本帖最后由 森林蝙蝠 于 2018-12-4 00:15 编辑


【重要】该文为Forge Annual Parly 2018(Forge 2018年报)的纪要,作者非forge贡献者,不完全保证其权威性,但并未有forge开发成员表示异议,有参考价值。

1.13 General(全局):
1.cpw is rewriting the mod loader and it's going to be merged into 1.13 forge
2.1.13 forge will have java 9 support. (May happen sooner rather than later)
   1.13的forge将会支持Java 9(可能会更早一些)。
3.The mod loader carries a lot of technical debt, which is the reason the load speed is a bit slow, they're working towards improving the performance of  the loader.
4.Java 10 & 11 support depends on Mojang using it. Go yell at them for support.
   至于Java 10和11,mojang支持哪个,我们就用哪个,让他们支持去吧。
   点评:Java 11是下一个时代的官方长期支持版本,虽然重要,但比起9没有什么破坏性的变动(上一个破坏性变动,是Java 9的模块化),只要不使用那些被移出JDK 11的包(Java EE和Java FX等),问题就不大。
5.Forge will receive a full audit for 1.13, going over all of the classes for redundancies. Stable 1.13 Forge might take months.
   forge会在1.13接受全面审查,精简所有的类,需要几个月的功夫推出稳定的forge 1.13。

6.New coremod system for 1.13, coremods are necessary for forge, but people tend to overuse them right now.
7.JavaScript system to modify base classes.
8.New system might support swapping mod versions while the game is running.
9.Mod system should not scare bukkit plugin devs so much after the rewrite(but forge will never be bukkit/sponge since it's not an abstraction)

1.13 Performance(性能):
10.Multicore systems should receive a big speed increase (for the loader?)
11.1.13 updates to LWJGL3  which has support for multithreaded rendering, so they still want someone who does rendering to speed that up.
     1.13底层更新到LWJGL 3之后,有多线程渲染了,所以他们(mojang)会找一些搞渲染的人加速渲染。

1.13 Vanilla Code Changes(原版代码修改):
12.Vanilla command system rewritten, a lot more structured. Uses Brigadier.
13.Lot of new World generation util that should help for mods like Twilight forest & Betweenlands.
14.DataFixers: Could theoretically support porting modded worlds from version to version, but will probably not be a thing.

1.13 Modding(mod编写):
15.More Event driven networking for simplmpl
16.async & promises support
17.login & handshake, system is getting a rewrite, should make it faster and more lag-resistant. Giving more feedback on how close it is to connecting to  the server.
18.Login needs support for longer handshakes since the block registry is ~16 times larger, and needs to be synced.
19.Breakings changes in forge for 1.13? Yeeeeees. Forge will have a full audit for every line of code, so a lot of things are breaking. Terrain stuff will 100% break.
     forge 1.13是破坏性的变化吗?那当然啦,forge每一行都需要重新检查,很多东西都在破而后立,至少地形相关是100%破坏了。
20.Forge's official stance is always use the latest version, but 1.12 will have full support until 1.13 have a stable version  that Lex is happy with.
21.1.13 is cooler and more enticing than 1.8 ever where when moving from 1.7.
22.Grum on entity data models: Not planned by mojang atm.
23.Forge team is looking for someone to do rendering.
24.Localization is getting a rewrite.
25.OreDict will be deprecated, Replaced with the new tag system. (Forge did it first, mojang is thieeeeves)
26.Forge might take over to init gears/nuggets/iron and all those common occuring ingredients that have tags. atleast as an optional.
27.Not much info on how datapacks will be utilized. They don't know if it's feasible yet (probably referring to syncing datapacks to the client).
28.Java will always be the language that Forge supports,Scala removed.
29.Clojure/Kotlin/Javascript/Scala/Groovy support planned (loaded with loaders specified in the mod toml file),language support should only have to be -> require a lang support mod from curse, and start developing.
30.No Annotations processor, MCMOD.info is dead and the mod annotation only have one value.
     没有注解处理器了,mcmod.info已死,@mod 注解只有一个值了。
31.Tweakers removed, New loader system uses serviceloaders.
32.Bad practice to have enable/disable flags for items/blocks in config. Just register how many you want.
33.Block id will persist even if you remove the block that had that id, leaving dead id's. But you can reclaim it.
34.They want a world cleanup tool that prunes dead ids. (Someone please write it).
35.Registries will still be locked.
36.Grum: Recipes should be reloadable in 1.13
37.Grum: don't use 2^31 blockstates please hehehe, you are going to have a bad time
     千万不要让你的方块占用 2^31 种方块状态,你会呵呵的。
38.Gui's have not really changed
39.World generation is now really modular,THREADED!! (Not multi threaded)

