold/Iron MajorItem: 266 MinorItem: 265 # This controls the database name, by default it is iConomy Table: 'iConomy' # URL is for SQL Databases Only ## # Path to iConomy folder is easy, it's the COMPLETE path. # (Mine) G:\MineCraft\plugins\iConomy\ # Won't be the same as yours, but it usually looks like that. ## # [H2DB Default] h2:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE # [SQLite Default] sqlite:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy.db ## # Binary Databases use ip:port style connections. # ip # - is the connection identifier (internet protocol) # - for ipv6 usually encased in brackets [::1] # port # - the port that the database is listening on # - defaults: 3306 for mysql, postgre is either 5740 or 5432 ## # [MySQL Default] mysql://localhost:3306/iConomy # [Postgre Default] postgresql://localhost:5740/iConomy URL: 'mysql://localhost:3306/iConomy' # Login details for binary databases Username: 'root' Password: '' ############################################################## # !!! Conversion is not your database settings !!! ############################################################## # Conversion allows you to convert your old 5.x to the new 6.x # All is currently unused. ############################################################## # URL is for MySQL only, H2DB doesn't use it. ############################################################## Conversion: # Set to True, After converting, change this back to false! Enabled: false # Database Type, H2DB or MySQL Type: 'H2DB' # Database Table Table: 'iConomy' # Database URL without table at the end. URL: 'mysql://localhost:3306' # Username / Password # H2DB does not use this. MySQL Only. Username: 'root' Password: '' # Unused ATM. All: true |
去PlaceHolderAPI帖子看看吧! |
1.周目——很多服务器为了节省内存,会每周删除存档: 你可以使用/money empty来重置玩家的金钱数量 2.白名单——很多服务器的白名单需要申请; 腐竹帮助玩家注册时需要使用/money create <玩家名>注册一个金钱帐号 3.奖励——服务器每周|每月的活动的奖励可以是金钱奖励; 使用/money give <玩家名> <数量>发放奖励 4.指令搭配——/money create <玩家名> 搭配 /money give <玩家名>起到创建并设置的 |
理论无 请在下帖反馈! |
图挂了,马上补 |
理论兼容全版本 |
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