本帖最后由 袋里的鲨 于 2019-5-11 22:33 编辑
更多背包 Backpacks ——经典的背包模组之一
Mod 介绍
此 mod 为 MigthyPorks Backpack Mod 的重制。
因为原作者跑路了,现维护者还在吐槽“the old code was extremely dirty”= =
一款老牌背包 mod,提供了不同颜色及功能的背包(工作台背包与末影箱背包貌似在高版本中被删除了),右键手中背包即可打开,不过第一次打开前需要命名,潜行并右键单击背包即可进行重命名。潜行时按下“B”键就可以打开个人背包的插槽以放入背包,也就是背上了,再次按下“B”键就可以打开背包了。
● 不要同
背包 mod 弄混了 = =
● 1.7 及以下版本与 1.8 及以上版本有一定差异
● 1.7 及以下版本:
https://imgur.com/a/aLWJ.b (← 请手动删除 “.” = =)
● 1.8 及以上版本:
Mod 联动 (翻译自 MinecraftForum 原贴)
● R 键整理
● 在所有背包中支持使用 R 键整理
● NEI(译注:此条只适用于 1.7 及以下的低版本)
● 在 NEI 展示合成表时点击“?”按钮即可在工作台背包界面中放置对应物品
● 版本检测器
安装了版本检测器后,可以看到更多背包 mod 的更新
已知 Bug
Bug 列表:
FAQ (翻译自 MinecraftForum 原贴)
● Q. 你能做一个适用于 ModLoader 的版本吗?
A. 不能。我认为 ModLoader 已经过时,并且制作一个 ModLoader 版本需要大量的工作。但是假如某些人有 ModLoader 的制作经验,并打算把这个 mod 改写为 ModLoader,那么他可以给我发送 PM,我将给予他改写的许可
● Q. 背包太大了,你能让它们小一点吗?
A. 你可以在配置文件中更改背包的大小
● Q. 我在服务器中使用了这个 mod。当我尝试合成背包时,我能看到合成结果,但无法从合成栏中把它拿出来。
A. 在服务器中同时装载这个 mod
CurseForge 地址:
MinecraftForum 地址:
● 取得作者授权前是没有国内网盘地址的
● 1.12.2 版本仅在 CurseForge
以下是 3.0.2-1.12.2 版本的汉化
(1.17 KB, 下载次数: 5299)
食用方法:解压后使用压缩软件打开 Mod,放在 assets\backpack\lang 目录下(可能需要替换掉原有版本)
整合相关 (译自 MinecraftForum 原贴)
You are allowed to use backpacks mod in your modpack when you fullfill the following points:
● You have to give credits to the author of this mod and you have to show a link pointing to this thread.
● You are not allowed to make money with your modpack (adf.ly or similar); PayPal donations are allowed.
● 你必须给出原作者的相关信息,并在标明 mod 原贴链接
● 你不能通过你的整合包盈利(例如 adf.ly 一类);PayPal 的捐助可被允许
更新日志 (为英文原文)
v 3.0.1
- [BUGFIX] Added throwing out carried backpack when player dies
- [BUGFIX] Fixed mcmod.info not found by minecraft (Issue #5)
- [TASK] Added JEI compatibility for custom recipes (Issue #4)
- [BUGFIX] Fixed setting of used slots in backpack tooltip (Issue #2)
- [BUGFIX] Fixed client not updating the size of carried backpack when switching (Issue #9)
- [BUGFIX] Fixed "voiding" slots in backpacks that don't have 9 slots per row (Issue #10)
- [BUGFIX] Fixed textbox position in renaming dialog (Issue #3)
v 3.0.0
- Rewrite of the code basis for new module based system
v 2.0.1
- [BugFix] Workbench backpack consuming wrong items
- [BugFix] Personal backpack unequips/vanishes when inventory is full and you try to pickup items
- [BugFix] Backpack was picking up wrong items
- [Feature] Implemented support for forge's recipesorter to prevent warning in logs
v 2.0.0
- Rewrite of most of the code for 1.7 to have a cleaner basis for upcomming features.
- New save mechanic (no duplicates, no losses, ...)
- Fixed the NEI Support that was broken for quite some time
- Added support for VersionChecker
v 1.28.37
- [Feature] New config option to set the amount of rows for small and big backpacks that you want to show
- [BugFix] When wearing an ender backpack and opening it with backpackSlotsS unequal to 27 it crashes
- [BugFix] trying to set an empty result as an recipe was crashing the game
- [BugFix] Recoloring backpacks was not using the ore dictionary
v 1.27.34
- [Feature] A worn backpack can now pickup items. You can configure up to 9 items that should be picked up.