1.13 Commands(命令):
40.Will support sub-commands

1.13 Fluid(流体):
41.They need to probably rethink everyone about how fluid works.
42.Might not make the rewrite straight away since mojang is not 100% done with the new fluid system.
43.There will probably be a new entry/event for registering liquids.
44.They would like FluidStack to be immutable and be more like ItemStack.

1.13 Forge Gradle(Gradle支持):
45.ForgeGradle is getting a rewrite,no ETA,should be functional in a few weeks.
     点评:forgegradle像个傻子一样,现在还用gradle 2.14.

1.13 Configuration(配置文件):
46.Format will be TOML (Luckily it's not YAML),will also be used for the modloader.
47.Event to get config values from a TOML object.
48.Annotations for config will kind of stay.
49.Nested list support, should have all the same capabilities as the existing system.
50.Scopes split into GLOBAL(What we have today)/PLAYER/SERVER
51.Ability to load defaults from inside the jar.
52.The library syncs config automatically.
53.It's up to the modder to handle the syncing correctly.

54.tterag in chat: Anyone can contribute to the forge docs.
55.Lex gets help from Sponge devs and other sources to name mappings,and he has been updating MCP for all the snapshots.
56.They try their best to inform about new changes on irc/discord, and try to keep the docs up to date.

Project Valhalla(Valhalla项目,一个属于OpenJDK的项目):
57.Many objects would turn into value types.Would have massive performance changes? (Tuned out for a bit)
58.Might make it into Java 11
59.The java dev community is very hyped about it,nothing else would have a bigger impact on performance than this,but when we get this depends only on Mojang.

60.There could be a Forge util mod for library functions if they can find anyone trustworthy to develop it.
61.Documentation probably won't change a lot until stable release, follow the beta changelogs to keep posted.
62.More event registries will be a thing in 1.13.

FML Demonstration(FML新特性展示):
1.Only one value for Mod annotation, MODID
2.All additional properties for mods are moved to META-INF/mods.toml
3.modLoader, you can specify what language loader you want to use, you can also specify the version of the loader.
4.Needs to follow apache maven version, use numbers please.
   需要跟着Apache maven的版本号规范走。
5.Support for multiline description
6.Can put multiple mods in there with jar-in-jar, but one mod specified is recommended.
7.cpw: wants to move away from stringAPIs like annotations, because they're error prone and require some validation.
8.Using suppliers and types should be more stable.
   使用supplier(Java 8提供的一个函数式接口)和类型系统应该会更加稳定。
9.SubscribeEvent and Mod.EventBusSubscriber is not going away.
10.SidedProxy annotation will probably not be maintained. Replaced with using SidedExecutor.
11.The InterModComms system is getting rewritten.
12.Optional is gone, it's not coming back.
13.Removed magic derpy strings in annotations, now replaced with suppliers.

Forge Modders Day模组开发者日
14.Virtual event,Mini minecon for modders.
15.cpw wanted to write a history of modding talk.
16.They're open for ideas for modders day, talk to the forge team on Discord.
     Pahimar is helping with organization,they would love it if Sponge devs would also join in on the fun.
     Might have a modjam event after/before.