原本我玩的,是wolski前辈的搬运贴。由于左下角一直刷更新,所以我有了搬运这个mod的念头。上了原帖,发现,1.9.4都出了。于是搬运 搬运后,被删帖了,我才知道,原来真正的旧搬运贴是这个帖子 标题里没有英文名,中文译名也不一样啊啊啊(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 直到现在这位搬运者一直没回复满七天: 于是这个帖子又复活了。 由于原本的汉化有一些问题,比如没有汉化精英怪等级,choke没有汉化,sapper翻译为工兵,等等,因此我修正了一下汉化。 |
This mod randomly imbues spawning Living Things in the World with Diablo-style random Enchantments, making them much harder and much more rewarding to kill. They also drop the quadruple amount of xp and a random enchanted item. |
精英怪是一个提升难度的Mod,它会使正常生成的怪物中生成一些带有特殊效果并增强了的怪物。并且,杀死这些怪物,你还可以获得带有附魔的工具、装备和更多的经验。因此,精英怪可以作为RPG风格生存的mod(此想法来自我最喜欢的UP主大Pi)。 怪物强度: 恶魔(infernal)> 精英(ultra)> 稀有(rare),这个从属性的数量上就可以看得出来。 而且,你可以通过修改配置文件来定制自己的难度!通过修改配置文件,你可以设置某种属性是否生成、某种怪物是否生成、精英怪的掉落物等,十分灵活。 修改方法见http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-388746-1-1.html 在你安装了其它增加了怪物的mod时,它还会自动找出你其它mod内的怪物,并将其加入精英怪的可生成列表。 在你安装了增加了附魔的mod时,它也会自动找出你其它mod内的附魔,并将其加入掉落装备的可带有附魔列表。 同样可以通过修改配置文件来控制。 |
我最喜欢的UP主少年Pi(人称战神pi)在其《Pi,mc,rpg风格的生存》中用到的一个最主要Mod就是精英怪。 已经发出授权申请,正在等待回复~(先斩后奏 2333) 少年Pi: B站空间:少年Pi 新浪微博:吐槽王Pi 优酷频道:有一只Pi 视频链接: 注:大Pi在B站的视频标题有些错误,此处为修正后的。 总计共25P。第15p、18~23p优酷没找到,如果有人找到,还望联系我。 Part 1~3 |
1UP - Mob heals fully, once, upon getting low Alchimist - throws Potions at you Berserk - Mob deals double damage, but hurts itself on attacking Blastoff - Tosses Players into the air Bulwark - Mob has 50% damage resistance Choke - Drown on land, hit Mob to breathe for a moment Cloaking - Invisibility Potion effect on Mob Darkness - Blindness Potion effect on Player Ender - can teleport dodge attacks, reflecting damage on the Player Exhaust - Exhaust Potion effect on Player Fiery - sets Player on Fire Ghastly - shoots Fireballs Gravity - knocks back or pulls Players Lifesteal - heals from attacking Ninja - can teleport dodge attacks, reflecting damage on the Player Poisonous - poisons Player Quicksand - Slow Potion effect on Player Regen - heals Health back Rust - causes high amounts of wear on weapons and armour when fought Sapper - Hunger Potion effect on Player Sprint - high movement speed bursts Sticky - can snatch Items the Player attacks them with Storm - calls down Lightning Vengeance - reflects a portion of all damage done Weakness - Weakness Potion effect on Player Webber - spawns Webs at the Players legs Wither - Wither effect |
重生:死后复活一次 炼金:向仇恨对象对方投掷药水 狂暴:伤害翻倍,但会受到反伤 升空:将仇恨对象吹上天(你咋不上天呢) 绝对防御:受到伤害减半 窒息:使仇恨对象无法呼吸,攻击怪物可以获得一定的呼吸时间 隐身:使怪物获得隐身效果。但是怪物身上的粒子效果还在 黑暗:攻击/被攻击时使对方获得失明Buff 瞬移:瞬间移动,有随机性 闪避:使攻击者的攻击有一定几率无效 灼热:攻击/被攻击使将对方点燃 火焰弹:向仇恨对象发射火焰弹 击飞:将仇恨对象击飞 吸血:攻击时回复血量 忍者:被攻击时遁地,然后出不来了(不知道是bug还是设定) 有毒:攻击/被攻击时使对方获得中毒Buff 流沙:使玩家获得迟缓Buff 生命回复:以一定速率缓慢回血 装备腐蚀:攻击/被攻击对方的武器/装备耐久大幅下降 摄元:攻击/被攻击使对方获得饥饿Buff 冲锋:短时间内快速移动 粘性:受到攻击时使对方武器掉落(后期最讨厌的) 闪电风暴:召唤雷电攻击仇恨对象 复仇:受到攻击时使对方受到伤害(前期最讨厌的) 虚弱:攻击/被攻击使对方获得虚弱Buff 织网:在仇恨对象脚下生成蜘蛛网(一直都很讨厌的) 凋灵:攻击/被攻击时使对方获得凋灵Buff |
1.6.4及之前的版本请去旧搬运帖下载 原帖地址并未被墙,有条件的请去作者原链下载,支持作者! 所有版本 原帖 度盘汉化(密码:p9q3) 1.14.4 [https://www.curseforge.com/minec ... bs/download/2802040]原贴[/url] 1.14.3 [https://www.curseforge.com/minec ... bs/download/2742938]原贴[/url] 1.13.2 [https://www.curseforge.com/minec ... bs/download/2731394]原贴[/url] 1.12.2 原贴 度盘汉化 1.12与1.12.1兼容 1.12 原帖 度盘汉化(密码:v3t8) 1.11.2 原帖 度盘汉化(密码:nnkb) 1.11 原帖 度盘汉化(密码:5ngr) 1.10.2 原帖 度盘汉化(密码:1ysj) 1.9.4 原帖 度盘汉化 1.9 原帖 度盘汉化 1.8.8 原帖 度盘汉化 1.8 原帖 度盘汉化 1.7.10 原帖 度盘汉化 1.7.2 原帖 度盘汉化 伸手党什么都没留下就拿走了~ |
1、带有“忍者(nanji)”属性的精英怪,触发忍者效果钻入地下,出不来了。。(也不知道是Bug还是作者设定的) 2、被“粘性(sticky)”属性吸走的武器若被怪物捡起,杀死怪物后可能不掉落。 3、受到“窒息(choke)”效果时,空气条会和饥饿条重合。带有窒息效果的精英怪死后,气泡可能不会消失。 4、修改配置文件时,修改掉落潘马斯和原版的食物有id错误。 5、拔刀剑mod内的武器攻击带有“粘性”属性的精英怪时,武器会插在地上,而手里还有一把。详见视频。 6、如果两个带有复仇词缀的怪物互相伤害的话会导致游戏崩溃。 还望大家补充 |
