[bili=15533665]1[/bili] 视频链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av15533665/ |
1.8以上请使用Just Enough Item (JEI)查询合成
1.6.4-1.7.10请使用Not Enough Item (NEI)查询合成
大型按钮 (Big Button):
建筑指导仪 (Builder Guide):
强化建筑指导仪 (Enhanced Building Guide):
捕兽夹 (Bear Trap):
方块放置器 (Block Placer):
方块采掘器 (Block Breaker):
村庄高亮仪 (Village Highlighter):
梯子活板门 (Jaded Ladder):
洒水器 (Sprinkler):
海绵 (Sponge):
物品投掷器 (Item Dropper):
电梯 (Elevator):
画布 (Canvas):
经验地漏 (XP Drain):
经验莲蓬头 (XP Shower):
经验装瓶器 (XP Bottler):
绘图桌 (Drawing Table):
绳梯 (Rope Ladder):
脚手架 (Scaffolding):
自动铁砧 (Auto Anvil):
自动附魔台 (Auto Enchantment Table):
蓄水槽 (Tank):
虚空漏斗 (Vacuum Hopper):
调色器 (Paint Mixer):
铺路石 (Path):
电风扇 (Fan):
史诗橡皮擦(Epic Eraser):
大金属棒(Big Metal Bar):
滑翔翼 (Hang Glider):
睡袋(Sleeping Bag):
空白模板(Unprepared Stencil):
起重机控制器(Crane Control):
起重机背包(Crane Backpack):
音波眼镜(Sonic Glasses):
颜料刷(Paint Brush):
高度图投影仪(Height Map Projector):
高度图/空白地图(Empty Map):
方块放置器 (Block Placer):
魔法蜡笔(Magic Crayon):
蜡笔眼镜(Crayon Glasses):
魔法铅笔(Magic Pencil):
铅笔眼镜(Pencil Glasses):
惊艳科幻色调眼镜(Amazing Technicolor Glasses):
恶棍眼镜(Badass Glasses):
投掷加农炮(Item Cannon):
捐助站(Donation Station):
天空方块(Sky Block):
黄金之眼(Golden eye):
美味粘土(Tasty Clay):
金蛋(Golden Egg):
附魔书-尔虞我诈 (flim flam):
可用此附魔书在防具上附魔,总共四个等级,附魔等级越高可以在更多的防具上附魔。当受到来自怪物或玩家的伤害时,可以使他们的幸运值(Luck)降低。 幸运值(Luck)可能造成的影响:
附魔书-屹立不倒 (last stand):
当你受到的最后一次攻击可使人物死亡,拥有此附魔可以使用经验值抵消致死的伤害,可多次抵消直到经验值不足,一共有两个等级。 |
附魔书-震荡不定 (unstable):
[bili=3988133]1[/bili] 视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av3988133/ |
[bili=4083994]1[/bili] 视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av4083994/ |
[bili=4111726]1[/bili] 视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av4111726/ |
1.Grave didn't spawn/Some items are missing?
We receive quite a lot of grave bug reports and most of them are, unfortunately, invalid. So here's basic checklist for debugging graves: 1.Are you sure they are our graves? Yes, it happens... Check it through WAILA or by just comparing with picture below before continuing. 2.(optional) Check for conflicting mods. We received information that some mods have options that disable/filter drops. Here's unofficial and totally not verified list. If you know more, let us know.
3.Code that spawns graves works after all other mods had chance to add their drops. During that time, any mod can modify list of already added items or even cancel drops at all. Graves should always contain items that would be dropped normally - so if item isn't in grave, it would probably not drop even if graves were disabled. First step is to make sure this isn't the case. Please recreate this death in following conditions:
5.Look for logs. Some of them will be displayed in console as warnings (this includes issues that prevent graves from spawning), some of them will be visible only in log file. Logs from correct grave spawn look like this (only line with INFO will be visible in console):
Note: graves won't spawn in following conditions:
Advanced debug methods If you want to see, what other mods can interfere with grave spawning, please use either debug:gravesDebug config option or EventLog (available here). You can change value of this option without restart with following command:
If grave is spawned, contents will be stored in appropriate file (see next question). OpenBlocks will also store pre-death inventory in separate file. This usually is done before other mods have change to modify it, so it may be more reliable. |
2.How do I restore my inventory with command?
As you may have noticed from previous question, OpenBlocks has command that allows to restore inventory from before death or examine grave contents, even if grave was already destroyed or not spawned at all. It can be used in two ways:
To use it, you need to enable commands in single-player or be op in multi-player. Before you can restore, you need to know which file contains items you want to restore. Path usually looks like this:
3.How do I disable graves?
You can disable graves via configuration file, like any other block and item in OpenBlocks. Just make following change to configuration:
You can also disable graves per world (just creation, not block), by using gamerule command, i.e./gamerule openblocks:spawn_graves false. This method won't remove existing graves. |
4.I disabled graves, but they still spawn?
Are you sure those are our (i.e. OpenBlocks') graves? This seems like silly question, but this is most common solution to this problem. Easiest way to verify that is to look for logs mentioned in one of previous questions. |
5.How do I break graves in adventure mode? Can I empty grave without breaking it?
If you can't (or don't want to) break grave, you can just right-click it with shovel. Unfortunately, we can't control list of block that can be destroyed in adventure mode with specific tool.Also, please remember, that digging graves may get you into trouble. |
6.What happened to radio?
We removed it.Between Minecraft 1.6 and 1.7 sound engine changed. When trying to port radio, code started to look more and more like very limited and buggy external player with on/off switch in Minecraft. So it become kind of pointless. |
7.Why does elevator not work?
There are usually few possible causes:
Interactions with Better Sprinting and similar mods. In some cases switching to alternative method of getting information about player movement may help (especially when it's cased by interaction with other mod). To do it, open OpenModsLibCore.json in config folder on client, find activate_movement_callback and change line below it from "value": "true" to "value": "false". |
8.Does /ob_inventory restore work on non-vanilla inventories?
This depends on other mods.Currently OpenBlocks contains code that allows storing such inventories and events to signal loading and storing inventory (openblocks.api.InventoryEvent.*). Though it's recent addition and as far as we know, no mod uses that. We may add integration directly in OpenBlocks, if mod has proper API. |
9.Why doesn't building guide show any markers?
Since version 1.3 this block needs redstone power to work. This behavior can be configured with guide.redstoneSensitivity configuration option. |
10.How can I add information about my mod to donation station?
Send string IMC with key donateUrl and URL as value. |
11.How can I disable flim-flam enchantment?
For new worlds: just set enchantment id to -1 For existing worlds: removing any enchantment from game may break world. But in case of flim-flam enchantment, you can just disable all effects with blacklist/whitelist stored in flimFlamBlacklist+reverseBlacklist config option or just disable potentially harmful ones with safeOnly. You can get list of all flim-flam effects by using tab-expansion on /flimflam command. |
你可以在服务器的Config中取消它们的生成(推荐),或者修改他们的属性,也可以使用Banitem with NBT插件封禁这些物品
[bili=3505054]1[/bili] 视频地址:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3505054 |