##########Global settings########## ##### True if you want to be able to break blocks in the field ##### CanDestroyField=false ##### True if you want to be able to walk out of the field ##### CanMoveOutField=false ##### amount of seconds after gameover until the field automatically goes away ##### GameOverTimeOut=60 ##### True if you want to anounce new highscores etc AnounceHighscore=true ##### True if you want a user to appear in the highscores at most one time UniqueHighscore=true ##### True if you want the tetris theme(tm) to be played ##### PlayMusic=true ##### False if you want permissions/ops only, True for anyone NoPermissions=false ##### True if you want to be able to /tspec <player> ##### Spectate=true ##########Graphical settings########## ##### True if you want an start countdown on start ##### CountDownOnStart=true ##### True if you want the tetris screen to go red when gameover ##### RedScreenOfDeath=true ##### True if you want the arena lit if its too dark ##### LightUpArena=true ###########Location settings########### ##### True if you want to be able to /tetris on any location ##### CanUseTetrisEverywhere=false ##### The block type-id to stand on if you have 'canusetetriseverywhere' to false ##### ##### It will check if the player using /tetris stands on the block with that type MustStandOnBlockType=41 ##### True if you want admin-defined places only UseAdminLocation=false JUST AN NOTE ABOUT THE ORDERING OF THE LOCATION SETTINGS - IT WILL FIRST CHECK IF TETRIS CAN BE USED EVERYWHERE, IF SO: START - THEN IT WILL CHECK IF IT USES ADMIN-ONLY LOCATIONS, IF SO: START - AND THEN IT WILL CHECK IF HE STANDS ON THE BLOCK DEFINED ######Button bindings###### #####Data for button bindings, don't change if you don't know##### ########################### ##### shortcuts: ##### ##### le = left ##### ##### ri = right ##### ##### do = one down ##### ##### id = insta down ##### ##### ro = rotate ##### ##### - = nothing ##### ########################### ButtonLeft=le ButtonRight=ri ButtonUp=ro ButtonDown=id LeftAir=le RightAir=ri ScrollUp=do ScrollDown=do SneakScrollUp=ro SneakScrollDown=ro |
/tetris 创造一个游戏场所站在金块上 /highscore 查看游戏前五名排名榜 /tspec 玩家 观战一个正在玩的玩家 /tbuild 作弊指令可以改变游戏面板上的俄罗斯方块[需要UseAdminLocation的支持才可以] |
这个权限和其他权限不同了只要ture【开】和false【关】就OK了 tetris创建权限 canusetetriseverywhere=false 或者权限tetris.use highscore看排名权限 没有 tspec观看权限 配置里面Spectate=true tbuild作弊权限 配置里面UseAdminLocation=true |
左键与右键都可以点击金铁钻块[不是左键向左,右键向右] [gold_ingot]左边的3个金块可以控制向左,右边的3个金块可以控制向右 [iron_ingot]上面的3个铁块控制俄罗斯方块的形状 [diamond_gem]下面的3个钻石块控制俄罗斯方块下落加速 左下角有一个记分板 |
第一步放一个金块 第二步站着金块上打这里/tetris然后就这么简单粗暴了ok |
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1miMt3hY 密码:62cw 或者
2016-6-8 15:31 上传
插件 |
把玩家tetris权限去掉因为 怕玩家乱输入 只要有金块的地方就会形成游戏所以这里建议下,怎么用呢! 用脚本方块
2016-06-09 12:50:00
我是污妖王 发表于 2016-6-9 12:50
@JJXLing 我帮你测试了下发现1.8-1.8.8也完美支持,其他版本不知道我只测试了这8个版本 ...
2016-06-09 17:17:00
Mr_Vampire 发表于 2016-8-13 11:58
我测试了下1.9可以,就是在超平坦世界高度低的地方放金块不能生成游戏,也不能删除了- -,创建这个游戏的ID ...
2016-08-14 13:47:00
2016-09-09 20:27:00