1.7.1 - updated for mc 1.10 1.7.0 - updated for mc 1.9.4 1.6.9 - fixes some clientside packet logic calling serverside code (and crashing) 1.6.8 - updated for forge 1805+ 1.6.7 - updated for mc 1.9 1.6.6 - now disregards instances of IEntityOwnable's (mod added mobs which can be tamed) 1.6.5 - fixed Infernal Mobs health bars never showing up again after a vanilla healthbar showed up once 1.6.4 - fixing a thread issue with packets - hotfix: derped health packet client/server directions 1.6.3 - hmm why isnt that dimension arraylist initialized ... the pull request was probably missing a line 1.6.2 - added configurable dimension blacklist, pull request by Namikon thank you very much 1.6.1 - fixed reflecting modifiers causing infinite loops when meeting other damage reflecting entities - changed update tick from client render to world tick - added IT translation, courtesy of CapoFantasma97 of MCF 1.6.0 - updated for mc 1.8 1.5.9 - and neither will infernal mobs send packets to fake player entities 1.5.8 - ongoing efforts to fix other peoples mods for them ._. - infernal mobs will now never apply potion effects to fakeplayer entities 1.5.7 - fixes stalling issue when item droplist is empty #hotfix 1.5.6 - gradle still adding java 8 dependency. WELL F*** YOU TOO - sidestepping the issue by forcing a map typecast 1.5.6 - added support for "~" in /spawninfernal command - improved responses to invalid/errored /spawninfernal commands - fixed gradle introducing a java 8 dependency by the backdoor 1.5.5 - added simple entity names to attempted translations - example: if you want "Creeper" translated to "Schleicher" put this in the lang file: - translation.infernalmobs:entity.Creeper=Schleicher 1.5.4 - updated to mc 1.7.10 1.5.3 - moved infernal mobs overlay rendering into an overlay render event - also disabled infernal mob overlay when a bossfight is on 1.5.2 - added Channel Handler which does nothing so FML would stop complaining about Packets 1.5.1 - fixed rare classcast problems leading to crashes - fixed central proxy not distinguishing client/server properly this fixes subsequent issues with infernal mobs not gaining health and healthbars not working - added target caching to GUI infernal healthbar if you stop having an infernal in your sights, the display will remain for 3 seconds 1.5.0 - fixed possible crash with player packets 1.4.9 hotfix - fixed player having unlimited breath unless chocked 1.4.9 - added new Modifier "Choke" - so you like breathing? Well, SUCKS TO BE YOU - attacks on the Choke mob give momentary respiratory respite - fixed what might have been a major issue on over-time mods not attacking when they should have - added 2 admin commands to infernal mobs - /feclass X returns all currently registered Entities containing X in their classname's - aka if you need an entity classname and only know its "Dark" something, /feclass Dark - /spawninfernal x y z ENTCLASS X spawns an Infernal Mob of class ENTCLASS at x,y,z with Modifiers X - example /spawninfernal -112 65 234 Zombie Bulwark Fiery Vengeance Choke Regen 1UP Sticky Rust Wither - your tears, they are delicious - this update has not been heavily tested yet. be abused at your own peril 1.4.8 - added new configuration variable maxOneShotDamage which limits how high infernally enhanced attacks or reflected damage can go for a single strike. Default is 10 which is 5 hearts. 1.4.7 - fixed packet code to work on dedicated servers 1.4.6 - lowered default modifier attack target aquisition range to 7 blocks (from 12) - introducing anti mob farm mechanic. when mobs take a lot of non-playercaused damage in a confined area... things might happen. 1.4.5 - fixed problem where derpy entities attacked themselves causing an infinite loop with vengeance 1.4.4 - updated for MC 1.7.2 - remember to delete old config files 1.4.3 - fixed Infernal Mobs overwriting the vanilla mc objectMouseOver (Hotfix) - fixed crash issue with seperate droplists at atomicstryker.infernalmobs.common.InfernalMobsCore.getRandomItem(InfernalMobsCore.java:733) - thanks to sparroha for pointing it out 1.4.2 - seperated drop lists for the the 3 mod strength classes. Using the same list for all 3 is possible of course. 