- Reworked steam distribution to coolant ports in output mode: each port will get an equal amount of steam. If any port don't accept the full amount of their share the left over steam is available to the remaining ports.
- Fix Turbine Bearing collision bounding box. Close #205
- Bumped version to
- This is an ALPHA relase. Backup your worlds and be safe!
- Items and block flattening to prepare for the jump to 1.13.x:
- the 3 ore blocks and their items (yellorite ore, benitoite ore, anglesite ore)
- the metal blocks and their items (Yellorium, Cyanite, Graphite, Blutonium, Ludicrite, Steel)
- ingots (Yellorium, Cyanite, Graphite, Blutonium, Ludicrite, Steel)
- dusts (Yellorium, Cyanite, Graphite, Blutonium, Ludicrite, Steel)
- minerals (benitoite and anglesite crystals)
- DataFixer are in place so you should not loose any in-world blocks or items placed in inventories (if fellow mods play nice)
- Fixed TileEntities registration to use the, correct, ResourceLocation form. Converters are in place so you should not loose any state or configuration of the Reactor/Turbine blocks
- Moved ALL shaped/shapeless recipes to JSON files so pack makers could change my recipes more easily
- Tweaked some recipes a bit. When applicaple, I replaced items with their Ore Dictionary rappresentation
- Tweaked the models for the Reactor/Turbine casing cores and the Turbine shaft and blades. Now the are 3.141592% more cool
- For more informations, please check https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/2731713-extreme-reactors-a-big-reactors-port-to-mc-1-9-4-1?page=9#c202