- # This is an example shop, demonstrating the LimitedUses addon
- ShopName: LimitedUses
- DisplayName: '&4&lLimitedUses'
- Command: limiteduses
- signs:
- text: '[LimitedUses]'
- NeedPermissionToCreateSign: true
- shop:
- Diamond:
- MenuItem:
- - type:DIAMOND
- - amount:1
- - name:&dDiamond
- - 'lore1:&8You can purchase one diamond every ten hours.'
- - 'lore2:&cPrice: %price%.'
- RewardType: ITEM
- Reward:
- - - amount:1
- - type:DIAMOND
- PriceType: MONEY
- Price: 150.0
- Message: '&eYou bought a diamond for %price%.'
- ExtraPermission: ''
- InventoryLocation: 1
- Condition:
- - type:cooldown
- - over:36000
- Diamond_blocked:
- MenuItem:
- - type:BARRIER
- - amount:1
- - name:&f&lOut of stock
- RewardType: NOTHING
- PriceType: NOTHING
- Message: '&8Come back in %cooldown_LimitedUses:Diamond%.'
- ExtraPermission: ''
- InventoryLocatio