如果您的服务器采用货币形式,则可以告诉BattleArena名称,以便它可以显示准确的金钱名字 - classes:
- gladiator:
- displayName: "&4Gladiator" ### 告示牌用
- items:
- - diamond_sword: sharp:1 1
- - bow: 1
- - arrow: 32
- - diamond_helmet: 1
- - diamond_chestplate: 1
- - diamond_leggings: 1
- - diamond_boots: 1
- - potion: effects="heal:2" displayName="Potion of Healing" 1 # 瞬间治疗 II
- - potion: effects="regeneration:1:45" displayName="Potion of Regeneration" 1 # 持续时间
- - splash_potion: effects="harm:1" displayName="Splash Potion of Harming" 1 # 喷溅型伤害药水
- enchants:
- - speed:1:120
- - resistance:1:120
- archer:
- displayName: "&2Archer" ### 告示牌用
- items:
- - iron_sword: sharp:1 1
- - bow: flame:2 power:3 punch:2 1
- - arrow: 32
- - leather_helmet: 1
- - iron_chestplate: prot:3 1
- - leather_leggings: 1
- - leather_boots: 1
- - potion: effects="heal:2" displayName="Potion of Healing" 1 # 瞬间治疗 II
- - potion: effects="regeneration:1:45" displayName="Potion of Regeneration" 1 # 持续时间
- - splash_potion: effects="harm:1" displayName="Splash Potion of Harming" 1 # 喷溅型伤害药水
- monk:
- displayName: "&fMonk" ### 告示牌用
- items:
- - leather_helmet: 1
- - leather_chestplate: 1
- - leather_leggings: 1
- - leather_boots: 1
- - potion: effects="heal:2" displayName="Potion of Healing" 1 # 瞬间治疗 II
- - potion: effects="regeneration:1:45" displayName="Potion of Regeneration" 1 # 持续时间
- - splash_potion: effects="harm:1" displayName="Splash Potion of Harming" 1 # 喷溅型伤害药水
- enchants:
- - strength:2:900 # 力量 II
- - speed:2:900 # 速度 II
- - haste:2:900 # 急迫 II
- - resistance:1:900 # 抗性提升 I
- - jump:2:900 # 跳跃提升 II
- - regen:1:60 # 生命恢复 I
- defaultMatchOptions:
- secondsTillMatch: 3 ## 在 onPrestart 和 onStart 之间的时间间隔
- secondsToLoot: 5 ## 赢得比赛后获得奖品的延迟
- matchTime: 120 ## 秒为单位,比赛最多的匹配时间
- matchUpdateInterval: 30 ## 多久更新一次比赛信息
- eventCountdownTime: 180 ## 在第一次发出公告后多久不再循环发出公告
- eventCountdownInterval: 60 ## 发出公告的时间间隔
- ### 比赛公告
- ## 这些选项只影响全体公告,不会涉及到玩家
- ## announce : 发送服务器全体公告
- ## hc=<频道> : 使用HeroChat的特殊频道
- announcements:
- onPreStart: [announce, hc=pvp ] ## 比赛即将开始,例如 'P1[p1Elo] vs P2[p2elo]'
- onVictory: [announce, hc=pvp ] ## 比赛取得胜利,例如 'P1[p1elo] 击败了 P2[p2elo]'
- ### 预处理
- # 预处理会在玩家开始游戏之前进行,你可以设置各种加入条件
- # 预处理选项
- # needsArmor: 要求使用装备
- # needsItems: 要求携带特殊物品
- # money=<支付金钱>
- # maxElo=<最大ELO>
- # minElo=<最小ELO>
- ### 比赛阶段
- # onOpen: *只触发事件, 例如 ffa/tourney 这种有准备阶段的
- # onPrestart: 设置 secondsTillMatch 在 onStart 阶段前生效时
- # onStart: 比赛开始时
- # onVictory : 当玩家胜利时
- # onComplete: 在比赛结束之后,在onVictory和timeToLoot之间
- # 如果 onComplete 阶段包含 clearInventory 那么将禁止玩家从竞技场带出他们的物品
- ### 比赛转场事件
- # onSpawn: 当玩家传送到竞技场或重生时
- # onDeath: 玩家死亡时
- # onJoin: 加入比赛时
- # onEnter: 玩家第一次加入游戏时
- # onLeave: 当玩家离开竞技场时
- ### 奖励
- # winner: 胜利者,在 onComplete
- # losers: 失败者,在 onComplete
- # firstPlace: 锦标赛接受后的胜利者
- # participants: 锦标赛结束后的所有参赛者
- # 任意地方可用的选项,除 preReqs 外
- # clearInventory,
- # giveItems: 需要设置物品列表
- # teleportIn
- # teleportOut
- # pvpon or pvpoff
- # health=<生命值>
- # hunger=<饥饿值>
- # money=<给予的金钱>
- # experience=<给予的经验值>
- # teamPvpOn : 不指定就默认关闭
- # respawn:
- # enchants: 需要设置药水效果列表
- # deEnchant: 移除一种药水效果
- # disguiseAll=<名称>: 伪装所有玩家成...
