- 支持一些变量数值[你可以在计分板插件上使用]
- 部分插件的一些前置插件
date-time-format="uuuu LLL dd HH:mm:ss" expansions { placeholderapi { economy { enabled=true } javascript { enabled=true } player { enabled=true } rank { enabled=true } "rel_player" { enabled=true } "rel_rank" { enabled=true } server { data { uptimes=[] useUptimes=false } enabled=true } sound { enabled=true } statistic { enabled=true } time { enabled=true } } } relational-parse-for-recipient=true |
misc { by { value=by } directions { east { value=East } north { value=North } northeast { value=Northeast } northwest { value=Northwest } south { value=South } southeast { value=Southeast } southwest { value=Southwest } west { value=West } } invalid { value="&cThat is not a valid %s!" } no-permission { value="&cYou are not allowed to do that!" } no-value { value="&cNo value present." } suggestions { value="Suggestions: " } version { value="&7version" } } placeholder { all-placeholders-button { value="&e[SEE ALL]" } all-placeholders-hover { value="&bClick to see all placeholders!" } all-relational-placeholders-hover { value="&bClick to see all relational placeholders!" } all-supported-placeholders { value="&6&lAll supported placeholders:" } all-supported-relational-placeholders { value="&6&lAll supported relational placeholders:" } available-placeholders { value="&aAvailable placeholders:" } click-to-reload { value="&bClick to reload:" } currency-description { value="View information about the server's economy." } improper-registration { value="&cPlaceholder was not registered correctly! Please check the logs for details." } info-button-hover { value="&bClick to get more info!" } invalid-placeholder { value="&cThat is not a valid placeholder!" } invalid-source-observer { value="&cThe provided types are invalid sources or observers!" } javascript-description { value="Execute JavaScripts." } must-specify { value="&cYou must specify a placeholder!" } parse-button-hover { value="&bClick to parse this placeholder for you!" } placeholder-disabled { value="&aPlaceholder disabled!" } placeholder-enabled { value="&aPlaceholder enabled!" } placeholder-not-enabled { value="&cPlaceholder not enabled!" } player-description { value="View information about a player." } rank-description { value="View information about a player's rank." } relational-player-description { value="View information about a player relative to another player." } relational-rank-description { value="View information about a player's rank relative to another player." } reload-button { value="&c[RELOAD]" } reload-button-hover { value="&bClick to reload this placeholder!" } reload-failed { value="&cPlaceholder failed to reload!" } reload-success { value="&aPlaceholder reloaded successfully!" } server-description { value="View information about the server." } sound-description { value="Play sounds to players." } statistics-description { value="View a player's statistics." } supported-placeholders { value="&6Supported relational placeholders:" } supported-relational-placeholders { value="&6Supported relational placeholders:" } time-description { value="View the current date and time." } token-needed { value="&cThis placeholder needs a token!" } } plugin { placeholders-reloaded { value="&a%s placeholders reloaded! (&c%s failed to reload.&a)" } reload-failed { value="&cPlaceholderAPI failed to reload!" } reload-success { value="&aPlaceholderAPI reloaded successfully!" } service-unavailable { value="&cPlaceholders are unavailable!" } } |
%player% - Get the player's name.获取玩家的名字 %player_name% - Get the player's name.[这个和上面的区别是什么=-=] %player_displayname% - Get the player's display name.获取玩家显示名称[有点懵逼,欢迎有人解答] %player_uuid% - Display the player's unique universal ID .获取玩家单独的ID[就是每个玩家进入服务器后的一串英文和数字识别码] %player_ping% - Get the player's latency.获取玩家当前的延迟 %player_prefix% - Get the player's prefix.获取玩家的前缀 %player_suffix% - Get the player's suffix.获取玩家的后缀 %player_world% - Get the name of the world the player is in.获取玩家当前所在的世界 %player_health% - Get the player's health (rounded).获取玩家当前生命值 %player_max_health% - Get the player's maximum health (rounded).获取玩家最大生命值 %player_saturation% - Get the player's saturation level (rounded).获取玩家等级[这个是最大等级记录么?] %player_x% - Get the player's x position. %player_y% - Get the player's y position. %player_z% - Get the player's z position.获取玩家当前位置X/Y/Z的坐标 %player_exp% - The player's current exp on their level. %player_exp_total% - The player's total exp. %player_exp_to_next% - The amount of exp the player needs to level up.获取玩家当前等级经验/所有的等级经验/升级到下一级所需的经验 |
%server_online% - Get the current number of players on the server.获取服务器上的玩家数 %server_max_players% - Get the maximum number of players that can join the server.获取服务器人数最大数 %server_motd% - Get the server's MOTD.获取服务器的MOTD[在多人模式游戏中,你看见的服务器标语,默认是:A Minecraft server] %server_ram_used% - Get the amount of RAM the server is using. %server_ram_free% - Get the amount of RAM the server is not using. %server_ram_max% - Get the maximum amount of RAM the server can allocate.获取服务器已使用的内存/闲置的内存/最大内存 %server_tps% - Get the server's ticks per second.获取服务器的流畅度[20为最流畅的数值] |
%rank% - Get the name of the rank. %rank_name% - Get the name of the rank. %rank_prefix% - Get the rank's prefix. Shorthand for %rank_option_prefix%. %rank_suffix% - Get the rank's suffix. Shorthand for %rank_option_suffix%. %rank_option_{option}% - Get the current value for the option. %rank_perm_{permission}% - Check to see whether the rank has the permission. %rel_rank_greater_than% - Return whether the observer's rank is a parent of the source's. &rel_rank_less_than% - Return whether the source's rank is a parent of the observer's. |
%time% - Get the current date and time, formatted as specified in the config.获取当前日期时间[以服务器的为标准]
%economy_baltop_<number>_[currency]% - Get the top <number> of players, ranked by balance, on the server.[服务器上最有钱的人的钱数] %economy_balance_[currency]% - Get the balance of the player. (e.g. "1234.56")[获取玩家的钱数] %economy_balformat_[currency]% - Get the balance of the player and format it. (e.g. "$1,234.56")[这个和上面比多了钱符号和记位法] |
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