1.4.1 - sticky, poison, fiery, rust and wither no longer get applied to attackers using indirect damage sources - depending on code implementation this may or may not work on ranged weapons, magic etc 1.4.0 - updated for MC 1.6.4 1.3.9 - useSimpleEntityClassName now defaults to true - base infernal health values for each mob can now be specified in the config (will be auto-created) - extended networking to also send the max health over, to prevent health bar corruption 1.3.8 - fixed exponential mob health increases by repeated loading 1.3.7 - fixed Modifiers not being randomized - fixed Modifiers not being saved/loaded properly - fixed some translation typos 1.3.6 - fixed Infernal Mob health not being increased 1.3.5 - fixed translations breaking client-server communications 1.3.4 - added translation support - hotfixed crash in packet handling when entity IDs are not in sync 1.3.3 - updated for MC 1.6.2 1.3.2 - updated for MC 1.6.1 1.3.1 - added mod prefix naming - added Line-of-Sight checks to several Mod effects - "improved" Ender teleport code 1.3.0 - updated for MC 1.5.2 1.2.9 (rev 2) - now catching and logging getEntityName() crashes, using the classname instead - compatible with 1.2.9, update optional 1.2.9 - fixed infernal particle spam when pausing/unpausing - added randomized stacksize ability to config, a setting of "1-0-32-8" will yield a stack of 32 +-8, eg. 24 to 40, stone - added mob health factor for further customization. Rare Mob health is multiplied with the Mod count, and is then multiplied with the "mobHealthFactor" - added some explanation as configuration comments 1.2.8 - boss designation now has color! - added useSimpleEntityClassnames to config, set to true if you have config problems with generated entity names you will likely have to re-configure all entities with their new designations if you do so i do suggest deleting the old lines if you do this - added first iteration of monster name suffixes (not really happy with them yet) - added option to disable the GUI overlay (clientside) 1.2.7 - moved Item config to postInit, might fix mod issues - added another Item config parse run (on failed settings) to the first loot drop as last ditch effort - added partial matches to work for Item configs - if no full match for a Block or Item name can be found, the mod will go with the first that merely contains the target string 1.2.6 - fixed bug where all EntityMob types got infernal by default 1.2.5 - added Ultra and Inferno Mob chances to configuration. These stack iteratively: - the Ultra chance only applies ONTOP of the Elite (old) chance - the Inferno chance only applies ONTOP of the Ultra chance - Values of 3, 5, 10 would mean one out of 3 Mobs gets Rare, of those Rares one out of 5 becomes Ultra, of those Ultras one out of 10 becomes Infernal - absolute chances for an Infernal then: 1/3 * 1/5 * 1/10 = 1/150 one out of 150 Mobs gets Infernal 1.2.4 - added IMob to the possible Infernal Mobs. Now both IMob and EntityMob entities can become infernal! 