- # undisguise: 解除所有玩家的伪装
- # storeExperience/restoreExperience: 保存/恢复经验值
- # storeItems/restoreItems : 保存/恢复物品栏
- ## 默认: 这些事件可以这样填写:
- # onEnter:
- # options: [storeExperience, storeItems(if preReqs contains clearInventory)]
- # onLeave:
- # options: [restoreExperience, restoreItems(if preReqs contains clearInventory)]
- #### 活动和比赛
- ### 活动
- ## 活动会有一个准备阶段 "open" 所有人都可以加入,但是还不算开始
- ## 甚至可以让比赛作为活动的一部分(例如锦标赛,其中每个比赛都是整个"比赛活动"的一部分)
- ## 一些活动,比如 FreeForAll 只有一个比赛,但是仍然需要 "open" 阶段,然后才能开始。
- ### 比赛
- ## 队伍之间单独的战斗
- arena:
- enabled: true
- type: versus
- tracking:
- dbTableName: arena
- rated: true
- prefix: "&6[Arena]&e"
- onJoin:
- options: [pvpOff]
- preReqs:
- options: [clearInventory]
- onStart:
- options: [teleportIn, pvpOn,blockBreakOff]
- onSpawn:
- options: [deEnchant, giveItems, hunger=20, health=20]
- giveClass:
- default: gladiator
- items: #如果未设置 "giveItems" 请忽略
- - bread: 5
- onComplete:
- options: [teleportOut, clearInventory]
- winner:
- options: [health=20, hunger=20]
- skirmish:
- enabled: true
- type: versus
- database: arena
- rated: false
- prefix: "&b[Skirmish]&e"
- onStart:
- options: [teleportIn, pvpOn, blockBreakOff]
- onComplete:
- options: [teleportOut]
- winner:
- options: [health=20, hunger=20]
- battleground:
- enabled: true
- command: bg
- type: battleground
- database: bg
- prefix: "&c[Battleground]&e"
- victoryCondition: highestKills
- matchTime: 60
- minTeams: 2
- minTeamSize: 5
- maxTeamSize: 5
- preReqs:
- options: [clearInventory]
- onJoin:
- options: [pvpOff]
- onPrestart:
- options: [pvpOff, teleportIn, giveItems, deEnchant, disguiseAllAs=ArenaGuy]
- giveClass:
- default: gladiator
- team1: archer
- team2: monk
- team3: gladiator
- items: # 如果未设置 "giveItems" 请忽略
- - bread: 5
- onStart:
- options: [pvpOn]
- onComplete:
- options: [teleportOut, clearInventory, deEnchant, undisguise]
- onSpawn:
- options: [enchants, health=20, hunger=20, deEnchant, disguiseAllAs=ConfusedGuy,woolTeams]
- enchants:
- - speed:3
- onDeath:
- options: [respawn]
- winner:
- options: [enchants, money=1,experience=300, health=20, hunger=20]
- enchants:
- - speed:1:900
- - resistance:1:900
- Colosseum:
- name: Colosseum
- command: Colosseum
- prefix: '&8[Colosseum]'
- signDisplayName: &8[Colosseum]
- gameSize:
- nTeams: '4'
- teamSize: '1'
- nLives: '2'
- victoryCondition: LASTMANSTANDING
- tracking:
- database: col
- rated: true
- useTrackerMessages: false
- arenaType: Colosseum
- arenaClass: Arena
- onEnter:
- options:
- onLeave:
- options:
- preReqs:
- options:
- - clearInventory
- onJoin:
- options:
- - pvpOff
- onPreStart:
- options:
- - woolTeams
- - teleportIn
- - pvpOff
- onStart:
- options:
- - pvpOn
- onComplete:
- options:
- - teleportOut
- - clearInventory
