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*暂不提供度盘,请优先选择Curse下载支持作者,下载比度云快 rv5-alpha-7是1.12.1/1.12版本的模组 *1.16.1-1.16.3为alpha稳定性未知,请做好随时出错的准备 *rv7 github
二搬授权 ![]() 作者授权 ![]() |
*暂不提供度盘,请优先选择Curse下载支持作者,下载比度云快 rv5-alpha-7是1.12.1/1.12版本的模组 *1.16.1-1.16.3为alpha稳定性未知,请做好随时出错的准备 *rv7 github
2018.6.18 发布本帖 2018.6.26 下载地址矫正 2018.6.29 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-1 2018.7.9 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-2 2018.7.15 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-3 2018.9.3 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-4 2018.9.3 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-beta-1 2018.10.1 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-1 2018.10.23 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-3 2018.11.12 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-4 2018.12.24 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-5 2019.7.25 更新appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7 2020.7.7 更新appliedenergistics2-rv7-stable-7 2020.10.7 更新appliedenergistics2 若干内容同步1.16.X系列 2021.01.01 更新若干版本 |
appliedenergistics2-8.1.0-alpha.3 Updated to Minecraft 1.16.3, but also allow to run on 1.16.2 4253: Just transfer the recipe id instead of every ingredient when shift-clicking recipes from JEI into the crafting and pattern terminal This will now allow items that are not present in the network to be shift-clicked into both crafting and processing patterns This also fixes previous errors where on certain modpacks the packet became too large when shift-clicking a recipe Slightly increased the height of the item hitbox for crystals to make their pickup by annihilation planes less "clippy". #4719: Take the entity size into account when spawning item entities using the formation plane (this specifically prevents custom item entities from mods from clipping through the plane) Improve render performance by not using Forge's dynamic lighting hook (IForgeBlock#getLightValue), but rather introduce a block state (light_level) for cable buses to represent their current emissive light level. Massively improve render performance of very large amounts of cables by using a fixed bounding box for view frustum culling (TileEntity#getRenderBoundingBox, a Forge extension that would previously load the TE and use it's collision box for view frustum culling). #4714: Make players assume ownership of the entire connected network when they place a security station to prevent the network from not reforming in the same way when the players leaves/re-enters the chunks (since unsecured networks of unauthorized players would normally not connect to a secured network) Added an indicator to terminals that shows the number of active crafting jobs. 4741: Rework Crafting CPU cycling and extract commonalities into a separate class. (#4742) Enter key confirms the "Confirm Crafting" dialog again Right Mouse Button correctly cycles backwards through CPUs, while left mouse button forward Fixes an internal problem with syncing CPU names Naming of unnamed CPUs begins at #1 now 4737: Improvements to the usability of the number entry widgets (Priority, Level Emitter, Craft Amount) Fixed tab order Introduced focus state for corner buttons Allowed the player to enter any text, but add validation that only persist it if it is a valid number Enter will now confirm these dialogs and return to the previous dialog The text field is automatically focused and its contents are selected #4697: Show number of required items in condenser tooltips. #4733: Fix a crash bug when an external machine tries draining fluids from a fluid interface without a filter 4731: Take the position where the user clicked the handle into account when calculating the new scrollbar position The scrollbar did not subtract the handle height when determining the available space for moving the handle, thus introducing drift the further down a user scrolled. The scrollbar did not resize it's trackbar when the ME inventory screens were resized and the number of rows changed, same for craft confirm. #4730: While dragging the scrollbar with the mouse, it will now scroll when the mouse is not on the scrollbar anymore, and also introduces repeat-pageup/pagedown when holding the mouse on the area above or below the scrollbar handle. #4728: Mark all offloading threads as daemons, which should fix the server not shutting down properly in some cases. appliedenergistics2-rv7-alpha-6 Added curseforge task appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7 Fixes #3886: Initialise sleeping import bus in pulse mode. (#3887) - yueh Fixes #3899: Put fluid interface into configured mode when