v3.1 大更新for 1.8.1!


All GenuineNpcs are leveled Humans and Zombies
All GenuineNpcs get stats like strength and speed that scale with level.
All GenuineNpcs get names that are generated at random but still sound "name-like".
All GenuineNpcs can be tamed and transform once tamed!
All GenuineNpcs drop items according to their levels.
All GenuineNpcs have their names and a status bar above their heads!
All GenuineNpcs equip an item based on their level.
All GenuineNpcs are unique to the world and you will probably never see the same two twice. (Unless they are already in the world )
All GenuineNpcs drop brains (GROSS!) according to their faction, Zombie Brains or Human Brains.
All Tamed GenuineNpcs get experience when they kill mobs. They level pretty fast!
This mod will NOT replace ANY know class, I believe it is conflict free at the moment