- [BugFix] Worn backpack wasn’t counted for max backpack amount
- [BugFix #14] Worn backpack was always showing the default name in inventory GUI
- [BugFix #20] Sometimes UUID wasn’t generated properly (empty string)
- [BugFix #36] CCC has removed InventoryUtils, copied function from old version
- [BugFix] Saved recipe was increasing amount when crafted multiple times directly after saving
- [Improvement] Preventing lag related bug with workbench backpack
- [Improvement #13] Configuration option to disable rendering of the backpack model
- [Improvement #17] Backpack is only rendered on own player and not on all players
v 1.26.29
- [BugFix] Not intelligent workbench backpack was crashing when clicking on the craft matrix
v 1.26.28
- [BugFix] Multi use item wasn’t working properly because the container item was generated from wrong ItemStack
- [BugFix] Setting maxBackpackAmount on a server was crashing the client because the server couldn’t translate and send the proper message
- [BugFix] When putting a backpack in the crafting grid of a workbench backpack closing the GUI was throwing a dupe of the backpack on the ground
- [Feature] Intelligent backpack which can save up to 9 recipes
- [Feature] Made Items 1.7 ready
- [Feature] Big backpacks by upgrade only config option
- [Feature] Configuration option to disallow items in a backpack
v 1.22.25
- [BugFix] NullPointerException
- [Feature] Improved Workbench backpacks
v 1.21.24
- [BugFix] Fixing incompatibility with forestry
- [BugFix] Fixed a bug in SSP where FMLServerStoppingEvent is not called
- [BugFix] Fixed EnderBackpack not working
v 1.21.21
- [BugFix] Moved rendering of backpack to event instead of overwriting the RenderPlayer class
- [BugFix] Worn backpack doesn't get deleted now when you come back from the end.
- [BugFix] Moved rendering of player to own handler to fix ClassNotFound Exception in SMP
- [BugFix] Fixed bug where dirty state was not set so new data was not saved.
- [Feature] Implemented saving of worn backpack in own files instead of the player to prevent duplication bugs and item loss
- [Feature] Using UUID to identify a specific backpack. Will prevent item loss through overwriting wrong backpack.
- [Feature] Message that you are up to date only appears once per world after an update
- [Change] Combined Gui only works for some vanilla blocks and ironchests
v 1.18.17
- [BugFix] fixed crash in SMP and (hopefully) loosing items when opening the backpack slot GUI
v 1.18.16
- [BugFix] fixed crash when pressing b
v 1.18.15
- [Feature] better configurable size of backpacks in the config
- [Feature] translations
- [Feature] own slot for backpack, accessable by sneaking and pressing the key to open a worn backpack, backpacks are no longer wearable in the chest slot
- [Feature] combined GUI's sneak click on a block which has an inventory
- [Feature] version check
- [Feature] config option to disable different types of backpacks
v 1.12.15
- [BugFix] Backpack model not properly rotating when player sneaks + NullPointer when using backpacks on BiblioCraft armor stand
- [BugFix] not all backpacks where properly reducing the damage like a leather chestplate
v 1.12.13
- [BugFix] Nullpointer when opening ender backpack because I forgot to check for InventoryEnderChest
v 1.12.12
- [Feature] finally added a 3D backpack model
- [Feature] added support for NEI recipe ?
- [Feature] Three new config options
- maxBackpackAmount limits the amount of backpacks a player can have in his inventory
- openOnlyWearedBackpacks restricts the player from opening a backpack by rightclicking
- airshipModCompatibility changes the recipe of normal backpack to require a chest in the middle
- [Improvement] Rapid clicking on crafting slot fixed
- [Improvement] Shift clicking items from one inventory to another, order changed
- [Improvement] backpacks are made out of leather so give armor value like leather chest plate
- [BugFix] incredible damage when wearing ender backpack caused by damage value
- [BugFix] NullPointer caused when opening GUI when current item is not a backpack because player switched hotbar slot during lag
v 1.9.11
- [Feature] Added workbench backpacks
- [Feature] OreDictionary Support for dyes
- [BugFix] Fixed a little dupe bug
v 1.8.11
- [BugFix] Armor was ignored when wearing backpack
- [BugFix] Backpacks with same color had same inventory
v 1.8.9
- [Feature] Added Inventory Tweaks API
v 1.7.9
- [BugFix] Fixed dupe bug
v 1.7.8
- [Feature] You can know open a backpack that you wear in the chest slot by pressing the 'b' key
v 1.6.8
- [BugFix] NullPointerException when moving around an open backpack
- [Feature] Backpacks are now wearable at your chest slot.
v 1.5.7
- [BugFix] Order of backpack slots was wrong
v 1.5.6
- [BugFix] Enter key was not working on Windows in renaming gui
- [BugFix] All known duplication bugs fixed
v 1.5.4
- [Feature] support Anvil name changing
- [Feature] big backpacks
- [Feature] recolorable backpacks
- [Feature] new config options
- [Change] new ender backpack recipe
v 1.1.4
- [Bugfix] The Ender Backpacks now share their content with the ender chest. So all problems with loosing items in Ender Backpacks should be gone.
v 1.1.3
- [Feature] You can now set the item id in a config file.
- [Feature] Multiple icons for every backpack color to make it easier to make textures for the mod.
- [Bugfix] Backpacks no longer look white to other people
- [Bugfix] No NullPointerException when moving backpack away while open.
- [Bugfix] Ender Backpack no longer looses content when player dies.
- [Bugfix] It isn't possible to store backpacks in other backpacks any more.
v 1.0.0
- initial release |
- 如果你喜欢这个 Mod,可以考虑对作者进行捐赠,捐赠链接:
- Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/eydamos/creators
- PayPal:https://www.paypal.com/donate/?t ... ry.x=US&locale.x=US 或
https://www.paypal.com/donate/?t ... ry.x=US&locale.x=US
- 如果遇到了一些 Bug 特性,请 PM 作者,但不要在 MinecraftForum 论坛回复或 CurseForge 的问题跟踪器中发布相关内容