needed. (#3903) - yueh Fixes #3901: Ensure fluid terminal respects reported stacksizes. (#3902) - yueh Fixes #3911: Incorrectly used string format. (#4007) - yueh Fixes #3925: Incorrect API JavaDoc (#4008) `IGridBlock#getMachineRepresentation()` must be non null. - yueh Fixes #4005: Persist cell after cleanup. (#4009) - yueh Fixes #4062: Rounding error due to float precision. (#4064) - yueh Fixes #4089: Render cable core on straight lines of different types. (#4103) - yueh Fixes #4090 Portable cell incorrect empty itemstack handling (#4093) - yueh appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-5.jar Feature #3813: Implement caching for facade item models. - covers1624 Feature #3832: Made ICraftingWatcherHost#onRequestChange() less ambiguous. - yueh Fixes #3767: Fluid Annihilation plane too strict about leftover. - yueh Fixes #3768: Damageable items with nbt and without damage could crash. - yueh Fixes #3776: Fixes dupe bug with cell upgrades. - yueh Fixes #3810: Guard against models providing quads with null orientations. - covers1624 Fixes #3821: Unconfigured level emitter now report all fluids. - yueh Fixes #3866: Use blockstates to avoid the missing fluid block. - yueh Update ko_kr.lang (#3674) - mindy15963 Update zh_cn.lang (#3570) - xsun2001 appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-4.jar Fixes #3811: Display crafting unit as themself in the network monitor. - yueh Fixes #3814: IO Port no longer put to sleep on load when having work. - yueh Fixes #3817: Missing 1k Crafting Storage and Monitor from Network Status. - yueh appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-3.jar Feature #3765: Input P2P tunnels can now be assigned a new frequency when the memory card stores the same frequency - yueh Fixes #3790: Correctly handle fluids with NBT data. (#3791) - yueh Fixes #3793: Limit filling fluid inventories to their max capacity. - yueh appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-2 Now requires Forge RB (#3760) - yueh Changes #3669: Switch to new IItemHandler - fscan Changes #3750: Allow JEI to differentiate between different cable facades. - mezz Fixes #3146: Prevent crash when GlassState is missing. - yueh Fixes #3746: Revert OreDict use for cable anchors. Blame Forge for crashes. - yueh Fixes #3747: Fix issues with facade breaking textures. - covers1624 appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-1 Changes #3744: Changed some fluidappliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-1 related recipes to match their item variant. - yueh Fixes #3688: Invalidate Storage Bus cache immediately upon missing TE. - yueh Fixes #3742: Do not use storableInStorageCell() to identify generic cells. - yueh appliedenergistics2-rv6-beta-1 Fixes #3708: Move knifes/wrenches to oredict as constants are unreliable - yueh appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-4 Feature #3702 Completely new system to render facades. It supports many more models compared to the old system. For example connected textures or multilayer textures. - covers1624 Feature #3706: Added a new facade config. Will delete old config file. Refer to config documentation for more details. - yueh Feature #3624: Generic ICellInventoryHandler. This breaks API! - fscan Feature #3641: Make search box toggle key configurable. - fscan Changes #3635: Increase Vibration Chamber AE/t. - fscan Changes #3636: Condensor improvements. - fscan Changes #3640: Allow ME Chest to work with any cell. - fscan Fixes #3625: Fix buckets in vibration chamber. - fscan Fixes #3630: Formation planes not respecting the entity limit.- yueh Fixes #3632: Fix dupe bug with shulker box. - fscan Fixes #3634: Check if part was actually added before spawning. - fscan Fixes #3644: Fix Platform#postChanges to check all registered channels. - fscan Fixes #3646: Render assemblers in the correct layer. - yueh Fixes #3653: Fix ConcurrentModificatonException in NetworkEventBus. - fscan Fixes #3675: Fix tooltip for vibration chamber. - fscan Fixes #3676: Fix fluid parts item models. - fscan Fxies #3703: Power off a network in case it losses its local buffer. - yueh appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-3 Feature #1480: Change storage/conversion monitor interaction. - fscan #2559: Readded InventoryTweak sorting support. - fscan #3553 Performance improvements for saveChanges() and ICellInventory. Handle with care. API break! - fscan #3609: Added a color code to the memory card. Currently used to indicate the P2P frequency. - yueh #3610: P2P tunnel frequency color indicators. - fscan Changes #3601: Restore behaviour of ESCAPE always closing the GUI. - fscan #3604: Cache current task in Inscriber, reduce