1.2.3 (fix) - <diesieben07> in Forge IRC chat was so kind to provide a fix to health bars 1.2.3 - fixed Vengeance, Ninja, Ender self-damage stackoverflow crashes 1.2.2 - updated for MC 1.5.1 1.2.1 (fix) - fixed Infernal Mob Name display 1.2.1 - updated for MC 1.5 1.2.0 - Infernal Mob health now directly scales with the amount of Modifiers on it - added Ultra and Infernal modified Mobs with up to 15 Modifiers on them - reworked enchanting Items to also scale with amount of Modifiers - its possible that very weak monsters do not yield enchantments on the loot - every 5 Modifiers the Mob will drop an additional Item - 25% of Rare Mobs will become Ultra Mobs, 25% of Ultra Mobs will become Infernal - added new Modifier Alchemist - giant cluster** rewrite of Modifier classes fixing around a million bugs - may or may not have introduced new bugs - removed leather and gold loot. mojang pls buff 1.1.9 - added possibility for Blocks and metadata/damage in dropped loot - old config syntax remains valid, to add Item "500" with meta/damage "3" add "500-3" to config - Blocks are added similar, "blockID-metaValue-stackSize", example "35-4-10" is 10 Blocks of yellow Wool (id 35, meta 4) - meta and stacksize need not be specified and default to 0 and 1 - instead of a numeric ID you may also use the code name, example "tile.cloth-4-10" is the same Wool as above - this may help with mod items or blocks whose IDs are subject to change - only Items can and will be randomly enchanted - automatically detects and randomly enchants Enchanted Books. Added those to default ID list (403) 1.1.8 - fixed Storm mod to no longer work while under a roof - added "always infernal" option for entity classes to config 1.1.7 - fixed crash with entitylist comodification 1.1.6 - fixed crash in Webber mod 1.1.5 - fixed bug preventing several Mods from being used 1.1.4 - changed health hack to fire later and be more robust - added new Modifiers Cloaking, Sapper and Wither - reworked targeting on all mods, should fix bugs with old/new AI system clashing - nerfed Vengeance damage reflection from 100% to 50% of damage dealt - nerfed Ninja to deal a maximum of 15 damage when reflecting an attack 1.1.3 - new types of infernal Entities now register in the config. If you want to disallow certain Entities to become infernal, say so in the config. ONLY HAS EFFECT UPON RESTARTING 1.1.2 - scrapped "enchant glow" code for enchanted Mobs, it broke with 1.4.6 and i cannot get it working again - fixed/readded particles to enchanted Mobs - made health bar updates more aggressive on client - changed loot dropping back to the "must have been recently hit by player" system 1.1.1 - update to Minecraft 1.4.6 1.1.0 - fix for NPE in overlayrenderer - made modifiers removable via config. CAUTION: Removing mods on client may cause crash when on a server - note: disabling too many (more than half?) will probably crash somehow too 1.0.9 - update to Minecraft 1.4.4 - made enchanted drop IDs configurable 1.0.8 - made sure Wither doesn't get Infernal anymore 1.0.7 - fixed onHurt hook calling client method on server Side 1.0.6 - fixed name Display to not show obfuscated classnames - fixed health Display propagation not really working let me stress how much of an issue this was to get going - changed Spawn Handler: Now only Mob Entities will become infernal Now every Mob joining the World through any means can become infernal (that includes eggs) - fixed broken xp and enchantment dropping - fixed a whole bunch of broken or not working modifiers - fixed broken saving and loading of modifiers - fixed clients inverting the mod order locally there is a massive client/server mixup issue that i dont remember from last version, mc 1.4.2 yay 1.0.5 - updated to minecraft 1.4.2 and Forge 6.x 1.0.4 - updated to minecraft 1.4 and Forge 5.x - fixed serverside load 1.0.3 - bugfixes, removed faulty DataWatcher addition - ported to minecraft 1.3.2 and Forge 4.x Update, 1.0.2 - bug- and crashfixes - added Serverside mod - added Update Manager Update, 1.0.1 - bug- and crashfixes Initial release |
2016.6.5 - 下载并汉化好各个版本,开始计划排版。 2016.6.6 - 首次搬运。搬运内容:1.7.2、1.7.10、1.8、1.8.8、1.9、1.9.4。 2016.6.7 - 因违规二搬被删帖(我都不知道有这么一个旧搬运贴。。。)。 2016.6.14 - 旧搬运帖作者七天未回复,此帖复活。 2016.6.17 - 修正汉化 2016.7.1 - 更新1.10.2 2016.7.4 - 更新1.10.2新版本 2017.1.1 - 更新1.11版本 2017.7.3 - 更新1.12版本 |
我看到了伸手党的强大 |