原作者授权 [申请ing] |
Thaumcraft 4 (神秘时代4) [传送门]
Botania (植物魔法)[传送门]
Ars Magica 2 (魔法艺术2)[传送门]
Equivalent Exchange 3 (等价交换3)[传送门]
Thermal Expansion (热力膨胀)[传送门]
Botania (植物魔法)[传送门]
Ars Magica 2 (魔法艺术2)[传送门]
Equivalent Exchange 3 (等价交换3)[传送门]
Thermal Expansion (热力膨胀)[传送门]
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MagicBees-1.12.2-3.2.25 -Fixed german localization for TE combs (thanks KingLemming) -Fixed Redstone Arsenal bees trying to load if Thermal Expansion is absent -Added config option to disable postgen arnound hives -Possible fix for BeeJar placement with Recurrent Complex -Fixed dragon egg not being returned upon crafting Essence of Scornfull Oblivion -Fixed BoundingBox for magnet items not being expanded correctly -Fixed incorrect bee colors being used in hive particles -Fixed bees trying to create floating flowers instead of mystical ones -Added Thaumcraft integration -Fixed AE2 oredict entries -Added cross-support for aluminium/um -Fixed a lot of localization entries -Lowered amount of blocks that spawn around hives -Allowed hills biome type for pork bees -Fixed mcmod.info syntax -Don't load old model if not needed -Fixed resource bees being activated if only their nuggets exist (but not the actual blocks) MagicBees-1.12.2-3.1.10 Show bees as coming from MagicBees on tooltips and in JEI MagicBees-1.12.2-3.1.9 -Fixed botania flower models -Fixed module effects loading after the bee is registered, resulting in NPE's -Made bee disabling & bee hiding in JEI configurable -Set max frame stack size to 1, fixes frames with same durability being able to stack -Fixed Essence of Everlasting Durability recipe -Fixed hive gen on nether roof (thanks temp1011) -Fixed different hive types stacking -Fixed null taglines, resulting in NPE's when shift-hovering over BM-botania research -Added TE mobtypes now that they are back in -Fixed NPE when certain bee were removed -Decreased spawn rate of TE mobs -Added JEI info about where to find bee hives -Added some postgen features to underground hives |
2020.3.16 更新MagicBees-1.12.2-3.2.25/1.11.X(1.10.2)-β 2018.5.27 更新MagicBees-1.12.2-3.1.10 2018.2.2 发布帖子 |