amount of GL calls in TESR. - fscan #3605: Follow forges registration guidelines for entities and oredict. Remove ore camouflage. - fscan #3618: Move some essential blocks to their own feature category. - fscan Fixes #3221: Fix shift-double click behavior. - fscan #3226: Cutting knife fixes. - fscan #3611: Fixed unnecessary cell saving when cell is full. - BrockWS appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-2: Feature #3571: Add fluid level emitter - fscanFeature #3572: Add Fluid Formation/Annihilation Planes - fscanFeature #3576: Search box improvements. Toggle search box focus with TAB. - fscanChanges #3555: Add fluid GUI to me chest, fixed some warnings while at it. - fscanChanges #3560: Format fluid tooltip in buckets - fscanChanges #3584: Switches from trove to fastutil. - yuehChanges #3592: Priority GUI improvements - fscanChanges #3598: Updated plane textures. New Fluid Annihilation/Formation Plane textures. Updated Annihilation Plane texture for a more noticable animation. - yuehFixes #3342: Add alternative spelling of aluminium - fscanFixes #3484: Fix SpatialIO entity teleport - fscanFixes #3581: Fluid cleanup and performance improvements. - fscanFixes #3595: Fix poweredExtract/Insert and add simulate mode - fscan appliedenergistics2-rv6-alpha-1: Feature #3232: Rework custom recipe system - fscanFeature #3510: Initial Fluid Integration. Cells, Import/Export/Storage Bus, Fluid Terminal - BrockWS, DrummerMCFeature #3543: Added fluid models - yuehFeature #3564: Added ME Fluid Interface - fscanChanges #3383: Updated Cell Registry safety and docs. - yuehChanges #3384: IAEStack#fuzzyComparison now compares the same subtypes. - yuehChanges #3392: Replaced LinkedList with ArrayList or ArrayDeque when applicable. - yuehChanges #3399: Updated Grid API - yuehChanges #3434: Replaces all custom number comparisons with java provided ones. - yuehChanges #3539: Changed fluid cells to better match the item ones. - yuehChanges #3567: Updated fluid interface GUI and other fluid related textures. - yuehFixes #3449: Fix CellInventory to not mess with the item definition - fscanFixes #3459: Just open the inventory if raytrace misses. - fscanFixes #3462: Remove call to neighborChanged() - kylevFixes #3476: Correctly handle an empty top namepress. - yuehFixes #3478: Changes the way xp drops from Certus Ore blocks - fscanFixes #3490: Use cached recipe before reaching out to CraftingManager - yuehFixes #3504: Fixes issue with Fluid Channel not being sent changes. - BrockWSFixes #3520: Correct order for sort by mod and general code cleanup - yuehFixes #3535, Fixes #3486: Fixes crash when either quartz types are disabled and prevent cascading worldgen. - fscanFixes #3544: Fixes interface shift-clicking to generate correct onChangeInventory events - fscanFixes #3545: Fixes DriveBakedModel to not crash when SLOT_STATE is null - fscanFixes #3548: Fix AEBaseTile to respect overridden markDirty implementations. - fscanFixes #3556: Only extract insertable fluid amount. - yuehFixes #3560: Render the fluid stacksize for ME fluid slots. - yueh appliedenergistics2-rv5-stable-11: Fixes #3428: Invalidate container once the corresponding TE no longer exists. - yueh |
如果您发现你所使用的模组存在Bug可以尝试反馈给作者,当然你需要一定的英语基础,在您反馈前请先前往官方下载提供处确认,只有这个模组的情况下是否还存在这个问题,是否为最新版本,如果是最新版本再进行反馈。 反馈时需要附带上你所使用的模组版本,并使用英文,清晰明确的描述存在的问题和或触发这个问题的操作。 看完上述内容即可点击下面的传送门前往Github对其Bug进行反馈,由于Github是英文的所以我再次强调英文基础!!! [传送门] |
2497455582 发表于 2018-6-29 15:15
2018-06-29 15:17:00
2497455582 发表于 2018-6-29 15:51
2018-06-29 15:53:00
没糖的葫芦 发表于 2018-6-29 15:53
字面意思,可能你的代理,没有代理到下载地址,开启全局代理尝试,如果已经是全局代理,请联系你的代理商 ...
2018-06-29 15:57:00
没糖的葫芦 发表于 2018-6-27 12:16
2019-09-21 22:46:00
Forever_蓝鱼 发表于 2019-10-14 18:13
1.7.10版本的自动下载没反应,按安装也没反应。。。按那个链接安装也没反应,,,挂vpn不行,不挂也不行。 ...
2019-10-16 17:17:00
2019-12-03 21:18:00
[email protected] 发表于 2019-12-3 21:18
1.12.2的rv6-stable-7有个严重的bug,不明原因导致存入物品会直接消失,已知前提是整个me系统内没有这个特 ...
2019-12-03 21:20:00
[email protected] 发表于 2019-12-3 21:20
并不是反馈bug,而是看看有没有人知道解决办法,我英语基础为零,所以没办法进行反馈,希望版主见谅 ...
2019-12-03 21:36:00
[email protected] 发表于 2019-12-3 21:36
现在有一个解决办法,就是将1.12.2的ae版本降低到rv6-stable-3(我目前用更换到rv6-srable-3版本)但是不 ...
2019-12-03 22:39:00
[email protected] 发表于 2019-12-3 21:18
1.12.2的rv6-stable-7有个严重的bug,不明原因导致存入物品会直接消失,已知前提是整个me系统内没有这个特 ...
2019-12-16 09:53:00
[email protected] 发表于 2019-12-3 22:39
2019-12-19 15:36:00
V~}1)C}M3EUCJEEW[[email protected] (47.09 KB, 下载次数: 0)
2020-02-14 15:50:00
[email protected] 发表于 2019-12-3 21:18
1.12.2的rv6-stable-7有个严重的bug,不明原因导致存入物品会直接消失,已知前提是整个me系统内没有这个特 ...
2020-05-08 09:03:00
[email protected] 发表于 2019-12-3 21:18
1.12.2的rv6-stable-7有个严重的bug,不明原因导致存入物品会直接消失,已知前提是整个me系统内没有这个特 ...
2020-07-16 18:49:00