- onSpawn:
- giveItems:
- - BOW 1
- - ARROW 32
- enchants:
- - speed:1:60
- options:
- - woolTeams
- - health=20.0
- - hunger=20
- - deEnchant
- - respawnWithClass
- onDeath:
- options:
- - clearInventory
- - respawn
- winners:
- enchants:
- - speed:1:900
- - prot:1:900
- options:
- - health=20.0
- - hunger=20
- - experience=300
- - money=1.0
活动 - freeForAll:
- enabled: true
- command: ffa
- type: ffa
- database: ffa
- prefix: "&c[FFA]&e"
- preReqs:
- options: [clearInventory]
- onJoin:
- options: [teleportIn, woolTeams]
- onOpen:
- options: [pvpOff]
- onPrestart:
- options: [pvpOff, giveItems, deEnchant]
- items: # 如果未设置 "giveItems" 请忽略
- - iron_sword: 1
- - bow: 1
- - tnt: 3
- - arrow: 32
- - leather_helmet: 1
- - leather_chestplate: 1
- - leather_leggings: 1
- - leather_boots: 1
- - bread: 5
- onStart:
- options: [pvpOn]
- onComplete:
- options: [teleportOut, clearInventory, deEnchant, undisguise]
- onSpawn:
- options: [enchants, health=20, hunger=20, deEnchant]
- enchants:
- - speed:3
- winner:
- options: [enchants, money=1,experience=300, health=20, hunger=20]
- enchants:
- - speed:2:900
- - resistance:2:900
- deathMatch:
- enabled: true
- command: dm
- type: deathMatch
- victoryCondition: highestKills
- database: dm
- prefix: "&8[DeathMatch]&e"
- preReqs:
- options: [clearInventory]
- onJoin:
- options: [teleportIn, woolTeams]
- onOpen:
- options: [pvpOff]
- onStart:
- options: [pvpOn]
- onComplete:
- options: [teleportOut, clearInventory, deEnchant, undisguise]
- onSpawn:
- options: [enchants, giveItems, health=20, hunger=20, deEnchant]
- items: # ignored if options doesnt have "giveItems"
- - iron_sword: 1
- - bow: 1
- - tnt: 3
- - arrow: 32
- - leather_helmet: 1
- - leather_chestplate: 1
- - leather_leggings: 1
- - leather_boots: 1
- - bread: 5
- enchants:
- - speed:1
- onDeath:
- options: [respawn,clearInventory]
- winner:
- options: [enchants, money=1,experience=300, health=20, hunger=20]
- enchants:
- - speed:2:900
- - resistance:2:900
- tourney:
- name: Punch Drunk
- type: Versus
- database: tourney
- prefix: "&5[Tourney]&e"
- timeBetweenRounds: 3
- preReqs:
- options: [clearInventory]
- onStart:
- options: [teleportIn, pvpOn, woolTeams]
- onComplete:
- options: [teleportOut, clearInventory]
- onSpawn:
- options: [deEnchant, giveItems, hunger=20, health=20]
- items:
- - iron_sword: 1
- - bow: 1
- - arrow: 16
- - iron_helmet: 1
- - iron_chestplate: 1
- - iron_leggings: 1
- - iron_boots: 1
- - potion: effects="heal:2" displayName="Potion of Healing" 1 # 瞬间治疗 II
- - bread: 3
- winner:
- options: [clearInventory, experience=100, health=20, hunger=20]
- firstPlace:
- options: [enchants,experience=1000]
- enchants:
- - speed:2:900
- - resistance:2:900
- - haste:1:900